It's a New Day

Monday, January 31, 2005

wheeeee gold to Brian Deegan! ahhh deserves it :D

my tenor/bass clarinet lesson tonight completely fucks up my X Games/other TV watching schedule tonight. -_______- not that there's any chance in hell of getting out of it. ;aksfj blah i hate lessons x________X

uh. I don't want to go back to school tomorrow -___-

Saturday, January 29, 2005

wheeee. i <3 x games, even if they are winter x games, and winter games < summer games. but that's ok. 'cause... yeah. awesomeness. :) i'll probably go woosh about it later more but I'm too lazy to now. plus I like... don't know as much about the winter athletes as the summer athletes and i don't have as much to say. for winter games, i prefer just... watching and enjoying the performances, and not like... rooting for anyone.

anyways. yes.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

woosh. went to movies with Tiffany. saw Meet the Fockers and In Good Company. Meet the Fockers wasn't as bad as everyone says it is, but then I might've been like... I went in with super low expectations, so it might've been better because of that. It's definitely not as good as the first one. I thought In Good Company was actually funnier than Meet the Fockers. It was more subtle, whereas Meet the Fockers kind of forced the jokes. I had heard In Good Company was super sappy/mushy, but it really wasn't. And I liked that the relationship wasn't the major plot of the movie. So yes. fun.


"I'm the master of low expectations." - Aboard Air Force One; June 4, 2003.

French: pretty easy. checked my grade after school, and I got a 174/200 on the final, which is good for not really studying very much for it. It's an 87, so that's good enough for me. In the class I got a 92. woosh.

AP US: ahh harder than I expected, so I started getting really freaked out by the end of the period. he had our grades all worked out by the end, so I checked and I got an A- after all. awesome.

checked Science grade after school, got a 87.2 in the class. sigh. I got an 86 on the final, though, which is freaking awesome, considering the highest score in our class was a 90.

ahhh thankful this week is over. wheeeee.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

al;sjkf gah! this has been bothering me:

lose: you had something, and now it's not longer there. lost is past tense for this word. it is a verb.

loose: when your shirt is not tight, it is loose. it is an adjective.

now can I please stop seeing people using loose when they mean lose and lose when they mean loose? geez. x________x

uh. besides that. this is cruel. I tried studying for French but then... fell asleep for like an hour. I finished but then it was like... 3:45ish. I was going to start studying for AP US at 4, but then my mom gave me the latest edition of AP! and it's the 100 bands you need to know in 2005 issue, which I totally heart. And Hawthorne Heights is on the cover, which is cool enough on its own, but then like... they usually have one actor/actress in each issue, and this month's is Joshua fucking Jackson!!! [insert teenie fangirlishness here, and then some more, after finding out that he hates Bush] so it's like uhhh study for AP US? Which I only need to get a 79 on to keep my A [though, on the other hand, I don't see myself getting a 79 for sure if I don't study at all] or... read the new issue of AP and squee over the awesomeness of it and wait to study for AP until like 5 or 6?

yeah. I think I've already decided. sigh. But I definitely will study at like 5 or 6. It's not like I won't study at all. I just... well I readlly don't need to do that well on it, and while I am aiming for a B or higher, it's not going to be that difficult to do, I don't think, as long as I review the material. Which... I can do for like 4-5 hours tonight. So. AP [...the magazine] now. AP US later.

edit: oh my fucking GOD they have a little like... they have AP Polls in every issue, and then they usually have one or two people from like... bands or places such as that give their opinions as well, and one of the fucking people they interviewed was Mitch Clem! laksjf;lakjsd OMFG!!!! EEEEE!!! <333

...nobody at all gets that. he wrote these webcomics called Nothing Nice to Say and it was fucking awesome. I loved it. I don't remember when I read them... I think spring/summer of 8th grade? Sounds right. And it was like a punk-rock comic strip [or at least, that's how it's labeled in AP, I don't know exactly what I'd call it. definitely has music commentary, though] and... it made fun of bands that I like/would like, but... it was still freaking hilarious and awesome and ahhhh but I stopped reading it after awhile just 'cause I got out of the habit of it, and then I tried going back awhile later and the site was gone, and I was all sad because he'd like... write something everyday along with the comic, and his life kind of sucked and he was thinking about giving up the comic and blah but but but HE'S IN AP and I went to the site they give and it's like just one page but he's going to get the archives back up and I guess it's coming back? or at least I can read the old ones. but in any case, it's aaaawesome and I'm so fucking happy and omfg AP is the best magazine EVER for having him in this. eeeee!!! :D

Edit #2: LA;KSJD HOLY FUCK! AHHH THEY PROMOTE THE WONDERFALLS DVD SET COMING OUT FEBRUARY 1ST [which i totally need to get] !!!! alksf;jalsfj;aklsfas ahhhhhhh. like they have a page for movies coming out and DVDs coming out soon, and one of them is Wonderfalls! and it's all "There's no accounting for taste, especially when a show like Wonderfalls gets canceled after four episodes while Yes, Dear is still alive and kicking. Now fans can finally see what Fox wouldn't show them." eeeeeeeeeeeee <333333 I heart AP forever and ever and everrrr for this issue. :DDDDDDD

day 2 of finals > day 1 of finals.

"I don't think we need to be subliminable about the differences between our views on prescription drugs." - Orlando, Florida; September 12, 2000.

English: better than I thought. Huck quotes=easy, Crucible quotes=easier than I would've thought. uhhh there were... I don't know how many... blah. there were qutie a few that I was unsure about but... it was easy enough to figure out from the choices. So I think there is a good chance that I pulled an A [though not a 100] on it, which is good, but I don't know if it's good enough =/

Wind Ensemble: dude, I was first! x___x wasn't too bad, though, because I managed to run through all the scales twice and chromatic several times before having to go in, so I was prepared enough. It was better that way, really, but then... I was able to get it over with and not worry about it all period long. Better than going last, in my mind. Plus, when I practice too much, I forget simple things and make everything worse than it is and mess up and blah. uhhh scales he asked concert G [my A, three sharps] and concert Ab [my Bb, 2 flats]. G is awesome because it's a one-octave scale. For some reason last night I kept trying to make it after an extra sharp [D#!] which... it doesn't have. But I played it just fine :) Ab would be awesome since it's only 2 flats, but it starts on the low Bb, which is like... blah to get out on all saxophones. But I got it out just fine, and the rest of the scale is really simple, so once I was past the first note it was simple. Chromatic could've been better, but I'd been practicing it a lot worse. It was rather even, somewhat fast, and I didn't fuck up the slide from Bb to B going up and B to Bb going down too horribly. So I consider that a success. uhhh Sedona went fine. My parts really easy. Only part I screwed up at all was... there's this D with the register key to B without the register key slurred twice and both times the B didn't really speak. Didn't squeak, but... didn't play as it should. Still, the rhythm and rest of notes and all were fine. Sight reading I completely fucked up, which is odd considering... last year my sight reading was better than like... anything. better than my scales. I played the wrong notes a few times, made sixteenth notes eighth notes, made the last quarternote to half note an eighth note, blah. But sight reading doesn't really count for much. It's just like... a little extra to put you over the edge if you're tied for a chair with someone, or whatever. But considering as I'm the only chair of my sectoin, then... that doesn't really affect me. And you can't ruin your grade just by fucking up sight reading. Everything else was fine, so I'm not worried.

AP US and French tomorrow, and then it is over! I'm counting on a B in English, which means I need to find a way to explain it to my mom before report cards come out. Well, we'll get our essays back next Tuesday, so I should know if it's hopeless to get an A by then. but... blah. x____X

uhhh French will be simple, just need to look over the three chapters for like... an hour. AP US... blah. I don't need that stellar of a grade, just... well 79 minimum, but... around a B is what I'd like to get at least. But according to Richard, there's like... 10 short answer questions and he gives you 2 minutes to complete them all. I'm... hoping he just really hates second period and he'll give us like forever to do them :) For AP US, I think I'm just going to study my notes and focus on the areas he said would be on there. It's mostly pre-Civil War, which is annoying since... we learned that crap awhile ago x___X but nice that it's more in one time period and not completely spread out evenly, since... that would give me a lot more to study.

woosh. looking forward to it being tomorrow afternoon. ah, and tomorrow, i'll finally be able to watch all the TV shows I've missed from studying. mm Everwood, Gilmore Girls, and House [should be it]. awesome. ahhhhh this week needs to die.

blah. second semester finals are more satisfying when they're over. 1st semester it's like... "yes! finals are over! we have... uh... four days to do whatever. and... then back to school and working our asses off. crap. -_____-" but second semester it's like "wheeee no school! finals over! we have all summer to do whatever!" besides, there's less time between 1st and 2nd semester finals than 2nd to 1st.

uhhh tired. they really should have school start at like 9:30 during finals and then we could get out at 2. It'd still be earlier than we normally get out. And snack could be like lunch :) sigh.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

concert Ab full-range is the devil.

Edit: however, concert F, G, Gb, and E [even with its many, many sharps] are angels. or. whatever is analogous [sp? too lazy to check it] with devil. actually, gods would work better with it. whatever. you get what I mean. I <3333 one-octave scales.

wheee. I realized that the Crucible is in our lit books. So I don't need to find it! :) There's a good chunk of questions on the Crucible, so it should be worth rereading, I would think.

