It's a New Day

Friday, December 31, 2004

happy new year and such. in, like, 10 min.

ah episode 3 fiiiiinally downloaded. and episode 4 and 5 were already finished by that time so i zipped through those and by the time i was through those, 6 was finished as well, so i saw that one immediately following. unfortunately, since it's all late and everything, the download of episode 7 is slow, so i'm at 93% with roughly 30 [except it'll be more, because 5 min ago it said 28] minutes left. sigh. i'm so hooked to the show, though. i'll watch the one last episode, and if the eighth hasn't finished, then i'll stop. ...and probably make icons for a few hours. but that's ok, 'cause my mom doesn't care. or. well, she might. but she's asleep now, and she was all "oh are you staying up until midnight?" and i was all "uh. i'm. staying up a bit." and she was all "well i'm not." and i was all "ok." and she was all "turn out the bathroom lights and stuff when you go to sleep." so. yeah. she's asleep by now, and as long as i'm not too loud, i can stay up as late as i want. which. might not be so wise. considering i have to get up in 7 hours. even staying up till midnight makes that difficult. but that's ok. i'll have sunday to sleep in. and... that's it till next weekend x________x gah. i hate school. i like it better when christmas is closer to when break starts, because then you get a longer break after new years [last year didn't we not go back till like... the 6th? it'll probably be like that next year, since it'll be the 2nd on the monday and... the 3rd is usually the earliest we go back on] and it's a shorter wait till christmas from when school lets out. the only downpart of that is that it's longer until break comes. but whatever. sigh.

uh. it's like 11:57 now. woosh. it's crazy, because it's 2005 everywhere but like... here and Hawaii. crazy.

it was kind of sad earlier, because my dad was all "did you know both simple plan and good charlotte are going to be on later for the new years eve stuff?" and iw as all "i knew about simple plan" and he was all "well good charlotte is too" and i was all "ok. i'm not going to watch it, though, considering i've seen them both live multiple times and it's better when you're actually there." which is very true. SP i've seen... twice. well 1.5 times, because warped isn't really a full time. and gc 3 full-length concerts and 1 freaking private 50-person concert. but still, it's sad, because two years ago, last year as well, i would've gone crazy with both of them being there. but now it's just " whatever." blah.

uh. midnight now. woosh. how exciting.

i'm tired. 94%! sigh.

the fates don't want me to see episode three -________- well. if i believed in the fates. but. if i did, they don't. >:O sigh. episode four done and downloaded, episode five at 64%, and episode three... 74%. and it's been stuck at roughly over an hour for... about an hour now. le sigh. course the other one is worse. at least this is at like... 12 KiB/s. the other got down to 2 KiB/s. which would take forever and a day. but man, i want to see it. i totally have the urge to read the recap of it and then go on and watch episode four and hopefully after that episode three will be close to being done and if not, i could always watch episode five because i bet that'd be a lot closer to being done than the third episode. sigh. i really want to see more -______- and it's like... tomorrow i'll be gone until at least the early afternoon, if not till the early night, so i won't be able to download anything then. well, i could leave my computer on for downloading, but... still, i wouldn't have much time. =/ blah. and sunday i have to do homework which will probably take all day because i'll be procrastinating by making icons and then school will be back and blaaaahhhhhhhhh i want to see the episode.

sigh. yes. my life is so tragic. ha.

uh. if i ever get through veronica mars [oh, and isn't there a new episode tuesday? i wanted to be done with all the episodes by then so i could see it since there's not a new house until the week after next so i'd be free to watch it] i think i'd start downloading past lost episodes. since i've only seen like... 6 out of... 11? and it's starting again on wednesday. but i read the recaps. but then again, i like veronica mars more than i like lost [or at least, it's intriguing me more right now] and i'd rather see it than read it first.

anyways. uh. i so need a lj for my fandom obsessions so i could find friends who actually care about all this crap. :)

hm. i think i'm going to forego [is that even a word? whatever, it is now.] jack&bobby for point... whateverthehellit'scalled. it's p... something. pleasant! point pleasant! i have defeated you, mwah! >:O um. yes. 'cause the previews make it look all interesting and such and jack&bobby isn't really like... the best show i've ever seen, or anything. i'm pretty sure they rerun jack&bobby at 6 pm sundays anyways, and i could always download the torrent. i like jack&bobby and would watch it if there was nothing else, but... i think i'll give the premiere of point pleasant a try. if it sucks, i can go back. besides, they have... big man on campus or whatever the fuck it's called on the wb at 9 pm wednesdays right now, and it's probably a midseason show that won't be over for weeks. so. yes.

wow. no one at all cares about my tv schedule or my fangirlishness. i totally need to get a blog/lj where i can just go on and on about all my fandom crap. but. i'm not going to.

blah. 99% done for the fourth episode of veronica mars, 43% for the third. i ended up cancelling the one at 77% and going for the other because it's at a rate of 54 KiB/s and the other was down to 2 KiB/s for awhile. but it's still an hour and 23 min until it's done, so i don't know if it was worth it, since i was so far along with the other download. oh look, the fourth episode is done. sigh. well at least there will be no wait after i watch the third episode. i could even start downloading the 5th now and then it'd be done by the time i finished watching the third episode. luckily it's new years eve, the one night a year i'm actually allowed to stay up as late as i want. even though i have to get up at 7 tomorrow to go to the shaws. whatever, that's worth it, as long as i get to stay here tonight. my parents will go to sleep early, anyways, so they'll have no idea if i stay up to 4 AM or whatever watching/downloading Veronica Mars episodes.

ah. i remember in... 7th grade? i believe? it must've been. my introduction to the world of fanfiction. ah. i ranted to annie that there was this book and i was dissatisfied with the ending because the someanttobe couple wasn't a couple yet and i needed the next few books in the series before i could get to there but i wanted it to happen and she told me i should just write it myself. and i was thus introduced to fanfiction. and ended up writing my first real fic that night. ah. memories. i miss 7th grade. even with horrible pre-algebra teachers. at least it was easy to get straight A's then. sigh. and no finals, and no essays, really. i think we had a few in 7th grade, but they weren't real essays. and in 8th we had like... 4, but one was a group essay, and the rest didn't count very much anyways. blah.

