It's a New Day

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Another survey because I'm bored:

1)What color are your most frequently worn shoes? White and blue
2)You a guy or a girl? Girl
3)If you had a pet fish what would you name it? Pierred. Don't ask.
4)Of the following hairstyles, which would you choose: Mohawk, Mullet, or bald. Mohawk
5)Do you enjoy milk with your cereal? I don't enjoy cereal
6)Burn CD's or Buy? Buy, since my speakers don't work and I don't want to waste blank CDs without hearing the music I downloaded first. I always end up buying the CD if I burn stuff anyways.
7)What's your favorite magazine? Eh. Rolling Stone, I guess.
8)Who do you look up to the most? No one really. I guess Holly Marie Combs.
9)Do you play an instrument, if so, what? Piano, clarinet, learning guitar and bass
10)Do you own name brand clothes such as Abercrombie and such? Uh... I own one Hurly shirt, 1 Independent Trucking Company shirt, and the rest are band shirts.
11)Are you against public nudity? *shrug* As long as it's not me, I'm fine with it.
12)How many close friends do you have? I guess... 5 or so?
13)What's your most frequently worn shirt look like? Black, MADE logo on it
14)Do you enjoy rubber chickens? not particularly
15)What's the craziest thing you've done in public? I'm boring in public.

And random survey:

Who is your favorite band? Good Charlotte or Simple Plan. I guess at the moment, I'm leaning towards GC.
Why are they your favorite band? I just love their music. I can relate to it. Everytime I hear either of their CDs, I just feel really content.
What band do you hate? Not a band, but 50 Cent and Avril Lavigne. Band... I guess... well Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, etc.
Why do you hate them? 50 Cent - I'm sorry, but mumbling words to random beat in the background is not music. Avril because she's so fake. Backstreet Boys and NSYNC... do I even have to explain those?
Age? 14
Do you like coffee? Caffeine, yes. Coffee, too bitter. However, I predict that when I'm older I'll become a coffee-aholic
When was the last time you took a shower? Last night, but I'm going to in an hour.
What time is it right now? 9:11 PM
Where do you live? California
What are you wearing right now? Evanescence shirt and sweatpants
What kind of computer do you have? Gateway
Do you like to pet chickens? Yep =)
How man dogs do you have? 0
What do you think about good charlotte? Love them.
Do you like AFI? Yep
Do you like The Distillers? Haven't gotten a chance to listen to much of their music, but I'm planning on it
Is your nose stuffed? Uh... no. Is it supposed to be?
How many posters are on your walls right now? *stare* You really want me to count them all? Let's just say, 2 full walls are covered, and I'm close to filling them both up completely.
Do you like The Casualties? See above response to The Distillers.
Are you bored? Oui, mademoiselle.
Is this fun? Actually, no.
Do you like flowers? Not really
What video do you wanna see on All Things Rock? Girls and Boys; it's fucking hilarious

Well, today has been... a rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least. I kept flopping from annoyed to happy to mad to joyous, etc.

School was boring, as usual. I can't wait til summer break.

When I got home, I watched TRL of course. GC at 2, which was good since it's only their 3rd day. Tiffany's going insane with voting like I used to. I'm never going back to that. And TRL was better than the crap it usually is because it gave a small preview of the newest SP vid for Perfect. It looks like it'll be incredibly kick-ass when it's over. [teenie moment]Pierre's hair looks really cute when it's wet[/teenie moment] Of course, that's the last video (well, depends on how long until the next vid) with his hair like that. Because, when I got home, I also found out that Pierre shaved his head. Not bald, more like what Benji of GC's hair is like now, except not dyed. At first I was "WHAT THE... o.o" then my diplomatic side took over "Well, it's actually not that bad. I'm sure I'll get used to it, like I'm used to Benji's. Plus, I agree with his reasons (being that A) tired of spiking it so much [I know I would get tired of that too] and B) Warped is coming up and it's hot, sweaty, and dirty and it's easier with his new hair). And I like SP for their music, not how they look. And... it'll grow out. Right?" Right now, I'm kind of mixed. I don't like Simple Plan any less because of this change, and I realize how trivial changing his hair is. Plus, it's not even that bad. It's just... I liked the spikes and I'll miss them, as idiotic as that sounds. *shrug* I'll deal. Really, it's not a big deal. Just a shock.

Wheeee 6 days til the concert! :D:D:D I can't wait, it's going to be awesome. And it'll be my first.

Right now I'm really tired. I'm just... so sick of school and life. I want to take a looooooong vacation at home doing nothing but watching TV, listening to music, and relaxing.

I can't wait til summer break.

Current mood: Confused, tired, bored, excited, happy, sad. A myriad of emotions.
Current music: "Rock Your Body" - Justin Timberlake. BLEH. I hate this radio station, but I'm waiting for another song to come on x.x The things I have to deal with.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Wheeeee I'm feeling very uplifted! Good Charlotte came out with a new video, for Girls and Boys :D:D It is fucking hilarious. The whole thing is a joke. Benji rubs lotion on an old woman's back, old men play pranks on people, Joel dances with elderly women backup dancers! It's awesome, I love it. I can't watch it without cracking up. PLUS it debuted at #3 on TRL! Today it was #2. And no, I still don't know why I care so much. Hey, at least I've quit voting completely. That was too obsessive.