Finished studying the poems/speeches/really boring looooong essays about a certain pond. And lit terms. So all I have is Crucible and Huck. I'll reread all of the Crucible and then try to get as far into Huck as I can. I don't really need to reread the ending considering I just did that like... last weekend. I'd like to get like... half-way through it? I guess through the reading we did up to when we came back from Winter Break, since I think I remember the stuff following that. And I still need to practice tonight [planning on doing so for two hours, but hopefully that'll be more than enough time and I'll end up with extra time to read Huck. If all goes according to plan, though, even if I take all of the two hours, I'd have 3 hours to read Huck, which should be enough to get at least halfway].

uh. yes. finals still need to die. Even though I've studied all the poetry and speeches and crap, I... well I don't have any way to really study them but read over them several times and read any notes I made. I mean... it's not like history or math, where you memorize facts and formulas. And I'm not exactly sure what the questions will be like, so I don't know how to study or like... what to focus on =/ 2nd semester final will be better, since I'll already have an idea what the final will be like. I'm not very confident about the English final, though, even with all this studying. I really need as high of a grade as possible, though I'm not even sure if 100% would be enough. My essay sucked horribly -_____- And... my mom's accepted the B in science and not killed/yelled at me yet, but... if I got one in English too? After already like... assuring her that I was almost positive I'd be able to pull an A in English? -______- gah. I hope it's a lot easier than I think it'll be. sigh.

back to work! >:O I'm looking forward to when finals are over and I don't have to spend entire afternoons/nights studying, 'cause it sucks.

ah. so fucking exhausted x___x

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" - Florence, South Carolina; January 11, 2000.

Science: asdf;lkj I fucking hate how he always has stuff on the final that we never talked about and never learned and blah I fucking hate him x_________X I freaking study my ass off all afternoon and actually understand everything that we actually learned and then comes the final with questions that we didn't and alkjdf;lkajsdfkljadflk; gahhhhhh. I'll probably be lucky to get a B! x_______X

Algebra 2: man. not incredibly difficult, but it was fucking long. Took me nearly the entire period to finish, which isn't normal for me. There were still a bunch of people not done when the bell rang. blah. It was easy enough that I don't think it'll bring down my grade too much. Probably won't raise it, either, but... it's fine.


uhhh English and Wind Ensemble tomorrow. Which means I get to study my ass off all afternoon for English, memorize scales I'm still kind of shaky on, make chromatic more even [goddamn slide from the loooow Bb to B x___X], and practice Sedona enough that I know I can play all the parts fine so it won't matter which one is chosen. Then study more for English. And then, finally, sleep. sigh. Finals week would be a lot better if I didn't have to study all day for such and such final each night [tomorrow night I'll have to study for AP US for most of the afternoon -___-]. sigh.

Thinking about rereading Huck Finn, but it took me about 45 min in science to get to page like... 40 so... not sure =/ I'd rather reread Crucible, since it was longer ago and there are quotes and such on the test, but I can't find the book. Although, I haven't really looked very hard. blah. But then, the majority of questions are on Huck Finn. sigh. I think I'll just... study everything on the sheet she gave us and then if I have enough time I'll either search for the Crucible or read some more of Huck. I want to at least get to like... chapter 20, since... I don't really remember the beginning. Only at chapter 7/8 now x___x sigh.

I am so sick of finals week. Blah. At least my worst final is over.

Monday, January 24, 2005

ahhh. finished, bitch >:O And waaaay ahead of schedule. It only took me like... 15 min to study for ecology, and I allowed myself an hour. Short section, and I already studied for like half of it during AP US. wheee :D Taking a 15 min break and then reviewing the major things, such as the like... general overview of cellular respiration/photosynthesis, Joule/calorie problems, molarity, the biomes [I think I might've rushed studying that a bit, so it wouldn't hurt to go back and study them a little more. not sure how in-depth he'll be about them, though. like, I know that desert=hot and dry and tropical rainforest=hot and moist, but... do I need to know that the desert gets less than 30 cm of rain a year and the tropical rainforest gets between 60-120 inches of rain a year?] and such. I'll have 1 1/2 hours to do it, so it should work out all right.

wheee. I'm proud. I actually studied all afternoon, just like I said I would. waaay better studying day than Saturday or Sunday. Though, if I had just studied this much, like I planned, on Saturday and Sunday, than I wouldn't have needed to study all afternoon, and I wouldn't have to do all my English studying and all my AP US studying the nights before the finals. but. uh. besides the point! and I'm proud that I finally understand photosynthesis/cellular respiration. wheee.

gah. I really need to work next semester. When I actually try, I can do really well. I just haven't been motivated recently.

uhh. even with all this studying, I'm not going to get the grade I need in Tran. But I'm hoping I at least pull an A [even a low A] on the final so I can be all to my mom "ahhh look at this! An A on the Tran final! Maybe I couldn't raise my grade to an A-, but look how close I came! Look how hard I tried! Letting me miss my lesson was worth it!" I really hope I do well.

...I want to find The Crucible so I can read it before my English final. blah. -____-

duuuude. I totally just finished studying for unit 3, on Photosynthesis and Celullar Respiration. and... I actually understood it! ...mostly. but it was awesome :D not... awesome enough thatI actually enjoy it or find it interesting. It still sucks. But at least now I understand it, which I think may prove to be useful during the final. aaaand I had planned to allow myself from 6-8 studying it, but I'm already done and it's only 7:40! wheee this means small break for me :D like... 5 minute break. And then I'm going to go back and do one last review of Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration [quick review, just refreshing my memory on where ATP is produced and NADH and duuude did you know that ADP plus a phosphate makes ATP? And that H20 is split during light reactions to replace the electrons that are transfered to the second photosystem? I totally know that now! :D (proud)] and then move on to weather and ecology. And it's awesome too, because the worst of it is over. I mean, I just had my weather unit test like... 2? weeks ago, so it's not exactly... all forgotten. and ecology we just started like last week or the week before so... there's not much information and at least it isn't something we started learning last like October. And, plus, it's waaaaay easier to understand than photosynthesis/cellular respiration.

I know that I'm still going to end up not getting a 99 or 100 on the final. I know I'm going to end up with a B/B+ in the class. But... at least I know I won't fail. Or... at least I know that I've really made an effort, and... I'm actually understanding some of this crap, which is more than I can say for back when we were actually learning it. Which... will probably be beneficial during the final.

ha! 1 1/2 hours and 25% studying completed! Units 1 and 2 are finished :) ...unfortunately I have the freaking hardest unit up next. but. besides the point!

you know... going through them, the weather and ecology units were boring and blah, but in comparison to the freaking water unit and the dreaded photosynthesis/cellular respiration, weather and ecology are like... fun. or at least 1029830985982738975 times better than the water unit and photosynthesis/cellular respiration. 'cause. yeah. they suck. -_____-

uh. back to studying!

man I can't wait till it's Thursday afternoon.

;lkjadfk holy fuck yes! I managed to convince my mom to let me skip my lesson tonight! ;lakjf :DDD I didn't think she was actually going to say yes, but then like... she seemed sympathetic [though she was all "Do you honestly think you're going to get a 99?" and I was all "...-____- thanks for the support, mother."] ...ish and then I was all "holy fuck, maybe I can?" but then she was all "I'm sympathetic to your plight, but I'm going to say no, since you have the All Southern music, and you're only going to have two lessons to practice that anyways" and then I got really upset because I thought I was going to be able to actually convince her and then I went on and was all "but most of the rhythms aren't hard, it's just like sixteenth notes or whatever and I can figure that out myself, and stuff I have trouble with I can ask next week!" and I begged and pleaded more and she finally said yes :DDD wheeeeeee.

"The best way to relieve families from time is to let them keep some of their own money." - Westminster, California; September 13, 2000.

French: apparently we did really horribly on our tests from last Wednesday. She was getting very aggravated with us, and I can't really blame her. uhhh she posted the grades and I checked after school and I got a 52/60, and that's like... the score once she threw out the two tougher parts. Which is a 87, which... isn't bad, but not as good as I would've liked. Still, my grade raised, so whatever. Galaxy was all afterschool saying that she thought mine was the 92.9, but it wasn't >:O rar it was the 93.4. so wheeee :) I need probably a C on the final, I would think. Somewhere around there. And I don't think I've ever gotten below a B on a French test. I guess it's possible that I'm forgetting sometime but... I usually do very well on French tests. so yes. not too worried about the final.

Science: I like how it was all Tran: "Ok, so we should go over the Ch. 36 Review Packet" and our class was all "Dude. Screw that! Explain to us all about photosynthesis and cellular respiration in a way that we'll actually understand" and then he did. hee. It really bugged me though that people like... asked for that and then the second he started going over it, they talked over him. I'm like "DUDE SHUT UP, I ACTUALLY NEED TO HEAR THIS!!! >:O" gah. yeah, didn't do much. Last week [like, Friday?] someone was all "Do you think you'd get an A in your own class?" and he was all "...probably not." psh.

English: SAT word quiz. blah. easy. uhhh otherwise... didn't do much. went over end of Huck Finn pretty much. Must study like crazy for English tomorrow afternoon so I can get as low of a grade as possible on the essay. ...I hope she rounds. It would suck if she didn't x___x

AP US: ah yes! <333 He was totally going to lecture today [he told us he would last Friday] but then today he was all "eh. not going to lecture. go study or whatever." and so most of the people in my class played like Truth or Dare or Pictionary or talked loudly, and I studied for the science final.

Algebra 2: grade calculated! Need around a 74 on the final. I think that's with rounding, though, and I'm not sure if she rounds =/ Whatever, I doubt I'll get that low. I got full credit on both review quizzes. an 84 on the chapter 5 test, and it's really pissing me off because like... well for 2 questions I had the answers right, but I was all "dude. doesn't look right >:O" and erased and got a totally different totally wrong answer. blah. and most of the rest of my mistakes were so fucking stupid. Like taking the square root of 5 and getting plus or minus 5. gahhhhhhh. x________x still not very worried about the final, though, which is good, since it's tomorrow and I really need to study for Science all afternoon.