uhhh. 47%. download faster goddamnit -_________-

ok, i'm totally sucked into veronica mars after two episodes. it sucks, since it's on at the same time as house and house takes precedence [...that seems like the wrong word/spelling, but i'm too lazy to check it] since... uhh. i saw it first? and i've seen all the episodes >:O well, there's no new episode next week, so if i can manage to catch up on all... 10? veronica mars episodes, i could see a new one last week. i've seen two, but the third is taking forever to download. i started downloading the fourth like... 20-30 min ago and it's already at 32%, and i've been downloading the third since... 1:30 ish and it's only at 77%. and it's only a freaking 3 KiB/s while the fourth is like 80 KiB/s. blah. i'm totally tempted to download the third off the other host, that i'm using for the fourth that seems to be a lot faster, but then i'm already 77% in and i'm not sure if it'd be better to wait it out or start a new download entirely. =/ there's supposedly about an hour left, which isn't too bad, but it's been stuck at about an hour for the past... 10 min, since it suddenly went from like 20 KiB/s to the 6 KiB/s it's at now.

sigh. i just want to watch some more -______-

blah it's up to 10 now. and i started downloading from the other source just to see and it's at about 30-40 KiB/s [closer to 40] but then it's like 3 hours while the other is only an hour, even if it's slower. sigh. i guess i'll just let it keep going and see if the time goes down any, and if it does, just go with the other source.

at this rate, the fourth episode will be downloaded before the third -_______-

wow. absolutely no one cares about this. that's ok, though :)

omfg. i <333 AP readers forever for voting for both Adam Brody and Seth Green as most underrated actors [as well as 3 other people--it wasn't just them nominated] and hilary duff, lindsay lohan, and mischa barton for most overrated actresses. and, also, for voting for Good Charlotte, Taking Back Sunday, Green Day, and The Used for having both the four of 2004's best and worst albums. heh. and My Chemical Romance as most underrated new artist [ooh and FOB as a backup]. and like a million other things.

wheeee. and i'm totally hooked into another fandom. sigh. but it's an awesome fandom, and the episodes aren't taking nearly as long to download as i thought. the first took about an hour? at most? and the second i managed to download in all its entirety while watching the first episode and while searching for the divx codec so i would be able to watch the first episode. the third is taking far longer because i think my connection decided to slow down [or 'cause it's afternoon more people are online so it's slowing everyone down]. but i'm taking a break to read the new AP that came and i still have the second episode to watch. and it's such a pretty show.

wow. i noticed i haven't even mentioned the show's name. i wonder why that is. o___O it's called veronica mars, and i don't even know how many people have heard of it. wheee. it's such a pretty show. :) and, you know, funny, well-written, intelligent, etc. but. also. pretty.

dude. i think i'm about to get myself obsessed with another fandom. which would suck, considering it's on at the same time house is, and the only way to watch is to download bittorrents which take my computer hours upon hours to download. sigh. but i think i'll put myself through that all anyways, since it's a very pretty show, and it sounds reeeeally interesting. i've seen like.. the second half hour of one random episode once and it was pretty interesting, not that i understood like... anything. and. again. pretty. which is good for my icon-makingness.

uh. i want to make a new layout for this. and for my LJ, but more for this right now, since i've had this since i got this computer, and that was over a month ago. maybe two months ago. so. yeah. i was going to make a cute charlie/claire one this morning, but i couldn't get it to work how i wanted it to, so i abandoned it. maybe tonight, since we're thankfully not going to the shaw's house because my parents don't want to sleep over there and are telling them that i have a really bad cough and they don't want me spending the night at some house on the floor. which. isn't completely true. in the slightest. [my parents are such good role models.] but that's ok! because that means i can stay up and i won't have to pretend to be sleeping, even, and i can make graphics and be all happy.

3 hours and 11 min on the bittorrent. though. that was less than a minute ago, and now it says 2 hours 53 min. so. perhaps it won't take that long.

if i was a wise person, i would start my homework. or. at least look at what i have to do. but i'm not a very wise person. so instead, i'll stare at my torrent and wait for it to download and browse people's pretty lj's in hopes of finding some inspiration for a layout.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

the one thing that i'm looking forward to about vacation being over and it being next week is that there'll be a new episode of lost. and other shows as well, most likely [although lost is intriguing me the most right now. especially with this omfgsofuckingsad!!!! picture of rose comforting charlie {the hobbit! hee. i love how when people are trying to figure out who tptb will kill off of the main cast, it's all "well not jack/kate/charlie because mathew fox (guy who plays jack) is being used by fox for all the promo crap and is one of the lead males, if not the lead male; kate is one of only four women in the cast and is the lead female; charlie... well, charlie is a hobbit." hee.} over claire being taken and he's clearly crying and she's holding his hands and it's sooo sweet [i made two pretty icons of it :)] and... this is quite a long tangent. i think i'll stop there]. i know there's a new charmed sunday, which is good, since the last episode was actually decent. and plus, new episodes gives me stuff to iconize. :)

uh. i think my lack of capitals is due to my lack of brain-workingness this vacation. hopefully this will return by mondayish.

ew. monday. -__________-

duuude. so unfair.

i heard a few people talk about how cool The Academy is, so i checked them out and i really like them. aaaand to top that, they're one of the opening bands for the something corporate/straylight run tour. which, for some unexplicable reason, is not coming to southern CA at. all. alksjf which i cannot fathom. like, straylight run is coming to play at chain reaction, but it's not apart of the tour since it's not listed at soco's site or at the academy's list of tour dates. wtf they're going to san francisco, sacramento, and chico [somewhere in northern CA around SF and sacramento] but nowhere even close to here. no LA date, even! what's up with that?! >:O this sucks. soco better come around here for like 500 dates immediately following this tour -_____- and the academy too, 'cause they're cool.

le sigh.

hm. i have icons to pimp, but i'm too lazy to.