Ha today in Humanities we had a town meeting thing for "Pheonix Rising" and we were talking about prejudice and how it relates to us and one person was all "Oh I know a lot of people are like insulted and stuff for like music they like... like with pop-punk bands and stuff... like Simple Plan all these punkers call it lame and are all rude and stuff... and hey, Michelle is wearing a SP shirt!" and I had been blushing but still cracking up like crazy during her little speech and now I just got redder and then she was all "oh no wait, that's her Good Charlotte shirt..." and... I don't know. It was really funny. I'm actually really glad she said it though, because this other guy in Humanities is always like "oh Simple Plan's gay! GC's gay! They're all gay!" Of course, he thinks NFG is awesome so he's one to talk (not insulting NFG, I like them too, it's just that they're not superior to GC or SP... in fact, they're criticized way more than either GC or SP). But anyways, I'm always "Ok. Good for you. I know they're not profound bands or anything new, but I don't care because all that matters to me is that I LOVE THEM which I do. So SHUT THE FUCK UP because I DON'T CARE!" but then he's just like "*blink* THEY'RE GAY!"

On the subject of gay things (literally), we're doing persuasive essays and my topic is pro Gay Marriages. One of the things I found out while researching is that if a boy scout group thing finds out their leader's homosexual, they can like fire him. I find that so incredibly prejudiced. My mom told me it's because they fear that the gay man will molest the kids. However... that logic is completely wrong. I mean, first of all, if someone is planning on molesting kids, they're not going to tell anyone they're homosexual. And plus, that happens all the time everywhere. I mean, recently a lot of priests and such have done such a thing. It can happen anywhere at any time. Preventing homosexuals from being boy scout leaders won't change anything. Besides, if they're that concerned, why don't they just have the parent of the child be with the child when they're alone with the leader? That's still prejudiced, but it's less so. I just think it's all so stupid.

In friend news, they're still pissing me off. I have no idea why. We saw the Matrix: Reloaded Monday, my parents took us. It was really awesome, besides the ending (shoulda ended with Trinity falling like it started) but I get why they made it that way. However, my friends are so immature. In the sex scene, you could sort of see Keanu Reeve's ass in part of it, and one of them was all "BUTT!" really loudly. 5 of the 7 were laughing/coughing really loudly as well. It pissed me off entirely. God, we're not 7. We've been through sex ed and will go through it again. It's not that big of a deal. Whatever. Plus, they kept talking really loudly through it. They were always "Hey, what's going on there? I DON'T GET IT!" A) It was my first time seeing the second part. I'm not going to know any better than them. B) You're not going to find out unless you stop talking and actually watch the movie! God, not that profound of a concept.

I'm happier though with one friend--Tiffany. I wasn't that close with her at the beginning of the school year, but we've become a lot closer through SP and GC. Now I can actually hang out with her and carry on a conversation, or talk with her online for extended amounts of time.

So that's it in my life, for now. Oh, other than in 7 days I'll be going to a Good Charlotte concert. And yes, I am beaming with happiness over that--first time seeing them. I can't wait, some people say they're not so great live, but I'd like to find out for myself. Besides, it'll be great to see them live anyways and possibly meet them. They seem like really cool people. I guess I'll find out in 7 days.

Oh, another thing. Everyone ran the mile today. I didn't and I won't have to because I have a medical injury. Heh. Well I kinda of sprained my toe at the spectrum and so I got a note and I didn't have to run it. Also, since our period is so far behind, we don't ahve to make up anything we've missed. So that's a huge yay for me.

And now that's it. *waves*

Current Mood: Happy. Verrrrrrry happy.
Current Music: "No Letting Go" - Wayne Wonder. It's on the radio and I hate the song. *grinds teeth*

Saturday, May 24, 2003

No, I haven't posted in over a month. Yes, I do have a good reason.


Ok, out of my system.

Anyways, now that it finally is.... woohoo :D:D:D I've had to catch up on my online life which was challenging but... 4 day weekend, 5 if you count that on Thursday I went to Disneyland for a school trip thingy. :D:D:D

And now I'm bored. Seriously, my life is going nowhere right now. All I've been doing is listening to the Off By One CD I got last week. One good thing, my mom agreed to take me to see the Matrix Reloaded on Monday. I'm kind of uneasy because... well it was Jackie's idea and she said her sister (whose over 18) and Lulu's dad and Lulu and Annie would be coming, but it turns out her sister and her dad aren't coming, but Sarah, Emma, Clare, and Tiffany are. I don't know if my mom will be comfortable with taking that many people. In a way, I kind of hope it's just me she takes. *shrug* My friends are the best people in the world, they can make me feel so good but... I've just been getting really annoyed recently. x.x

Wheeeeeeeee on happy news, DUCKS IS BACK! Yes Ducks I say! The well-known (well, to all B/A fans) B/A writer has announced that Joss sucked her back in! Go over and send her lots of happy e-mail :D Plug: Ducks Fanfic!

Um, so yeah. I think that's it for now. Will blog later when... there's something to blog about.

Current mood: Boooored
Current music: "On My Own" - Off By One