Wind Ensemble: mm she was getting very pissed at us. woosh. and I don't care what you say, Mrs. Bentley. Phillip Bliss is fucking boring to play x____X

uh. anyways. check up on LJ really quickly, study Algebra 2 for half an hour, and then study science for the rest of the day. I mean, ok. I know that I'm not going to get a 99. It's not going to happen. ...but wouldn't it be really awesome if I did? Or at least if I got close [...actually, that would be just frustrating. Like, if I had a 89.3. ...actually anything from a 87.5 above, since if I had done extra credit, I would have an A with that. sigh]. So I'm going to try, and then at least if I get like a C... well, it won't be my own fault. ...well, it will, but it won't be from lack of trying.

anyways. the week of finals commences! sigh. we need to do a lot of fun stuff this weekend >:O

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I hate photosynthesis. I hate cellular respiration.


figures that they'd be more of a focus on the science final than anything else. x___x

I was gathering all my old notes and worksheets and crap from science and it seems that I have a substantial amount of stuff to study from, and with the like... guide of what's going to be on the science final, I think I could actually pull a pretty good grade [though not a 100]. That is, if I hadn't left all my science studying to like 2 hours tonight and 2 hours tomorrow night. If I actually had done as planned, and started studying yesterday and had studied all afternoon for science. or... had studied, period, all afternoon.

I'm going to be beating myself up for this weekend all week long. And when semester grades come out. sigh.

I hate myself. -_______-

I fail at life.

...or... just at studying for science. blah. nearly 2 hours now, and all I've learned? The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on it which create proteins and insert them into the rough ER. The smooth ER does... other stuff. like... creating enzymes or something.

and that is it! my mom really needs to like take away my computer during finals weekend/week -_____-

ha! I have finished studying for Algebra 2 and French! French I'll still review on Wednesday and Algebra 2 I'll probably briefly look through my notes again tomorrow night, but otherwise, I am done with them!

now science x___x gah. studying the Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration unit and the ecology unit since those make up 55% of the test and the ecology stuff is pretty fresh in my mind, considering we just started the unit like last week. Also studying the first unit since... it's only 5% and I might as well get it out of the way. If it's like... before dinner time [6-7ish] then I'll also study the water unit. Then I'll have studied 80% of the info, and I'll only have the weather unit left for later tonight [9-11ish] or tomorrow. going to try to get it out of the way tonight so tomorrow I won't need to study quite as much, seeing as I won't have very much time to study what with school getting out at 2:38 rather than the earlier finals time all the other nights I'll be studying next week, and I have a lesson which takes a fucking hour and a half out of my night. sigh. I think I'm going to end up leaving everything else to the night before, which isn't wise. x___X Like, not practicing tenor crap until Tuesday night, not studying for English until Tuesday, not studying for AP US until Wednesday. that's kind of bad. x___x and I've been saying like "oh I only need a 79 on my essay if I get a 100 on my English final" but the thing is.. well first, to get a 100, I'll need to study like crazy for it. and even when I do study like crazy for it, I should hopefully be able to manage an A, but... a 100? I don't know. Doesn't seem very likely that I'll get all the questions right x____X blah. so I should probably start studying for English at some point tonight.

...this would be so much easier if I had just fucking started studying yesterday. sigh. -______-

Saturday, January 22, 2005

...huh. There was a new episode of Charmed last Sunday, and I didn't even find out about it until just now. Tells you how much I'm invested in it these days. sigh. And a new one tomorrow night, so looks like there's another show I need to download from bittorrent like right now. If I finish studying for French tonight while doing it, then I can watch it tomorrow when I planned to be studying for French :) nice. And I actually studied an entire chapter of French! Just two more to go, and then a review of it on Wednesday night for like... an hour or less :) wheee. not like I need that great of a grade on the final for French, anyways. woosh.

Edit: x___x fuck. new episode for Everwood last Monday night, as well. and here I thought I checked to make sure there wasn't! geez. I fail at life. Another thing to download! except... well with Charmed I feel like I've held on this long, through all this crap, that I've got to get to the end. And it used to be my favorite show and it introduced me to messageboards and stuff and it had a lot to do with what I'm like today. But with Everwood... its first season was fucking amazing and had so much emotion and crap, but the second season stank to high heaven. and while this season is better than last, and they finally, finally have Ephram/Amy and Amy's not a bitch anymore, it's just... the charm has worn off. I think killing off Colin, which I loved at first, ruined the show. sigh. So I'm considering not watching it anymore. blah. Not that there's anything else to watch. But it's one less thing preventing me from studying/doing homework on Monday nights, since I already lose 1 1/2 hours from my lesson. Whatever. I can always "Tivo" [...I need to make a verb for my DVR player since it's not a Tivo but "DVR" it doesn't work] it. or download the torrent. sigh.

...well. I studied for my SAT vocab quiz Monday. and... that's kind of it. I fail at life.

ok plan for tomorrow [...which I'll probably fail at]:
-Algebra 2 and French before lunch [which on Sundays is like 2-ish. And I wake up at 11-ish. so... about 3 hours for that. which is probably more than I need]
-tenor sax

AP US I only need a 79 in, and it's my very last final, so I feel comfortable leaving studying for it split into Tuesday and Wednesday. Algebra 2 and science are Tuesday, so I really need to study for them tomorrow. Algebra 2 I don't need to study much for, so I'm not too concerned with it, but... science I need a freaking 100%. so. major studying. Monday night I'll review Algebra 2 quickly and then do more massive studying on science. Hopefully I won't need to do much x____x Then Wednesday my finals are tenor and English, so I'll review English/study whatever I didn't study on Sunday, study for AP US, and then finish practicing for tenor. Not too concerned with the band final, since... I just need to memorize a few scales [half I've like... always had memorized from piano and stuff, the easier ones, and then a few of the harder ones I remember from doing the chart and preparing for All Southern], make my chromatic smoother and faster, and make sure I have all the parts of Sedona down fine. Then Wednesday night I'll do quick review for French and do massive studying for AP US.

It sucks that the science final is first, since... well with like... AP US, on Wednesday we get out earlier because of finals, so I'll have more time to study, but on Monday we get out at the normal 3:28 time and I have a fucking tenor/bass clarinet lesson. blah x_____x I still need to beg my mom to let me skip it. except she'll probably just yell at me a lot and then I'll be in a foul mood and forget about studying. sigh. I fail at life.

...I think I'm going to attempt to study for Algebra 2 now. but. now that I've said this, I'll probably fail at it. sigh.


ok, so Jason Dohring plays Logan Echolls, a character on Veronica Mars, right? His father created the neopets website! ...for some reason that totally cracks me up.

um. yes. eventually, I should get to studying. but this is totally more amusing and more fun :)

...ok. so I'll do my major studying tomorrow, rather than today. I'll... practice for the band final tonight and study my SAT English words. I can study for science tomorrow. And English. French and AP US I don't have till Thursday, so I'm not as concerned with doing them right this instant.

sigh. i'm becoming really horrible about studying. especially now, when it matters. I should be at least studying for science and English furiously. x____x blah. next thing I know, it'll be a week from now and I'll be wondering why I got a B in both English and Science, and then remember it's because of this weekend and my total lack of concentration and non-procrastinatingness.

whatever. I can study tomorrow. -____-

kl;ajfds why haven't I started fucking studying?!?!

oh, but, pretty:

...but studying for finals should probably come before making pretty icons. sigh.

there needs to be new veronica mars episodes like, now. x___x but not for another two weeks from Tuesday! two weeks? no wait, one week from wednesday! since it was last new episode, then last tuesday repeat of pilot, then this upcoming episode next rerun, and then a week from it should be a new episode! yesss :D

"Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history--revisionist historians is what I like to call them." - Elizabeth, New Jersey; June 16, 2003.

blah. goddamnit, study >:O

Friday, January 21, 2005

somewhat pretty! i'm having fun with the burn tool :), I haven't done anything at all tonight involving studying. not like i thought i actually would. i'll read sparknotes for huck at least sometime this weekend, if i don't find the time to read it. i'm a rather fast reader, though, so i might attempt it anyways. not going to promise i'll study for the SAT word quiz or anything tonight, because I know I'll end up biting my tongue. I know I will, just as long as I don't promise I will. I'm smart like that.

but yay! ended long non-icon making streak and made like 3 from this awesome Claire picture. That one's my favorite. another looks kind of cool, but the third i don't like as much. that one came by accident, but i think it looks rather nice :)

watched Point Pleasant. [...ok I know I said I wouldn't talk about TV shows anymore, but this is the lastish time] wasn't too great. shouldn't have watched, though, because now I want to know what happens with the characters, even if it isn't that wonderful. the second episode was better than the pilot, though, so I'm going to stick around for a little while, at least, and see if it improves. the only character i really enjoy at all is Judy [Jodie?] whatever. they need to like... point out who's named what, because I think they only mentioned a few characters names like once, and not even when the character was in the same scene, so you had no idea who they were talking about. it took me two episodes to figure out who that woman who was hitting on judy's father was. at first i thought she was jesse's mom, but then it turns out that's someone else. oh, and is it just me, or is jesse's mom totally christina's mom? i don't know, it just seemed kind of glaringly obvious to me. maybe too obvious to be true? but it was like... Christina biking to church, Jesse's mom on the street, looks at her, look in eyes that lets on she knows something [i mean, I don't understand the point of her seeing Christina if she wasn't connected to her in some way], woman of the church [the priest said Christina's grandfather/mother had been very involved in church. i thought it also because she was all to her husband "I made one mistake a forever ago" or whatever when he was all concerned about her and Boyd [guy who works for Christina's father]. but then, that stopped making sense to me when it turned out Christina's mom was still a virgin when she had her, because I would've figured that if she was married to him by then [even just dating], she wouldn't be a virgin anymore. I mean, how many married virgins do you hear of, even if they are very religious? I don't know. so I guess that kind of throws that theory =/ but then! boyd was all interested in her when she mentioned being apart of the church. but THEN, he does work for satan, so he could just be interested in like... corrupting the church or whatever. blah. whatever, i'll still say that she's christina's mom, so i can call it before everyone else and if i fail, then... uh. darn. :) i'll probably stop watching by like a month into it anyways. and besides, it's on fox, and isn't getting that great of ratings. it'll be cancelled in an episode or two [alksjf;lkj I HATE YOU FOX!!! DIEEE! oooh that reminds me, wonderfalls on dvd february 1!!! soooo need to get that :DDDDDD] anyways.