gah. sore throat, and my cough is back. this is one reason why i hate winter. -______-

blah. this vacation has been immensely satisfying. more so than last year, i believe. going back is going to suck. especially since i've done no work so far, and i'll end up leaving it till sunday, but sunday's the last day of break and i'll want to be making icons and reading fanfiction and doing so much of nothing i explode with happiness. sigh. at least i don't have much. ...except for that science packet i didn't understand that was due the last day before break but i didn't do because of the band concert and such since he wasn't going to collect it. and... a crapload of huck finn reading. and i'm sure i have something else. least science fair is done with! i really hope he doesn't grade those for like... ever. since. uh. i don't think mine is going to get that great of a grade -_____-

blah. going back means 3 weeks of review and one weekend of cramming and then one semi-week of finals. which. is kind of nice. 'cause, no hw. and i don't need to worry about french [much], math [again, much], or band [...againagain, much] finals, really. french i read through the book again for like, less than an hour [last year first semester, i reviewed stuff during the commericals of everwood and i managed a 96 on the final. true, this was deberry. but. still. i'm actually learning stuff this year]. math review my notes. but math has been very easy this year, so far. and my grade is good enough that it's not like i need a superhigh A. just... a low A. or a high B, even. and band... it's like, practice for an hour or two over the weekend before whenever the final is [i think she said it'd be before finals week is, which is nice] and i'll be fine. it's a complete rechairing thing, but... only tenor sax! ha! even if she chairs me with like... all the saxes, it's not like it makes a difference. i just need to do well enough to get an A, which... isn't difficult. i'll worry more for the end of the year one. since. audition to get into wind ensemble, and such.

omgtwopicturesofconoroberstmakingout [okjustkissingbutmakingoutsoundsbetter] withsomerandomdudesqueeee!!!!! butithinkilostthemohshit. ohwaitsavedtocomputer!!!

uhh. istillwantthesims2likewhoa. andiwantapaidaccountforLJsoicangetthecoolstyles andsoicanhaveamillionmoreiconsatatime. andineedtostartusingcapitals. andspaces,forthatmatter.

ha. [annoyed with self]

no icons to pimp. sadness.

my updates this break have been odd.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


-___- birthdaybirthdaybirthday. [two weeks, two days =O!]

I think I made it clear that it was #1 on my wants for gifts today. and I haven't really asked for anything else, except a Tivo, but I asked for that for Christmas too, and I think we're getting one as a non-present type thing, like when we got our dvd player, and we'll get two: one for their TV, one for mine [...well the family room TV. but I'm the only one who ever watches it, so it's mine >:O]. and then I asked for DVDs I asked for for Christmas that I never got. but then I also asked for a cockatoo [...we had just been at Omars and there was a reeeeally cute one that I picked up and was all nice and sweet] and a penguin [>:O I want a penguin]. so I'm not entirely sure if she believed me. -_____-

uhhh. I'm getting comfortable like whoa on the freeway. in my last driver's training thing I did better on the freeway than on side streets. then again, it did happen to be the freeway to spectrum. and. i know that freeway well.

...omg what happened to my nice capitalization of words that need to be capitalized?! !!!

i went like woosh with all of a sudden being able to make icons i'm very proud of like, overnight.

!!! ...yeah. uh. i'm fucking greedy these days. but. that's ok. :)

blah. if i don't get the sims 2, i guess i can buy it with my spectrum gift certificate. it's like... less than $80, i think. $40 sounds right. but. it'd be nicer if my mom would buy it for me :)

uhhhhh. i need to start capitalizing.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Why is it that nobody makes tutorials for icons I actually want to learn how to make?


mm but my icon making is making me very happy these days:

the first looks better on a white background, I think.


I think I shall watch House now.

I had an amusing dream last night. Ok, so I was at school, except it looked different than normal school, and there was this tiny group thing that I wanted to join and Adam Lazzara was the leader of it [hee, that amuses me]. So I went to where he and this other guy were and they were all "You want to be in the group?" and I was all "Yes" and my voice was higher than normal and kind of squeaky and I sounded, like, 8. And Adam was all "[amused look] How old are you, like fift--" about to say 15 and I was all "Yep! I'm 15!" And so then he interviewed me by asking like 3 questions and I forget the first but it was an opinion one and then he was all "Money," and I was all "...excuse me?" and he looked irritated and was all "Money," and I was all "...what I think about it?" and he made a "duh." face and so I rambled something about that it was good 'cause you could get stuff with it but bad if you had too much and were greedy and spoiled and couldn't control it and a bunch of really stupid shit. Then I think he asked me my opinion on something else like he did about money, but I forget what it is [...something like "butterflies"]. Then he asked what my favorite text-only game was and I was thinking like RPGs. I don't remember what I said for that. I didn't say anything, really. In that part, I was like... an observer and I was thinking "ack. Just make something up! Anything!" to... myself. It's weird now that I think about it. Then he asked me what my favorite video game of all was and again I was all "ack. make up something!" I didn't answer either, or... witness myself answer either, but later I like... "saw" the answers to the questions I had given? or something? And I said like diet coke for the first one and vanilla coke for the second. which. totally makes sense. right. Um, but apparently my marvelous answers were good enough, because Adam let me into the group. yay! But I couldn't see why because the interview was so stupid and I sounded stupid in it, so I was like... all cautious to make sure they weren't just using me or anything [omg that's like this fic I read yesterday! I bet that's why I was all cautious. heee this is so amusing me]. We did one thing as the group and we went to like... the IUSD office [...except it was on campus] and we went through stupid books and I was supposed to like erase mentions of something [ was kind of like a mammoth. Other people of the group (there was only like.. 5-6 people) were erasing other ones] and I was all afraid they were setting me up and I'd get in trouble, so I kind of just sat there and watched everyone else. And then Mrs. Bentley came by and was all "I know what you're doing!'re watching people in the IUSD office go by to make sure their hemlines follow regulation!" which sounds really amusing now and we were all " right. nod." and then we finished that except I hadn't done anything and then... I think we were going to do something else. But then I like... exited out into this area thing to put my bike [...I think this was kind of like a new day, except it wasn't? yes. I make sense] and there were a lot of old dead ones there and then I exited that and these two guys [not in the group!] saw me and were all "dude. I didn't know she was in the group," and then the other was all "oh yeah, dude, she gave this like reeeeeally great interview" and I was all "...o___O" because my interview sucked. And then I went onto this bus-type thing for band but it turned out to be an airplane because all of a sudden, at the end of the journey, we landed on a large ship [aircraft carrier? I think that's what they're called] but the ship was like... tilted down so we were landing underwater and I closed my eyes because I was freaking out even though I suddenly remembered Bentley saying something about landing underwater and then I went to the bathroom and it was weirdish and... there's not much more to say about that. And then the dream was over.

heh. That cracked me up. omg, it's like lestat's The Four!!! heee. Except Adam's the only leader and there were more than four and you could enter by crappy interview.