to me, the greatest downfall of it is the focus on the relationships. I don't care about Dr. Daddy of Judy and Paula's mom [Amber?]. I don't care about horny!"best friend" of Jesse and Paula. I don't care about Paula and Jesse. I don't care about Christina and Jesse. I don't care about Mommy of Judy and Daddy of Judy. I care about the relationship between Judy and Christina, since I like Judy so far more than anyone and I like that whole outsider inserted into new family situation [coughcough The O.C.! coughcough]. And, along those lines, I like the relationship between Judy and her mom and Christina and Judy's mom. Judy's dad kind of creeps me out, so I don't really like his relationship with Christina, because it screams pedophile to me x___x not sure why. i'm odd. uh. but if they'd spend some time on those relationships and focus mainly on the supernatural aspect of the show, then I think it'd be more enjoyable. you know, once they got some better actors [MischaBarton!lite and horny!"best friend" of Jesse and so on suck x____X and I really couldn't care less about the characters -___-] and less stilted writing and some fucking humor [probably one of the reasons I like Judy; I think she's the only character who's cracked a fucking joke]. I mean, I get that it's dramatic, but Veronica Mars is an incredibly dramatic show. uhhh don't read on if you think you ever might watch and don't want to be spoiled. anyways. Veronica's boyfriend dumped her like a week before her best friend was murdered and then her mother left her family because her father was sheriff and pursued the wrong man and got voted out of office and Veronica stuck with her father and lost all her friends, and then she went to a party to show what they were saying about her wasn't true and ended up getting freaking raped. and that's just Veronica! Logan was Lilly [the girl who was murdered]'s boyfriend and Veronica's exboyfriend's best friend [her exboyfriend, Duncan, was also Lilly's brother. yeah. connected little group] and his father's this famous movie star who beats him and ended up getting stabbed at Christmas party by someone he had cheated on Logan's mom with [he cheated on her with several women, actually, but... that one just happened to be crazy] and he recovered but then his mom popped a bunch of pills and jumped off a bridge and killed herself [presumably; cliffhanger from last episode]. Yet, it can be so fucking humorous. And it doesn't take itself so seriously. Point Pleasant just thinks more of itself than it is, basically. It's so serious all the time, and while it is a dramatic show, it can lighten up once and awhile and not lose all the emotional impact.

uh. i fail about not talking about TV shows in this. I'll start next week >:O rar.

You scored as Emo & More. Emo and Screamo.

Emo & More




Punk and Pop Punk.


Indie Rock


Classic Rock.












Hip Hop and Rap




Music Recommendation
created with

...i'll start my list after I finished checking my friends page. shut up. i'm really not already procrastinating >:O

"I understand small business growth. I was one." - New York Daily News; February 19, 2000.

so starts the weekend of doom, which flows right into the week of hell. sigh.

French: we spent all period going over the difference between imparfait and passé composé. she went over that one part involving them from the test wednesday and I got like... well knowing which version to use I think I got all of them right, with the possible exception of one which I totally don't remember being there at all, which is particularly odd considering I forget how to conjugate it in both tenses, and I would think I would remember not knowing, you know? I have a terrible feeling I accidentally skipped it or something, which would suck x___x the only other stuff that I saw I had made mistakes on was just the agreement with the direct object, which is only half a point off. and I only missed like 2 of them. so wheee. al;ksjf oh crap. she offered to photocopy practice sheets of imparfait vs. passé composé and I was totally going to get one at snack/lunch/afterschool, but I completely forgot x___x oh well. she said she'd have them at her house even if we wanted them that badly, but I forgot what the address was [it's really near my house, though] and I don't care enough to get one. sigh. would've been helpful, though.

Science: blah. -___- boringness. uhhh I told my mom that the only way I was getting an A was by getting a 99.5% on the test and that that's like... impossible in his class, but I was going to kill myself by studying like crazy all weekend for it and get as close as I could, so at least she couldn't say I hadn't tried. Then she was all "...but what happened with your science fair? I thought you said that'd help your grade earlier." and I was all " -___- I got a 85 on that and my grade was an 88.1." and she was all "Oh." and then didn't say anything else, so I started babbling about how I'm going to get an A in AP US and most likely English, and so my gpa will still be a 4.0 and even if it was a 3.8-3.9 after this year, next year I'll be taking 5 extra point classes [presumably, unless I decide like not to do honors English 3, but I want to because if I don't, then there was no point for me to be in honors this year] and I'll hopefully get A's in some of those and that'll bring my gpa back up to like a 4.0 or possibly higher and then she was all "Well, that's all that matters, then," and I thought all that mattered was that I like... learned something, but I guess not. but at least now I know if I get a B in Tran she won't yell at me. ...hopefully.

English: calculated grade! If I get a 100% on the final, then I can get as low as a 79 on the essay. This sounds good, but everytime I think about the essay, I remember something I fucked up, and it seems more and more likely that I'll get a C. which would suck, because I'd be soooo fucking close to getting an A and blah -____- uh and if I get a 90 on the final, then I need an 84 on the essay, which is better than the 85 I needed before [...well, slightly]. so. I'll probably need between a 90-100 on the final, which makes English my second highest priority for studying this weekend [after, of course, science]. uhhh we watched a movie all period, I guess, but I couldn't really hear it because Robert Sorey and Grant Heffernan were in front of me and loud and annoying, so I just kind of ignored everything.

AP US: free period! he's going to lecture on Monday, though, and it'll be the last lecturing thing he has to do for this unit [World War I], and he said we're going to have a test on it the Thursday after the four day weekend x___x that sucks. I was hoping to have a nice, easy week after finals. I need a break from studying >:O ...well... I will.

Algebra 2: 93.0 in class. Dunno where that puts me for the final, but around the mid to high B level, which isn't bad. Got a 6/6 on the quiz we took Wednesday, but a 92/110 on the chapter 5 test which is an 84 and which bugs me because I hadn't gotten lower than a 90 on any test this semester and I studied for like 10 minutes and I know if I had actually tried I could've probably gotten an A-, or at least a higher B. so. really annoyed at myself x___x not that it affects my grade too much. but still. I need to not slack off next semester -____-

Wind Ensemble: blah. I need to practice for the final x___x she was complaining about not having next week to rehearse. I think she should not have a final and instead have us rehearse during our finals period. ...except that's like 2 hours, and 2 hours is a lot of playing x____x but... then i wouldn't have to worry about practicing and it'd be one less thing to do. sigh.

uhhh science final is on Tuesday, and I have a fucking lesson on Monday night x_____x;;; I'm going to beg my mom to let me not go to the lesson, but I doubt she'll let me. blah but I always do poorly on tests the day after lessons since I have no time the night before because of the lesson and I don't absorb anything and blah. of course... it would make sense to study the weekend before and not wait till the night before, but... that's besides the point >:O I can at least try, though she'll probably start yelling at me.

Study Scehdule for Tonight:
1) English
-SAT Word Quiz [we have this on Monday, which I would say is evil, but all the extra points I can get go to the lowering of the grade I need to get on my essay, so I'm not going to complain. doing this tonight because I don't want to do too much tonight and Sunday is going to be some serious studying of science.
-reread Huck Finn [might not do this, but... I have no idea what happened like the first half of the book, and the majority of the test is on Huck, so I figure it couldn't hurt to reread it, and I won't have any time to do it any other day.]
2) Science
-flashcards [or at least, dividing up what I need to study each day]
3) AP US
-divide up what I need to study. since this is my last final, I have more time to prepare for it, and I figure I'll divide it up into different time periods we've studied and distribute them to all the days between now and Wednesday. then on Wednesday I can do a complete review, and I'll be totally ready for the final

If I do anything else, it'll be to plan when I'm going to study what and make things more organized. I like having a schedule of when I'm going to do what. If I'm just like "uhhh... french and science on Saturday!" then... it'll be like 5 and I won't have done anything. but if I'm all "ok, chapters 1 and 2 for French between 1-3 pm, science water unit and biology crap from 4-6 pm" then... I actually get it done. provided I'm not distracted by the Sims 2. which I can't play at all this weekend, or I won't get a single fucking thing done x___x if say... I finish preparing for my finals and memorized all the SAT words for the quiz and reread Huck and it's only like 8 pm, then I'll totally play it. But I won't play it until I'm completely done >:O and... don't expect to see me online at like... all, because even if I'm away, I'll see that someone has IMed me and come back online and start talking and then all of a sudden Internet Explorer will be open and I'll be on like hott_baguettes or TWOP or whatever and I'll fail at studying. so. yeah.

woosh >:O I think I might be taking studying too seriously, considering the only classes I really need to study for are Science and English, and English is only so I can get as low as a grade as possible on the essay [although I still have this sinking feeling that it won't matter, because I'll end up getting a 70 on the essay because it was such fucking crap]. but. anyways.

I want it to be next Thursday at this time. x_______X

Thursday, January 20, 2005

From TWOP [on the upcoming Grammys]:

"Nothing would please me more than to see Green Day wipe the floor of Kanye West or Usher. I wouldn't mind Alicia winning, like someone said above, girls got at least some talent (what the hell were you thinking with "My Boo" though? Bad. Bad. Song.). When was the last time a hard rock punk-like band like Green Day won though?

Why in the hell is "The Reason" nominated? Dear Grammy voters, just because it's played on radio stations ten billion times a day doesn't mean IT'S GOOD! Gah!

On the plus side, The Killers, Velvet Revolver, Franz Ferdinand...YAY!"

my views like... hit right on the nose. man. this person could be me x____x

...not sure why I've had like... two posts in the last few weeks on the Grammys, since I don't think I've watched them even once, unlike, say, The Academy Awards. but dude. Green Day finally getting recognition! Franz Ferdinand! Modest Mouse! The Killers! I really hope Green Day gets at least one award, though I would totally love if they sweeped all the categories they're in. They totally deserve it. I don't understand what the buzz about Kanye West is. I've heard one song by him, and it was absolutely dreadful. Total crap -______- And I totally fucking agree with what this person said about The Reason. That song alone has made me lose all liking I had for Hoobastank, which is sad, because I really liked them for like... a few weeks. In fact, The Reason was my favorite song off the CD for like a week, before they played it on the radios at all. blah. now I detest it -____- sigh. I really hope it doesn't get any awards.

uh. woosh.

blah. last week and the week before the winter hiatus's O.C. episodes were far better than tonight's. i was hoping that my show had finally returned with a vengeance, but alas, no. back to the suckitude of the beginning of the season. here's to hoping it gets better -______-

and, sadly enough, i think the whole marissa-is-a-lesbian-omg!!!1!!!one!!1!1!! is probably the most interesting plot involving her in the entire run of the series. mischa barton actually hasn't been as horrible of an actress as of late. and, well, a large part of me is looking forward to the plot since it means no more ryan/marissa angst. possibly forever, if they decide to go the Willow route and keep her a lesbian, and at least for a month-ish if they just have her experiment. I'd be a lot more pleased with the storyline if it's long-term, because otherwise it just screams "omg 1 ub r maine karakturs iz uh lezbo!!11!!! ratingz boost!!!!!!11!! lolzzzz". ...yes, network executives do speak in netspeak. shut up. x___X uh but if they go long term, it follows more what Schwartz was saying, that they're trying to like... add more levels to Marissa and are hoping to treat it respectfully and all that shit. so yeah.

and. one more thing. yay to Ryan for his yelling at Marissa. boo to Ryan for the apology. he should've apologized to Lindsay for forcing her into a friendship with Marissa, because god knows that's an offense punishable by death. or. something.

uh. i heard from someone on my friends' list and like... everyone at twop that Point Pleasant is crap. =/ The second episode is on now and I'm Tivo-ing it. well, not really Tivo-ing, because it's not the Tivo brand since you need the Cox brand to go with Cox cable, and I don't know the brand name and... people know what you mean by Tivo-ing, but not so much with "Cox Cable DVR-ing". so. uh. besides the point. I downloaded the episode [and last night's episode of Lost, so I could see what I missed. I actually didn't really miss much. But it was fun watching the Charlie reading Claire's diary scene again, and the scene where Claire appears again] but I haven't watched it yet since I was reading stuff on TWOP. I think I'll save it till tomorrow, and if it's awesome, I'll watch the second episode after. I need to play the Sims 2 now, since I've been distracted by TWOP and fics all afternoon, and then it got too close to when The O.C. would start that I was afraid I'd forget about it and it'd be like 9:05 before I realized what happened. which... actually isn't bad, since I set The O.C. as a series thing I want recorded everytime it's on, so... I could see it anyways. but! besides the point! >:O

i want a fangirl LJ. heh. that'd be crazy. fic LJ, icon LJ, fangirl LJ. sigh. I need to make just one LJ, since I update fics/icons so infrequently anyways. school has interrupted my icon-makingness. made a few for challenges last week, but only like... 5? and none just for... fun? like, non-challenge icons. =/ blah. haven't had time -___- [...but i totally have time for playing the sims 2 all afternoon. uh. right. coughcough] um. yes. but i want somewhere i can rant and obsess over TV shows and the people reading will actually care. sigh. maybe my fic LJ? but... the people that read it are all... band/slash loving. it'd fit better at my icon LJ, but... I'd rather not combine it with that. blah.

I think I just decided to make my icon LJ public again [friends only now] and make a post about that and also say that I'm going to talk/rant/obsess over TV shows. yeah. I think I'll do that now.

woosh. i love how absolutely no one cares :)

mm so I got a DVR player [like a Tivo! ...if you don't know what that is then... you're lame >:O] for my birthday, yes? And like... there was complications with it and my DVD player but it was fixed this morning so... it was all working now. And I turned it on manually [like... the button on the TV itself, not with the remote] and then I went to change the channel so I tried using the remote, but it wouldn't work. And then:

Me: blah. [to mom] The TV remote's not working x___x Is there something you're supposed to do to make it work?
Mom: Ok, so it's on TV. You need to press cable [presses button] and it will work. What channel do you want it on?
Me: 347
Mom: [presses buttons]
Me: ...uh. it didn't work. -____-
Mom: Hm. That's weird...
Me: yes.
Mom: But it worked to turn on the TV...
Me: er. No. I turned it on manually.
Mom: But it was working earlier today!
Me: ...that... doesn't change the fact that it's not working now.
Mom: It's like it just... suddenly stopped working!
Me: ...I'm well aware of what happened.
Mom: [bangs remote on table]
Me: ...yes... that's going to help.
Mom: [tries remote, doesn't work]
Me: Why don't you try changing the batteries?
Mom: It's not the batteries.
Me: But why don't you--
Mom: It's not the batteries!
Me: But--
Mom: It can't be the batteries! This player and remote are brand new!
Me: But couldn't they have been... old when we got the remote? I mean, you don't know when they put them in...
Mom: I guarantee you, it's not the batteries.
Me: Ok, so it probably isn't, but it can't hurt to try! It'll take like 2 seconds, and then we'll know for sure it isn't them.
Mom: I know it isn't the batteries.
Me: But it can't hurt to freaking try.
Mom: It's not the batteries. [goes to get some new batteries to try anyways]
Me: Yes. I know. You've said that several times. -___-
Mom: I will bet you $1000 it's not the batteries, I'm that sure of it.
Me: [sigh]
Mom: [tries remote with fresh batteries] What channel?
Me: Channel 347.
Mom: [presses buttons] see--
Me: [changes to channel 347] It worked.
Mom: ...
Me: I'd like that $1000 now.

psh. she's not giving me $1000. how lame. i think she should give me it >:O

...yes, this is random. but that's ok.

"I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for predecessors as well." - Washington, D.C.; January 29, 2001.

heh. some of the Bush quotes are like... I want to say stupid, but... they're not stupid. you know? like... i expect the quotes to all show his stupidity, but some of them i don't get why they put in there. like... i don't see what there is to make fun of him about in the quote, i guess. but that one really amused me. :)

Science: uh. stuff. we will have one last packet of stuff and the stupid non-lab we did today with our grades, so perhaps I can get like... a 98 or 99 on the final and get an A in the class! ...maybe. doubtfully. but... maybe.

Office Hours: sectionals!

AP US: for the first 45 min he finished correcting our tests from last week. heh. I got a 57/60! I think someone got a perfect score, so it's not curved but it doesn't matter because that score is a 95. aaawesome. studying actually paid off for once! :) aaand it brought my grade up from a 89.7 [...something around there. maybe 89.8] to a 92.4! awesome! that ends up being better than my first quarter grade, which is surprising, since I thought I did a lot better first quarter. nice. uhhh and he showed us how to calculate our percentages, and if I want a 89 in the class [he rounds up from like... 79 is a B, 89 is an A, and so forth. how awesome] then I can get as low as a 79 on the final. If I want a 90, I can get as low as an 84. so... I just want to get somewhere between a 79 and an 84 on the final, and I'll have an A in AP US :DDD wheeee this makes me happy. I thought I was going to have to worry about it a lot more than I'm going to have to. The only class I need to majorly studdy for is science, since I need a 100. which... isn't happening. but i need to try to get as close to that as possible, so I can at least tell my mom when she yells at me "BUT BUT I TRIED! I GOT A FREAKING [insert awesome grade here that's only slightly less awesome than a 100] ON THE FINAL!!!!" and it would also help if I manage to get an A in English, because then at least I'll still have a 4.0, and I can placate her with that. However, I need about an 85 [this isn't counting whatever i get on the final, so if I do really well, I might be able to get away with like an 83 or 84], and the more I remember my essay, the less I believe this will happen =/ gah. If I get two B's, I don't know how I'm going to explain it to my mom x____x stupid doing well in middle school and freshman year. i should've gotten like a 2.0. -______-

Wind Ensemble: woosh. more playing with only woodwinds. i like our festival pieces, so far. hopefully i won't get sick of them too soon. do not, however, like the Phillip Bliss piece for the clinic x___x too much like Childhood Hymn from last year, in the whole... slowness and have to have pretty tone and blah.

uhhh. no homework! finished my science homework in science, and... no other teachers are cruel enough to assign homework this week. so wheeee. i have another practice test thing, but the first one was rather easy, besides like... one problem. and it's not as if they count for much. and plus, we go over the chapters before taking the test anyways. so yes.

blah. this weekend is not going to be much fun x___x luckily i don't need to worry about anything other than my science final and memorizing the scales & working on chromatic for band. blah. i really should have all the scales memorized at this point, considering the all southern audition was like.. a week from last sunday ago, and i had to memorize them all for that [though i kind of failed at doing that] and bass clarinet and tenor sax fingerings are the same for a lot of notes, and they're in the same key and such. in fact, tenor is generally easier, because there are no three-octave scales, and several of them are only one octave [though i doubt she'd ask a one-octave scale]. but there are a few evil ones where i have to slide x___x and the stupid chromatic. at least i can get the low Bb chromatic starts on out without honking too horribly, unlike back in like... October. I just need to work on sliding. alksjfk blah.