anyways. I have my last driving school thing in less than 20 minutes. This sucks. x___x I don't really like those. blah. Plus, it's raining [or at least, it's been raining, so the streets are all wet if it isn't anymore] and I don't like driving in the rain. blah. oh well, at least it'll be over in... 2 hours and 18 minutes. sigh.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

duuuuude. Straylight Run 2/06/04 [with TBA, so I don't know who they're playing with. It's near the end of their tour with Something Corporate but I don't think they're playing with them since... they would know if they were playing with them, I would think. I think it's just like... an outside show? Or whatever? Separate from the tour. Bands do that sometimes] at Chain Reaction in Anaheim. I've given up on the Jan. 15 with NHOI at Chain Reaction because it's becoming too short of notice and I'd rather seen Straylight Run anyways. Feb. 6 is a Sunday, too, so it would totally work. I mean, it's only roughtly 22 minutes away. That's not bad at all. man I want to go.

but man, wtf? Why aren't Something Corporate and Straylight Run coming anywhere remotely near us [together] on their tour?! >:O geez, not even an LA date! They're playing 3 fucking shows in norCal [I think I totally made that term up], two in Nevada, two in freaking Arizona [wth is there in Arizona?! soCal is like... center of pop-punk/punk/emo/whatever crap >:O]. geez. That sucks. I suppose they could add some dates, but I don't think so =/ man. they better.

blah. still need to go to The Used/MCR and such March 31 at Long Beach place thingy. Which is on a Wednesday. but Wednesdays are good >:O

blah. need to go to concert.


Saturday, December 25, 2004

ha! I finally figured out what Brett is! He's my aunt's boyfriend and they live together. ha! It's only taken me about 10 years to figure out! [proud]

uh. As much as I complain about them, they're very nice. I felt bad, because we only got my aunt 2 things and Brett [her boyfriend!] 1 and cookies for both and we each got 3-4 presents. They got me ski gloves, an $80 gift certificate to the spectrum [and it can be used anywhere there--Hot Topic, FYE, Barnes and Noble, the movie theater, Mrs. Fields, wherever], this computer game called Syberia II [looks interesting], and the book The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland in French [Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles]. so yes. rather cool.

uhhhh. I'm tired. man, I thought this 2 week vacation would feel way shorter than it is, but... I keep feeling like I'm going back to school on Monday. But I still have another week left! So hopefully this vacation will feel longer than I originally thought it would feel.


wheee. I got the two major things I wanted: Fire and Rain Book 8 [Sluggy Freelance] and an ipod. woosh. I wanted a Tivo very badly too, but I'm pretty sure we're going to get one, my parents just haven't gotten around to figuring it out. Plus, they're going to get one for their TV so it would make more sense just to get them together and not as presents. aaaand I wanted Buffy/Angel DVDs, but I also got gift certificates to FYE and Barnes and Noble, so I can use those to buy DVDs. Except I have to save roughly $60 for when the Wonderfalls DVD comes out Feb. 1. Got a few other smaller things too. woosh.

uhhhh. Aunt and Brett are coming over later. But it'll be ok, because there is pumpkin pie to be had later :)

I heard Christmas by the Phone at 12:30 AM last night. :D And Alone This Holiday, but it was earlier. And they played the MCR cover of whatsit... All I Want For Christmas Is You like twice. so yay. :D

anyways. off to figure out how to work an ipod.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

mm. Tuesday night the fire/smoke alarm went off at around midnight and I totally slept through it. Awesome. It was loud, too, which I know, since earlier that day [around... 4 PMish?] it had gone off and pretty much everyone left the hotel and then it stopped and we went back in. And I totally slept through it. ...yet, I'd wake up when my parents started talking quietly when they got up at like 6 AM. Yeah. I'm normal like that. Turned out to be pranksters both times. Which is good, because fire bad [tree pretty. hee].

blah. I wish to go skiing again.

My mom put most of the presents under the tree because she finally got to wrapping them. I remember a few years ago [I think I was in 6th grade? It was around there. yesss yesss it must've been] she put them out reeeeally early and then she was gone getting her nails done or whatever one afternoon and I went through them all [shaking, feeling, ...opening bags to look inside them...] to see what they were [I figured out about... 80% of them, too]. And I know it was 6th grade, because I remember in one of the bags was one of those bigger beanie baby things that are all nice and soft and mediumlarge-ish and it was an elephant and had a flag on its side and I also got a donkey with a flag on its side and the elephant came from "George W. Bush" [you see? elephants=Republican symbol, donkeys=Democrat symbol] and the elephant was like... a joke one and that's how I'm sure that it was 6th grade, because it would've been right after the election, when I would've been all anti-Bush [and ha, I'm proud of disliking Bush even before I knew it was the trendy thing to do so there] and such. And. Wow. I digress. uhhh but the point. But now, I really don't have the urge to look through them [...well, I suppose I have the urge to...] because... it's kind of like why I stopped reading spoilers [well... actually I have read some. I read some after it was slipped somehwere in some article that {....if you watch THe O.C. you might not want to keep reading this. Which... is like... only Lulu. So, if you don't want to be spoiled, stop reading.} that Marissa was going to come out as a lesbian and I was like "o___O!!" so I went to read spoilers to see all how it happened and whatever and if it was true {it is}. And I read some for Lost, because I just got into it and red the recaps and now I want to see what happens next] because half the fun is in the whole... finding out. And stuff. And not spoiling it. And. Yeah. Besides, it's only 2 days away, and I don't even think there'd be a chance for me to see what they are before Saturday anyways.

wow. I ramble well. nose is cold. How is it that my house is 100190850p2893579823 times colder than it was in the hotel? In Mammoth? When the temperature was like 10-20 degrees Fahrenheit? At an elevation of 7500someodd feet?

le sigh.

blah. backity.

Skiing is very fun. :)

uhhhh. I want a penguin. Like, a real one. For a pet. I think that might be a little difficult to manage, though.


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Finish making an awesome set of icons so I can make an icon post at my icon LJ and stay up for another hour [roughly], or go to sleep now and not be totally dead tomorrow morning when I have to pack?

decisions, decisions.

Well, not really. I'm totally staying up. My muse has struck >:O Besides, I won't be able to post again till next Wednesday and I'd really like to post before that so I don't seem to have died, and I do have about 14 new ones but 10 are in icon challenges that haven't been closed yet and they won't be closed till after I've left. Besides, we're driving 5 hours [ish]. I can sleep in the car. ...although... my mom wants me to drive part of the way. bah. I can sleep the other parts >:O

wheeeee. icons are yay.

Friday, December 17, 2004

omfg Kelly Rowan made me absolutely bawl in the new O.C. episode [had to tape it because of the concert last night and didn't have a chance to watch it till tonight]. oh my word. Like, I've gotten teary at shows before. Becoming Part 2 makes me cry throughout the entire episode. It made me bawl the first few times I watched it [although now it's lessened a little]. The O.C. has made me teary before. I get teary at the end of The Gamble and at the end of The Ties That Bind [although only when Kelly Rowan starts breaking apart when she's in Ryan's Pool House because he's all gone and such. Man, Kelly Rowan rocks]. But I have never ever bawled like I did tonight when Kelly Rowan [...well, Kirsten. Kelly's an actress. Kirsten's a character] ordered Caleb out of her house. Well, it wasn't then. I got a little teary when I saw her realizing that Caleb had had an affair with Renée when he was still married to her mother, but I absolutely started bawling when he came after her with Sandy and she threw the vase at his head and was crying and locked herself in the closet. man. so powerful. a;lskfk geez she rocks. She's the only one who's ever really made me cry during The O.C., I realized. man.

Best episode of the season by far. I giggled once in every single scene. Marissa wasn't annoying. I actually enjoyed her [although there wasn't too much about her in it, and when she was in it, it wasn't All. About. Her.] in this episode [gasp!!!]. ahhhhh. Ryan/Lindsay was sooo fucking cute at the beginning. and man, everything just... ah. I feel like the previous episode were all set up just for this episode, and... it's worth it, for all of this. So perfect. my god. ahhhh. <33333

my O.C., you've returned! ...just make sure you stay when you air this January.

wheeee. Today was the best schoolday [day, really] all of 10th grade. :) Everything went good. Which... is good.

French: She tried to work, but no one was really paying attention and we brought food to have a party and stuff so she was all "Psh, screw it. Go get food." And she wasn't mad either, which was good, just kind of amused. wheeee. So I had a bunch of sweet stuff. sugar overload! wheeee!

Science: Quiz wasn't bad at all. I got both math problems right! wheee! [well, I got whatever the majority of the class got. So I consider that to be right]. I didn't really have any problems on anything but what causes seasons, since there was this whole thing he said about it but I only talked about the tilt of the earth and crap. Oh well. I should get at least 2 points on it, I would think. woosh. Rest of the period, I made an additional card for Annie.

English: Vocab quiz that was easy, and then we watched an episode of the Simpsons which had a part that parodied the Raven which we learned Wednesday. wheeee.

AP US: Practiced our little Christmas song stuff and then played 3 songs for the class. We actually sounded pretty good for only practicing it for 20 min. yay! And they were all "OMG THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD!!!!!" even though it was totally easy and wasn't that great. But whatever :) rest of the period... I finished Annie's card! Well most of it. OH. at the beginning of class I got back the multiple choice section of the test we took. Got 17/20, which is actually really good compared to what I normally get. And plus, it raised my grade from a 89.5 to a 90.1! yay! and that's WITHOUT the short answer, which I don't think I've ever not gotten an A or A- on. Sooo... yay!

Algebra 2: Went over homework and then actually finished Annie's card. Got our 50-point mega quizzes back from Wednesday. I got a 48/50 and my grade in the class is a 94.5. Awesome! :DDD

Wind Ensemble: Sat around and did nothing. And made another card for Annie :) haha. It was fun. :)

After school I drove over [...well with my mom in the car x__x but it's less than 2 months till I get my driver's license! >:O and exactly 4 weeks until my bday! yay!] to Woodbridge. My mom made me park in this area that said you had to have a permit to park in [Annie later told me it was the Junior Parking Lot. wtf they have a Junior Parking Lot?! We only have a senior one :(] and then waited till 3 and called Annie so she could find where I was. Then we exchanged gifts. Dude. We were so totally twins. I got her Invader Zim Season 1 on DVD and she got me Invader Zim Season 2 on DVD. heee! I'll have to steal hers [and she can steal mine] at some point. It's ok, though, because I'm pretty sure I've seen the first 9 episodes. I used to watch it hardcore.

mmkay then we went to some area and I met a lot of Woodbridgeans that I don't remember and saw Kat who I do know. We slowly walked to Crossroads after sitting around for like 50 min and then went to some stores. Then some people left and it was just me, Annie, Joe, and Ellen. Tried to see a movie but the ones playing when we got there were crappy and the next ones weren't until 7ish and Annie couldn't stay that late because, according to Annie's mom, Joe tends to rape people in dark areas. Like, if he's watching a movie in class and they turn off the lights, next thing you know, everyone in the class will be raped. Yes. He's quite skillful.

So then we went to Chile's where we had food and I drank 4 sodas [...I was reeeeally thirsty x______X I'd been thirsty since like... 1st period. Then... blah we went to Albertsons briefly and then outside Roundtable where Annie and I were picked up at 7.

It was a very fun day :)

uhhh leaving for Mammoth tomorrow around 10-11 AM. Not coming back until the 23rd! Oh no! wheeeeee I'm really excited for it. Last year we went snowboarding but didn't go skiing at all, so I haven't been for 2 years and I really like skiing. Should be fun, though it would be loads more fun with Annie there :( Can't wait to ski again, though. oooh and then 2 days after we come back it'll be Christmas! yay! ahhh IPod and Fire & Rain. x____x want. [whee I'm greedy!]

ahhh. tired. blah.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

gahhh. Mrs. Bentely gave me a form for Chapman Honor Band thing and it was supposed to be mailed by yesterday but I didn't know that because I didn't see that it had to be mailed by then and didn't know till Jackie told me x____x man. I really wanted to do that. gah. Next year, I guess. -____- I should've blogged about it. Then I would've been reminded. gah.

anyways. Long day.

So in AP US, Aminha [sp?] asked Mr. Sorey if he was going to come to our concert tonight and he was all, for some reason, "Oh, you and the other band students in this class can play for us tomorrow!" And in my class is me, Michele Wong, Seher, and Aminha. Which is... a flute, two clarinets, and a tenor sax. Not exactly a perfect fic. And there isn't any piece where we all play together. So we went to Mrs. Bentley to see if she could find anything and she was all "I have the perfect thing!" and we were all "...wha?! o____o" and... so me, Aminha, Michele, and Seher are going to play 2-3 short Christmas songs for my AP US class tomorrow.