uhhhh yes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

OH MY FUCKING GOD EEEEE :DDDD [new lostness. ignore if you don't care about. which... would include everyone reading this.]

alks;j dude sims 2 distracted me and all of a sudden it was 8:15 and I wasn't watching lost x__x i'll have to download the bittorrent tomorrow, I suppose, but that's not bad. in retrospect, i'd much rather have missed the first fifteen than the last. because oh my fucking god.

first with the cuteness when Charlie's reading Claire's diary and the lines about how adorable and sweet he is and how safe he makes her feel. awwww. and then! figures out a place she might be! and it's all "yaaay maybe she'll come back next episode!"

but then, just when you're getting all excited about the possibility she's coming back, it shifts to boone and locke searching for walt's dog, and then rustling and then OMFG IT'S CLAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD though the place charlie mentioned she could be must have some sort of significance, because otherwise... what's the point in bringing it up if they're just going to have her come back 5 seconds later?

but omfg yaaaaaaaay. i was getting really freaking worried they'd kill her off, but no! she's back! yaaaaay :DDDDDDDD ahhh this made me like... 09182918724985098 times happier than i was prior to watching it, and... i was already in pretty good spirits because of the sims 2. but omg! eeee!

...i just realized point pleasant is on and i was totally planning on watching the premiere x___x i fail at watching tv tonight. but but the end of that lost episode totally threw me for a loop. i sat there staring at the TV for like... a minute, gaping. lost goes over, though, so it ended at 9:03 and point pleasant would've already begun. oh well. ...another torrent to download tomorrow! heh. torrents rock :)

eeeeeeeee <333 repeat next week, it looks like -______- but the week after that! [hopefully] new episode! with claire back! and it's a charlie flashback to how the whole ethan thing happened with him and claire and charlie! eeee! a;lkjdflkajf. oh but x games will have started x_____x blah. well, i think it'll be the last night. i'm not sure if i can record an episode on one channel while watching another on a different channel =/ i'll have to look into that, though i doubt it. it would be so awesome if you could, though. and if not... uhhh... i'll have to download the torrent =/ that would suck. we'll see. for all i know, the new episode won't be for 3 weeks. which... would really suck. not that horrible that there isn't one next week, though, considering finals, and i totally should study and such. so yeah.

alkjdfl;jk wheeeeeeee <333

...holy fuck. O_______O somehow i made All Southern. I have no fucking clue how this happened, seeing as my audition was crap. Perhaps every other bass clarinet auditioning had crap auditions as well, save for 2-3 people? crazy.

"The most important job is not to be governor, or first lady in my case." - Pella, Iowa; as quoted by the San Antonio Express-News; January 30, 2000.

French: test! not too bad for only studying before school started. otherwise didn't do much of anything.

Office Hours: science homework that's due thursday, studied a little for math practice quiz thing, read more of Huck [we're supposed to be done with it by Friday/Mondayish].

English: watched a movie. wheeeeee. the more I think about my essay, the more i realized I did wrong. blah. I'm so not getting an 85 x___x

Algebra 2: uh. review, practice test, finished Huck Finn.

and then home. wheeeee. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

omfg. free hott_baguettes mix CD!!! eee :DDD [won with song submission thing] ahhhh <333 today has rocked. well. besides the essay. and the math test. and... the whole school part of the day. but, you know, other than all that.

wheeeeeeeeeee :DDD

i'm getting all obsessed with Something Corporate again. it's awesome. especially since, last time I got obsessed it was with the second CD because the first CD I had totally overplayed like whoa. but now i'm all woosh with the first CD, since like... well I first got it like... early spring of 8th grade. and I overplayed it then, but... it's like 2 years later now. so... not sick of it. i'm especially [hee. i almost wrote obsessionally. that's not a word, but it totally should be] obsessed with Hurricane, which I find amusing because it was my first favorite song by them [then it went to Fall, then Good News for a long time. Then there was Ruthless and Konstantine. and I think that's it] so... it's like... return to 8th grade. it's really pretty :) it's fun when soco comes up on my ipod :) wheeee.

uh. yeah. taking stuff on/off of ipod, then more sims! ...psh. what french test that i should totally study for? you speak lies.

lkajf;lkj where'd it go?! >:O ohoh [found] stupid cleaning people x___x

uh. i haven't done this in several days. so... there... are several.

"My administration has been calling upon all the leaders in the--in the Middle East to do everything they can to stop the violence, to tell the different parties involved that peace will never happen." - Crawford, Texas; August 13, 2001.

"Do you have blacks, too?" - to Brazilian president Fernando Cardoso; Washington, D.C.; November 8, 2001.

"I urge the leaders in Europe and around the world to take swift, decisive action against terror groups such as Hamas, to cut off their funding, and to support--cut funding and support, as the United States has done." - Washington, D.C.; June 25, 2003.

The calendar is weird, because it always has D.C. as Washington, D.C. I've never seen it with a comma after Washington before, but it makes sense, really. Washington, District of Columbia. yes. it still seems odd, though.

um. right.

French: i haaaaate when she splits us into groups. blaaaaah. -_______-

Science: hee. jonathan and shubir were talking about The O.C. like... at various times during class, and it cracked me up. 'cause... it's like... teen soap/drama, and aimed more to teenage girls. ...otherwise, class was boring. blah. Tran's the only teacher I have who's assigned homework for this week at all. stupid Tran. Concept Checks suck. >:O ...unless they're apart of a homework packet that could raise my grade slightly and allow me to get less than a 100 on the final and still get an A.

English: essay. l;akjsf;lkjasflkj gah. I failed at preparing last night. blah. plus, i decided i'd rather write about him having admirable qualities, but i didn't decide that till this morning, so i had already prepared it for negative about him, and... yeah. that didn't help. so i didn't negative, but... i still failed! >:O blah. i was only my like... 4th quote by the time the 10 minute bell rang. longest essay i've written this year x____x blah. the second half of my essay is a blur. all i remember is in the conclusion i tried to do the "question/answer conclusion" thing but i don't think i actually answered my question, and i think it was a totally random question, too, that i should've elaborated on somewhere, but at that point the bell for snack had already rung. also, i put in that emerson quote about avoiding blindly following society randomly in there and said something like "Huck clearly followed society's standards" and... there wasn't any need for the quote and she said to like... if we used to it to... elaborate or expand on it more, but i really didn't, and now i'm reeeally regretting putting that in. and my topic sentence is nonexistant. since like... usually i finish with... 5-10 min to spare, so i figured i'd have time to go back and put one in, but... then i didn't, and totally forgot about it. blah. i reeeally hope my essay's good enough for an 85+, but i'm not counting on it. perhaps if i'd done more preparing rather than playing the sims all afternoon. sigh.

AP US: notes! woosh. uh. there was something i was going to say about this class, but i totally forgot, so moving on!

Algebra 2: second part of test i totally didn't even spend a second thinking about last night. uhhh i'm pretty sure i got the answer right to a hard one on the first page, but it didn't seem right to me so i erased it and got another answer. sigh. if it turns out my first answer was right, i'm going to beat someone up x____x like... myself. right. that works. luckily i have a good enough grade in algebra 2 that a B or C won't hurt me. I don't think I've gotten lower than an A on any test this year [though I definitely have on quizzes -___- 5/10 on one of them. not so fun] so... it won't be too bad.

Wind Ensemble: holy crap, we're playing Portrait of a Clown for the clinic thing she's giving on middle school music [2 weeks from fridayish]. aaaaaawesome. psh, the clarinet part is totally cooler than the tenor part :( it was fun to play first clarinet on that piece. wheeeee :)

woosh. little homework [well, no homework. but a math practice quiz on chapters 1 and 2, and a French test on chapter 3] so I can play the sims 2 all afternoon like whoa! er... so... I can start studying for finals. right. and totally not play more sims. coughcough.

Monday, January 17, 2005

blah. it was a very bad idea to get the sims 2 the weekend before i have an essay i need to prepare for. and, for that matters, a week before finals. -____- i still haven't started to prepare for the essay, and i really need to, because otherwise it'll be crap. i mean, it'll be crap even if i prepare, but it'll be... better crap. like 85+ crap rather than 85- crap. and i need an 85+ so... i need to prepare.

stupid school. x_______x

woosh. yesterday went to andrew's. uhhh started off me, tiffany, emma, justin, and tom [...and andrew, obviously] and we played some games and then jackie appeared a few hours later and we went to... blah. albertsons? that doesn't sound right. whatever. we went there and then emma and justin and tom left and then tiffany, jackie, andrew, and i went back to his house, attempted to watch scary movie 2, failed, and then succeeded at watching scary movie 1. woosh. it was fun.

uhhhhh. not looking forward to later today x__x to prepare for the essay tomorrow, i'm writing it today. blah. stupid essay -________- not looking forward to tomorrow very much either, for that matter. l;jkasfj blah.

but no lesson today! wheeee! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

uhhh spectrummed with tiffany! it was amusing :) i got a new belt and U2's "How to Dismantle the Atomic Bomb". saw jackie briefly! wheeeee.

...not much else to say. so happy about my sims 2, wheeee :DDDD


last night about an hour into when i was playing the sims 2, it froze and then returned to the main windows start-up screen and said something about this error with the display drive, ialmrnt5. i played a few more times and each time it crashed in less amount of time until it was like 1 minute of playing, and then crash. i was freaking out, but i looked it up online and found other people had the problem and my display drive wasn't good enough to support the game, since it's so graphics intense. then this morning i looked more and found something on the Intel webpage about it and something to download and i did and i was pessimistic and thought it wouldn't work, but it's been like 2 hours and hasn't crashed. so wheeeee :DDD crisis averted.

omfg. this game was soooo worth the wait. it's like... 9184098-985 times better than the sims 1, and... i really loved that game. so. yeah. eeee :D

uhhh i totally forgot. i also got a dvr-drive thing. like a tivo :) wheeeee. awesome.

blah, annie couldn't go to spectrum 'cause her parents changed their mind :( that sucks. but playing the sims 2 makes me loads happier :) possibly go tomorrow? annie's busy, but i really do need to go and buy a new belt. 'cause. yeah. mine's sort of dead. x_____x

wheeeeee. :DDD

Friday, January 14, 2005

this afternoon has been far better than the day.

SIMSFUCKING2!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! <333333333

also: $25 gift certificate to barnes&noble, the CD that came free with the tickets to the concert Feb. 16 [so... that's not really a present per se. but. acceptable :) haven't listened to it yet, though.], a new lamp because the old one i've had since i was like... born, a... basket-y flowerish stuff thing from or whatever from my uncle, and 4 books; The Sweetheart Season by Karen Joy Fowler, The Color Purple by Alice Walker [I swear I've heard this title before x____x], Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin. ...which my mom actually also got me last year and has completely forgotten about. but. that's ok. i haven't actually read it yet x____x and i can like... give the extra copy to a... book donation or the library or whoever someday. so yes.

wheeeeeeee i'm so fucking happy. sims2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333 :DDDD

happy birthday to me. except, not really, because it didn't feel much like my birthday. more like every other crappy day of the week. :) maybe it would've been better if more than like 3 people remembered. and if melody wasn't the only person who remembered immediately upon seeing me.

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill." - Washington D.C.; May 19, 2003.

French: I don't know. Divided into groups. Same groups everytime, these days, and it sucks. Why can't we fucking choose our groups? I hate my group. x___X

Science: uh. stuff. computer lab. blah.

English: went through essay preparing. blah.

AP US: notes.

Algebra 2: test. wasn't too bad for only studying like 15 min this morning before school.

Wind Ensemble: practiced the music for the clinic. i really don't like that music x_____x

blah. -______- sims2sims2sims2.

uh. doing something tomorrow with annie for our birthdays, I believe? need to work that out. x______X

Thursday, January 13, 2005

mm. Tomorrow's my birthday. don't care what happens, just as long as I get the Sims 2 x_______x blah. [obsessed]

"We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House-make no mistake about it." - Washington, D.C.; February 7, 2001.

Science: uh. studied for history test most of the period. watched a video, I believe. oh oh he put how to like figure out what we need on the final to get the grade we want in the class. If I got 100 [no less, not even a 99. Well, a 99.5. But that's impossible] then I'd have an 89.6 in the class. x_____x I knew I should've done the extra credit. blah. be a lot easier to get an A if I had. oh well. We'll turn in at least one more thing, right? right?! x____x science fair and the quiz brought my 88.1 down to an 87. blah. i hate science fair. and quizzes. except now i want one so i can study like whoa and improve my grade so i won't need as high of a grade on the final. but... that would require me actually doing well on a science quiz, which doesn't happen very often. blah. at least it's possible. gives me something to work for. i mean, if before finals there's no chance of an A and I'm going to get a B no matter what, I'll be all "dude. no. not studying for science, there's no point to it." but if there's the slimmest chance that i could get an A, then... study! even if it doesn't happen.

Office Hours: uh. sat in the band room and studied more for my history test.

AP US: history test! omg i <3 short answer x____x I counted about... 5 points I thought that would be taken off out of 75. wheeeee. that's an A even without the curve. ahhh I'm very confident in this test. which... probably isn't very good, since when I'm confident, I tend to do worse, and when I don't study at all, I tend to do better. rest of the period, I read more of Alice in Wonderland in French and did my science homework.

Wind Ensemble: wheee. it's fun to play with just the woodwinds because I tend to have the melody with the trombones a lot, and... they're not there when it's just woodwinds, so I get to play out and it's fun :) ...except when I mess up. but. uh. otherwise. fun! :)

woosh i'm exhausted. happy today is over, though. looking forward to tomorrow. omigodiwantthesims2blah.

Lost last night was way more awesome than last week. incest, yay! [...shut up. it's not really incest. they're stepsiblings! ...who have grown up together since they were like 8/10. but. still. fauxcest! :)] holy fuck claire better come back now like whoa. x_____x;;;

The O.C. tonight! let's hope it continues its awesome streak. the last episode before hiatus and then last week's episode were up to par with season 1 episodes. so. let's hope it can continue on like this. :)

uhhh math test tomorrow, but not too worried about it. i love math, french, and band, because i never have to worry about my grade. ahhhh. <333 ah, and like ch. 22-31 of huck. which... sucks. but that's ok. i've found it's more interesting if i'm actually concentrating on the book [heh. go figure]. like, at times, i'd be reading and get distracted and find myself in the middle of some paragraph and have no idea what's going on. but if i actually like... read it. then... it's better. yes. i make sense. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

hm. not as good of a day as I was hoping. But all right, I suppose.

"I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves." - Washington D.C.; September 21, 2003.

French: uh. not much. I don't have a good memory x____X

Office Hours: er. sat in the band room and read more of Alice and Wonderland in French. La sourire means the mouse :)

English: er. talked about Emerson stuff and then talked about the essay. I'm not sure if it made me feel better or worse about it. I mean, it's better, because now I actually know the topic and can prepare. But worse, since... it sounds really easy to fuck up. Or... really easy to write a boring, simple essay and get a C on it. And I calculated me grade, and I need at least an 85 on it to keep an A- [that's at like, an 89.5, though, so... bare minimum]. That's not counting the final, so it's possible of I do well enough on that, that I can get an 83 or 84 or whatever. I should hope an 85 is possible for me to get [my only essay grades this year have been an 88 and an 86] but... still worried. I think I'm going to write it on the 3-day weekend so I can be sure to have all the details and such.

Algebra 2: they used Taking Back Sunday in the announcements! it was a song off Where You Want to Be, though. They'd be cooler if they used one off Tell All Your Friends. :) uhhh otherwise... reviewed and stuff.

blah. I don't feel very well x_____x uhhh AP US test. crap. at least there is no multiple choice! :) so I can just study my notes and woosh.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

omfg that was seriously the best episode of Veronica Mars of this season. and I could easily say that about like more than half of the episodes. eeeeeee I love this show so fucking much. I mean... The O.C. was really great it's first season, right? But it didn't have half as many truly spectacular episodes by this point as Veronica Mars does. Buffy's first season wasn't that great, really, with exception of a few episodes [Prophecy Girl, primarily]. Seriously, I really can't think of another show that had this great of a first season [well, so far]. ...that I've seen, that is. And none of the other shows I've watched had made me care this much since like... forever. Well, THe O.C. did, but after the summer hiatus, it wasn't the same. And it just got worse from there. [...and then slightly better. and then worse again. and now it's picking up once again. but. uh. still.] l;akjsfdkasf man the end? geez, I was accidentally spoiled for that, but I still like... gave me a chill. and Weevil almost made me cry! man. when a character named Weevil almost makes you cry, it has to be a great show.

The pilot [first episode] of Veronica Mars is airing next Tuesday. While this annoys me because WHOA what an episode and I want to see where the things in this one lead, this is good for everyone else. Because, if you're like me, it gives you a chance to see the very first episode and see if you like the show without being utterly confused. I urge you if you've even had a hint of curiosity about why I'm raving about it so much, watch it next Tuesday. If you don't like it, then fine. But... give it a chance. It's such a fucking awesome show x________x ...although, I don't know, people don't tend to have the same TV taste as me. And... I get obsessive really easily. but. seriously. fantastic show. x_______x and it's getting soooo fucking good right now. ahhhh <33333333

eeeee this show makes me so happy. not many things can do that these days.

edit: alskfjd sigh. repeats on Veronica Mars for the next 3 Tuesdays! that's just cruel. that means it's a full 4 weeks [about a month!] until the next new episode! gahhhhh.

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." - Townsend, Tennessee; February 21, 2001.

"See, we love-we love freedom. That's what they didn't understand. They hate things; we love things. The act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love." - Oklahoma City; August 29, 2002.

French: uhhhh. stuff.

Science: got our multiple choice back. I got an 82. that's... pretty freaking good, considering I studied for like 15 min the night before. :) short answer is going to be way worse, though. blah. i don't think it's possible for me to get an A anymore. -_____- let's just hope i can maintain my A's in English and AP US, and then I'll still have a 4.0. I wouldn't care so much, but my mom has become an Asian parent and will yell at me if... well she'll yell at me if I have one B, but she'll yell at me more if I have 2 or 3. One I think I can slide by her. Especially if it's Tran. "...but he asks us questions of things that he didn't go over! He gives us study sheets to study from that have the wrong answers on them! -_____-"

English: er. had that sub we had for science that one time. watched a video. woosh. essay a week from today. I'm already freaking out about it -____- mostly since i know absolutely nothing about huck finn, other than they're going down a river, and it isn't set in Egypt.

AP US: notes. we started WWI. wheee some stuff that actually interests me! plus, we've learned about like the renaissance and the american revolution and the civil war 091-82935802983498719283 times. but we've never gotten farther than WWI. so wheeee.

Algebra 2: er. notes. woosh.