Finished my chart! got a star on concert A arpeggios [I have no idea how that happened o____o], a slash on chromatic [blah wasn't ready to do it, but she came over to me and was all "Do your chromatic!" so I did], and a slash on Gb concert chord study 2 but then I did it again and got an X. so I'm done! I could've taken home my tenor tonight, but because of the quartetish thing tomorrow, I have to keep it there x___x blah.

uhhh btw I totally need to find a way to meet with Annie to give her her present tomorrow >:O

Concert wasn't too bad, really.
Sax Ensemble: Pretty nice, I thought. I played better than I usually do, which is good [clearly]. I thought we sounded pretty good. Better than the clarinet ensemble last year x____x
Wind Ensemble: Cenotaph was decent enough, I thought [trumpets started out better than they usually do, but then there was some mistakes after that]. Better than at the fine arts assembly, at least [I thought we sucked there -___-]. Singing Salvation was amusing, and we sounded good on it. Praise Variants was decent, but we tended to speed up every once and awhile, and there was this one part where the trumpets have a melody thing and we're all supposed to quiet down but some flutes were playing incredibly loud. It was pretty good, in all.

Wish we'd gotten to see Concert Band >:O

Jazz band was really awesome. man, I really want to be in jazz band next year.

uhhh. I need to be studying for my science quiz. Fuck. blah. I really don't want to. x___x I do better when I don't know anything, anyways.

Edit: ooh. Today I got goldfish and a Taking Back Sunday patch from Tiffany, a card from Galaxy, and a card from Michele Wong. I feel bad about Michele Wong giving me a card because we're not really that great friends and I would've never thought to get her something. Though I feel less bad since she gives cards to like... everyone she's ever known/seen. But still. And I feel like I should've gotten Galaxy something too. Oh well.

anyways. woosh.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Edited: at 6:30 PM to update how I'm doing on my goal list because I need to brag :)

Blah. I had a schedule for today x___x [crossed off means I successfully completed it.

1st Period: Go to French.
Office Hours: Study for Algebra 2 test for about 15-20 min. Practice stuff for chart. [blah. In my defense, there were sectionals in the room for all of office hours and the practice room was being used for all but like... 15 min of the time.
3rd Period: Go to English. [...English was stupid. blah. The student-teacher person was nice enough, but... blah.]
Lunch: Do two [one] chart things. I manged to practice for 10 min and then did concert E thirds after the bell rang quickly for Austerman. [I got an X, which is good, because that's all I wanted anyways and I'd barely practiced and when I was practicing I kept making mistakes but I figured I'd just try it anyways and I managed to do it twice without mistakes] So... half a strike-out? blah. If I had followed my schedule, I wouldn't have to worry about the chart anymore x___x I have 3 left still.
5th Period: Algebra 2 Quiz. Don't die. [it wasn't too bad, really]
2-2:30ish: Do science hw. aksj;fdljk Nathan nearly made me cry because I was on like the third of however many questions and he decided it'd be a fine time to have has tune and warm-up and crap. x___x ahhhh!!!! Then Jackie was all [later during it] "I think Nathan's not a section leader anymore!" and Nathan was all "psh. fine." and stopped. I got to the second to last question before we had to go x___x blah.
2:whatever-3ish: Sax Ensemble.

Blah. So I kind of followed the schedule. ...except for the parts that like... I actually have control over [meaning, I kind of have to go to French. I control whether I practice during office hours or not, though.] blahhhhh. -_____-

For this afternoon:
3:30-5:00: Read sections in AP US book for this unit. Success! Finished just at 5:00.
5:00-6:00: Watch GG rerun [...shut up. It's Lane/Dave! Their first kiss today! omg!!! (OTP 4-eva omfg!11!1! <333 heh) And... I need a break or I'll go insane. omg so cute! Lane/Dave OTP forever! ...except Dave is now Seth on The O.C. and it's Summer/Seth OTP forever. man. That'd be really tough: Seth/Summer or Lane/Dave? geeeez. harsh. o____o
6:00-6:30: Dinner. Except, my mom tends to be evil and totally fuck up my schedule when I need to have dinner at a certain time. So it'll probably be more 6:30-7:00 or 7:00-7:30 which... totally fucks everything up! :) Righta t 6:00 and I finished at like... 6:20ish! yay! My schedule is going well so far! :D

6:30-8:00: Read through AP US notes and such for test. Flashcards on stuff I don't remember or important stuff that would likely be asked in short answer [such as "Results of Civil War" or "Results of Election of 1896" or "Causes of Revolutionary War" or "Advantages of English in the Revolutionary War". You get the idea. They're usually pretty easy to find, which is why I do much better on short answer than multiple choice. I totally know how to study for short answer. sigh. I heard there was only one short answer on this test. omg x______X gah].
8:00-10:00: ...[cough, tiny voice] Watch pilot [rerun] of Lost. [/cough, tiny voice] what?! x___x I was planning on watching the premiere back in like September, but I forgot about it and then afterwards I hadn't seen the premiere so I was all "...blah. I hate coming into shows after the first episode becuase it's always so confusing" even though... it'd only be like the 2nd episode and then I just kind of forgot about it and I've heard from people on like TWOP and LJ that it's soooo good and sooo well written and sooo funny and sooo the best new show of the season and I really want to see it and I was looking through the guide thing I have on my TV and it said that they were rerunning the pilot tonight from 8-10 and that's so perfect and... shut up. x_____x
10:00-11:00: shower, review more notes if I'm an idiot and didn't review them well before and don't remember anything, sluggy!!!!!, sleep

woosh. Let's see how well I stick to it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

blah. I'm too tired to go through my day x___x uh Fine Arts Assembly so I missed 1st-3rd anyways. AP US was a free period, Algebra 2 was review, Wind Ensemble was music. yes. boring day.

blah. I can't wait till it's winter break x__x

oh, and happy birthday to Emma.

woosh. I need more sleep.

Monday, December 13, 2004

I love being in Wind Ensemble because it means I get to miss 1st-3rd tomorrow, which means I don't have to do my French hw, the science worksheet [...that... I already finished... shut up >:O], or Huck Finn. wheee. I'm going to end up doing some of Huck Finn tonight anyways, but all I really have is math [already finished the book work] and the discussion, conclusion, and bibliography for science fair. Which... well, I would say it's easy, per se, but... it's not that much. It shouldn't take me more than 2 hours. so yay. :D

French: er. stuff. with. stuff.