Wind Ensemble: more sight reading stuff. finally have gotten festival music. we read the other piece we're doing for festival, but we don't actually have it yet. rar.

uh. Tuesdays are soooo nice, because they come right after Mondays and usually Mondays are hell, so Tuesdays are always so bright in comparison. :D And I barely have any homework! yay :) ka;lsfj new Veronica Mars on tonight! yaaaay! :DDDD

Monday, January 10, 2005

man. i want to go to the straylight run concert at chain reaction sunday feb. 6 so fucking badly. they're like my third favorite band right now and i bet they'd be amazing live. sigh. plus, john nolan in person! awesome! a;slkdlskjd gah. i think i'd actually rather go to the straylight run than the my chemical romance/the used in march, since i've already seen the used like three-ish times and mcr i've kind of seen twice, except not really, but it's more than i've ever seen straylight run. and it's cheap, too! only $10! x_________x

got my mom to let me go to the mcr/the used as a birthday present. told her it's on a wednesday, realized it's actually on a thursday. uh. that's ok. i'll tell her later.

i'd be a lot more excited about it if i wasn't so unhappy about the straylight run concert. it's bad enough that soco isn't coming with them on their tour, but i could at least see straylight run. but. not going to happen. sigh.

bad. day.

French: thought I was missing #1-25 of the weather packet which... is a lot of work and that would be bad, so I did it all during French. So... not quite sure what we did. I think imparfait/passe compose.

Science: found the weather packet problems I thought I lost and somehow all the work that was due, even though I thought I left some at home. Failed test! :) wheee. Totally forgot that there was such a thing as Hfus and Hvap, so I just used the specific heat things for the joule/calorie problems. and managed to switch specific heat of gas and specific heat of ice. yeah. not a great test for me.

English: Huck Finn quiz. Forgot he said he was a former pirate, even though I could picture every single part of the scene except for what he said he was. I put a convict, though I knew that was wrong. then... uh said it was Sherman rather than... Sherber or whatever it actually was. And I put the duke and the king for what they called themselves, but I think she meant the lengthier titles. and I'm sure I made other mistakes. so. probably did poorly on that quiz as well, which is bad, because I need the points.

AP US: free period. read Alice and Wonderland in French, that my aunt gave me for christmas. had my french book with me, which helped sometimes. didn't look up too much, just when a word came up repeatedly that I couldn't figure out. I learned that "tout à coup" means suddenly and "moindre" means least and "milieu" means middle and "clef" means key [psh. i know key as clé. -__-] and "à peine" means hardly. :) it would be a lot harder to understand, except that I had the book [ English] as a child and read it a lot. and I think I saw the movie a few thousand times. and I watched the TV show on Disney channel. That was like my favorite show when I was 3. I learned from it that tomoatoes are actually fruits, not vegetables. :) um. yeah.

Algebra 2: er. notes. yeah.

Wind Ensemble: x_____________X left my music folder at home because i had taken it out of my backpack to look at the scales in the book and forgot that I had taken it out. this is the third time i've left it at home, 2nd this year. which... is pretty bad, considering this year has only been a week and a day, so far. blah. which meant i left simplge gifts at home too, which she had threatened us with death if we forgot. which. i did. blah -_______- otherwise... we... played music. woosh. no sectionals this week again, thankfully.

headache. blah.

dude. i so don't want to go to my lesson. there is really no point this week. the auditions are over, so there's no use in practicing the music anymore. i'm not going to make it into all southern, and even if i were, i don't have any music for it to practice yet. i don't have any bass clarinet books at home, other than my rhythms book, which is a sax/clarinet/trumpet book so it's not specifically for bass clarinet. and i accidentally left my tenor at school [i actually did mean to bring it home -____-] so it's not like i can practice that. blah. not like i can convince my mom to let me not go, though. ...i wish i knew how to make myself throw up. then i could just pretend to be sick -____- woul've come in useful for today. of course, it's not like i can blame my failed tests on anyone but me. but still.

sigh. can't wait till friday. end of school week+birthday. sims2sims2sims2. gahhh i want to play it -________- sigh.

uh. yes.

oh oh. Winter X Games! Jan. 29 [Saturday] to Feb. 3 [Wednesday]!!! right after finals is over. ...well not right after. 2 days after. but. close enough. so that's awesome, since i shouldn't have too much homework those first three days so it'll be fine to spend a million hours watching it. my only problem is tv shows i want to watch, and i can simply download the torrents :D and i'll only [most likely--not entirely sure which shows will have new episodes that week, but it'll start February which means February sweeps, so probably nearly every show will] miss Charmed, Everwood, Gilmore Girls, House [which I would miss because of VM anyways], Veronica Mars, Lost, Point Pleasant [if I like the pilot Jan. 19-otherwise I won't watch it], and Jack and Bobby. woosh. X-Games rocks, even though summer>winter games. still. awesome.

i want sleep.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

blah. another thing I want for my birthday:


um. but no one's going to get me that. but. blah. i want.


i need to stop about blogging every 2 seconds and get to studying. -_______-

sigh. even though my studying has sucked and i'm going to get a C [if I'm lucky] on the test tomorrow, today has been a really fun day:

  • saw Annie, Andrew, Emma, and Rosa at all southern auditions
  • failed my audition. uh. ok so that's not fun. but it was an interesting experience.
  • saw Finding Neverland with Tiffany
  • conversations with people when I'm procrastinating are very amusing.
  • reading over old blog entires is fun. but. not more important than studying. -______- i fail.

    man i want it to be the x-games.

  • hee. what i'm doing instead of studying:

    Me: tell me
    Annie: *tells*
    Me: hee
    Me: no no wait
    Me: this past month or so, has your life been negatively impacted by not knowing what a dew point is?
    Annie: ...yes.
    Annie: ther ewas this terrible accident
    Annie: oh GOD NO BILLY, NO!!!
    Me: hehe
    Annie: WATCH OUT!! BEHIND YOU!!!
    Me: was the dew point attacking?
    Annie: ...yes.
    Annie: yes it was.
    Me: nice.
    Annie: billy didn't press charges. he said it was out of self-defense
    Annie: but i think he shoulda sued that sucker for everything it was work
    Me: dude. totally.
    Me: the dew point totally knew what it was doing
    Annie: i knowwww
    Me: they're quite the malicious creatures
    Annie: God, that thing is EVIL
    Me: poor billy.
    Annie: :-( weeks and WEEKS of therapy
    Me: man
    Me: will billy be all right?
    Annie: it was three months before he could even LOOK at grass
    Me: poor billy! [pat pat]
    Annie: hehe
    Me: i guess i was wrong
    Me: i know now how important knowing what a dew point is
    Annie: haha
    Me: i will never be caught unaware of one.

    gah. Huck Finn finished at like... 8. But for the past hour+ I've been reading old blog entries. omfg I'm aching for X-Games crap -______- skateboarding season should be starting up relatively soon though, thankfully. and winter x-games are right around the corner! though... airdates still haven't been listed, yet -______- and woosh I want more Olympics >:O it was fun watching them last summer. unfortunately, it'll be a lot longer till summer olympics come again. and still a pretty goddamn long time till winter olympics. blah.

    reading over last august makes me sad. it was such a fabulous month. like... the first two months of summber break were crap. wasn't very happy for the most part, everything was blah, and i was actually wanting to go back to school. and summer school got to be very annoying. classes were waaaaay too long -_________- but then... bam and it's august and there are x games and i actually get to go to them and see bob burnquist and everyone live and it's so fantabulous and i get my permit and learn to drive and then it's olympics with the awesomemess of michael phelps and ian thorpe and pieter van den hoogenband and paul hamm and everything and it was so awesome and then band camp and i actually knew how to march and i was a freaking veteran and it was cool and i got to see friends again and... then it all ended and it was september and all of a sudden there was school, and i was suddenly looking forward to it a lot less. sigh. that august was probably one of the most awesome months of my life. which... is pretty sad. but true. sigh.

    ...i have an hour and a half to study for my science test. whatever. i generally do better when i study less, anyways. which is totally weird, but completely true.

    Went to see Finding Neverland with Tiffany at Park Place. I went to buy popcorn, and all of a sudden Mike Nichols was there, and he gave me free popcorn. wheeee. that was nice, considering we're not really friends. Finding Neverland was a pretty good movie. Johnny Depp is really a great actor. I want to see more of his movies. woosh. People were crying at the end, and Tiffany laughed at them. She's quite compassionate. :)

    uhhh. still have Huck Finn reading and science test studying to do. blah.

    "One year ago today, the time for excuse-making has come to an end." - Washington, D.C; January 8, 2003.

    mm I totally blew my audition :)

    Full Range Chromatic: messed up going up. started over [...which I totally shouldn't have done. if you mess up, you should keep going] and messed up at the same place again.

    Scale: she asked for E, and I was trying to remember what E was, and then she was all "Your E. The one that starts on E" and I memorize them by concert pitch and then she said it had to be tongued and I had practiced slurred and blah. So I was all like... my mind was all messed with and I started on Eb. which. is not E. and I messed up playing that scale before realizing that wasn't even the scale she asked, and started over and tried to play E three octaves, which I normally can do, but I was already stressing over my chromatic and having played the wrong scale, that I failed again and messed up doing 3 octaves and I started over and I think I attempted 3 octaves again and messed up so I started over and only did 2, but I still messed up. geez. My scales were awful.

    Solo: my only mistake [...that I noticed -___-] was missing a G#. The rest was fine, though the second part could've been faster.

    Sight Reading: what the fuck?! alskjf;lkjafs it was in freaking 3/2 time and there were triplets in it. alskjfdlkj that's craaazy -___- and my mind was so blech that I didn't even realize 3/2=cut time and i should've taken it in a fast 6. so i basically just played the notes and hoped the rhythm was somewhat what it should be. gah.

    wheee. it's a good thing i really don't care if i make it or not, or i'd be like... superly upset.

    uhhh need to do homework. blah. school ruins life >:O