Science: for once, it was actually amusing o____o heh. blah and if I were Jonathan Charny, I would've totally blown off science fair [considering I didn't do any of it this weekend anyways...] and would've gone to Almost Acoustic Christmas [dude, and he had a backstage pass! geez, if you're not going to go, at least give the pass to someone who is willing to make sacrifices to go! (coughmecough)]. but that's because I've become a horrible procrastinator since like... Thanksgiving break. Oh well.

English: er. stuff. not terribly exciting.

AP US: notes. woosh. I like this unit. I'm not sure why. I seem to like the more... 1900's-now part of US History. Well, it is the like... one time period that I haven't learnt a billion times before. I mean, geez. We learned about the Indians and the colonists every year from third to fifth or sixth grade. I'm over that. Especially since they lie to us then and make us think they were all a happy family and then WHAM you're in 8th grade and it's all "Oh, btw? The colonists were MEAN and EVIL and KILLED all the Indians and were selfish, greedy bastards! :)" ...yes. I make sense.

Algebra 2: uh. homework and ...doing of homework.

Wind Ensemble: played music. rar. Ooh and I did two more scales during lunch. So that's 6 now, only 4 left. And really, you can get an A with 8/10 done. So I just need to do 2 more, really. And if I do another 2 at lunch tomorrow and another 2 Wednseday, then I'd be totally done 2 days early! So yeah. I think that's what I'm going to do. ah last year I remember being done a lot sooner. sigh. I was all... hard-worker-does-stuff-on-time-blah. that's stupid, though, because 9th grade doesn't count nearly as much as 10th grade does. sigh.

uhhh last night I stayed up till like... midnight doing icon stuff and blah because I'm wise and thought it'd be good to stay up so I would only get 6 hours of sleep. And then I tried to go to sleep around midnight but my mind was like... hyperactive, and then around 12:30 I was still awake and they started broadcasting live from acoustic Christmas and it was Green Day who was the last band to perform and they played every fucking song off American Idiot and I just had to hear them all. So. Stayed up for all of that. Didn't have a watch, but it had to be around 1:15-1:30. So, because I'm a genius, I was absolutely exhausted today. Oh well. It was a better Monday than most, really. And plus, yeah I have a lesson tonight, but no lessons through winter break! Which means tonight is my last lesson until Jan. 3, which is 3 weeks away. ahh. bliss. And! I have an excuse for not practicing! The bass clarinet's been inthe shop all week and they never got around to it. Of course, he'll be all "Then why didn't you practice it on normal clarinet?" and I won't be able to respond because I can express why I don't practice it on clarinet [which is mostly because... I'm not going to be auditioning on clarinet, the ambouchure (sp? gah) and... feel of it is totally different, and besides, he's pushing it on me so much that everytime he's all "clarinet!" I want to play it even less] but... that's ok.

anyways. I can't wait till Saturday. man. Mammoth! And after skiing for a few days, I come back, then like 2 days and it's Christmas! wheeee! ahhh I'm getting an IPod, possibly a Tivo, and book 8 of Sluggy, Fire and Rain. geez. <333 muchos looking forward to. ahhhh winter break=<3333333

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Went spectrumming with Tiffany, Danny, and some people I didn't know. Bought Tiffany and Annie's Christmas presents [gah. they were the only people I could figure out things to get for] and, thanks to Danny, bought "A Santa Clause" [collection of Christmas songs from people like Fall Out Boy, Something Corporate, Matchbook Romance, etc.] and a coke. gah. I completely ran out of money -____- le sigh. Then we went to see Oceans 12. It was awesome, because some of the people bought tickets and went in, then one guy came out with the stubs and gave them to me, Tiffany, and Danny, and we went back in. They didn't even ask for an explanation, it was just "[shows stub] I--" [dude nods]

Ocean's 12 wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as Ocean's 11, which I really liked. The problem with sequels [at least, one's that like... weren't written or planned when the first one was written/planned--meaning things like LOTR, Spiderman 2] is that they totally ruin the original. Like, I remember this fic I read this summer, where it was a total John/Jesse fest and they were both lusting after each other and it was clear they would end up together, you just had to see how it happened. But in the end, the author actually had John end up with Adam, which was like... absolutely crazy. But it was such a perfect ending. ...but then she wrote a sequel where John realized he really wanted Jesse, and he left Adam and went back to Jesse. It completely ruined the end of the first fic, which had been sooo perfect. It just kind of cheapened everything that occurred in the end of the first. And the thing with sequels is like... Ocean's 11 was a good people, so fans of it were all "DUDE. THAT ROCKED! I WANT MORE! THERE SHOULD BE A SEQUEL!" and it's made because so many people will see it, but then since it pretty much ruins the original movie and it's not as good as the first, they're all "crap. that SUCKED." And even by itself, the sequel would be a pretty good movie [like, Ocean's 12, without Ocean's 11, would actually be a pretty good movie. I would like it more if there was no Ocean's 11] but... you expect it to be like the first one, all good and same ideas and whatever but then it isn't and it's blah. sigh.

anyways. It was good, though, for the most part. I'm very tired now, though -____-

tomorrow is going to suck. x__________x

Friday, December 10, 2004

oh. my. god. stop. playing. that. fucking. song.


I. Fucking. Hate. the "Hannukah Song" by Adam Sandler. Yes, KROQ, I understand that it's like, the only Hannukah-related song you can find. Yes, I know you can use this song as an excuse that you're not just like every other cooperation/business/group in the world who cares only about Christmas and ignores all other religions and holidays [that aren't from the Christian religion]. However, this does not excuse the fact that it is a crappy ass "song". And it does not excuse the fact that I've been hearing it incessantly every fucking Christmas since I was 8. I. Am. Sick. Of. This. Song. STOP. PLAYING. IT.

seriously. It was funny maybe... the first 2 times I heard it? [though I was 8, I didn't exactly understand all the references] But now? After 7 years hearing it a million times a year? Not. Funny. Anymore. Just annoying. STOP PLAYING IT. GAHHHHHH.

x_________x this is one of the few reasons I dislike this season. yes, this song alone. good lord. -____________-

On a totally unrelated note, I'm making pretty icons I'm proud of! [squee] :DDD

I feel like my brain is about to explode.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Science: did the most boring lab ever. gah. My grade went up .1, so I'm back to an 88.0. It's actually totally possible that I could have an A- in science by the end of the semester. I just need to not... get high B's/A's on remaining quizzes and do well on science fair and the final. blah.

Office Hours: sectional. Then I did the concert F arpeggios and concert E scale. I got a star on the scale! man, how awesome. I only practiced it a few times in class, for like... 3-5 min. X on arpeggios, but that's not bad. and my full range chromatic is getting better than it was. I'm fine going down, actually. It's just the starting on Bb and then sliding up to B that I have trouble with. I figure if I practice this weekend, I'll be fine to finish it up next week. blah, but I got dumped a lot of stuff on all of a sudden. science quiz next Tuesdayish, science fair Tuesday, AP US test Thursdayish. blah. and Huck Finn [like 50+ pages] and then Sunday I have to go to another play [another 3 hours of my day x___x]. sigh. but I reeeally want to go to spectrum Saturday, since I realized I won't be able to a week from Saturday or a week after that, since then it'll be Christmas. man.

AP US: man. how fucking crazy. My 76 got raised to an 89.5. I went from a C to an A-! wheeee. :D See, now I'm torn. I want to keep doing well, so the logical thing is to study like crazy for the test next week. However, it seems like the more I study, the worse I do. I mean, I think this is my best grade on any test all year in this class, and I studied less for it than any other test. geez. I'm afraid not to study, but... when I do study, it never works. bah.

Wind Ensemble: played music. It felt a lot longer than usual. I so don't want to stay until 3 tomorrow x___X

whee. I finished my speech yesterday, so I don't have to worry about that. All I need to do is proof it, and then find props [I'm going to go with 2 pictures (husband and one of the son) and a skirt and white button down. that should be plenty] and rehearse it like... twice. I don't usually stutter very much reading things aloud for the first time, so I should be fine if I read through it a few times. Then I have to do a tiny bit of other English stuff [won't take more than 10 min] and math hw. man. so little work today. It's awesome. :D And I have cookies! [very happy]

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

blah. Since I left school early yesterday, I had this slip, yes? To be signed by my mom and turned back in today. Well, we arrived at school this morning and I was getting my backpack and I was all "oh CRAP I left the slip at home!" So my mom drove me back home and I searched my room to find it, but couldn't. Then I went and took out everything from my backpack. Turned out it was at the bottom of the backpack. blah. So went back to school with about 5 minutes to spare. blah. and I was going to use the 30 min of time I usually ahve to study for my French test x___x oh well.

French: Test. blah. sucked. Listening comprehension I got a 20/25 [but I got a bonus point for following her directions when she left the class quickly, so it's a 21/25, and 21 was the highest score anyone got. If it was on a curve, it'd be awesome. sigh. As it is, 84 isn't really that wonderful (although it could be worse)]. The multiple choice questions sucked as well. blah. oh, and for one question it was subjunctive of finir, but for some reason I saw faire, and I got all confused because it had "que tu finisse, que tu finis, que to finir," etc. and for all of them the root was fini- and I was all "but it's fass-! It should be fass, I say!" and... yeah. didn't realize till after I turned it in that it was finir, not faire. oh well.

Office Hours: Studied for the math quiz briefly. Then I tried to start working on my speech because it's on Friday, but I failed and instead stared into space and listened to the Tuba/Baritoneness. blah. I'm doing it tonight so I can be all "HA! I DIDN'T LEAVE IT TILL THE LAST NIGHT!" and since I have no hw tonight except for 9 science questions that I can just BS anyways. so... yes.

English: uhhh. speeches. Longfellow poems. Not incredibly thrilling.

Algebra 2: we switched seats. woosh. blah, and we had a quiz. I totally froze on this one question because... well, I never actually learned how to do it in the first place, so... it made it kind of difficult to get on the quiz. blah. I BSed something and I may have gotten it somewhat correct in the last 2 seconds, but then the bell rang and I didn't have a chance to check. Whatever, there were 8 questions, so 1 off would be a 7/8 which is a B+. Although... some questions might be worth more than others. Whatever. I have a 94.2, and quizzes never count for much. blah.

I'm tired -_________- eck. I want it to be winter break really badly -____-

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

French: er... stuff. blah.

Science: blah. Went through a few problems on the worksheet we did yesterday. Watched a video. woosh.

English: essays back. I got an 86. I'm kind of torn. I was expecting worse, but it's still kind of disappointing, considering I got an 88 on the first one and I thought that one was worse than this one. On the plus side, she actually liked my conclusion this time, and I didn't make the mistakes I made in previous essays. On the negative side, I made mistakes I haven't made before. The main problem was just... missing things. I got marked off majorly because I put Proctor wanted to keep his reputation in the town, which is wrong, because he had already lost it and he wanted to get it back. Which I knew, but I just articulated it horribly. And since I put that in my analysis, topic sentence, and thesis, I got marked off in both analysis [majorly; 7 points off out of 35] and structure [for the topic sentence and thesis; 4 points off out of 15]. I also got marked off in analysis for saying that he wanted Elizabeth to still respect him, when it's really he wanted her to respect him again [same mistake as the other one, basically]. And I didn't mention in regards to his sons that not only would they not respect him, they'd also be looked down on by the rest of the town. Which I knew, and was my main point about that when I was planning the essay but somehow completely blew by it in the essay. geez. Got marked off... 4 points out of 35 for evidence because I didn't explain when John said "Would you give them that lie?" who "them" was. ...well, I got full points on mechanics! sigh. I'm kind of... iffy on this because of all that. I mean, I fixed the structural problems I had before. My mistakes this time were just stupid context-y stuff, and as long as I... think and all, I shouldn't have the problem. But see, that's a problem, because if I have problems with structure, I can fix it. I mean, if my conclusion sucks, I can talk to her about how to better structure it. Or what to put in the intro, or how to do transitions, or whatever. But... she can't help me with forgetting details and such. That requires me to actually concentrate and just... not... be stupid. Which isn't as easy to fix. bah. Essay brought my grade down from like... a 91 or 92 to a 90. gah. I need to not do poorly on the last essay. I need an A in English, since I think I'm goign to already have a B in both AP US and Science. sigh.

AP US: notes.

Algebra 2: notes. geez. what boring classes.

Wind Ensemble: had someone come to clinic us. Mr. Steele came during the clinic and stood back and watched. I left at 2:15 for an orthodontist appointment. The clinician didn't notice, but when I was walking around to leave, Mr. Steele [...I feel like I'm misspelling that horribly] gave me a weird look. So then I smiled at him, and he gave me a look. heh. Mr. Williams also gave me an odd look when I walked into the band room to put my stuff away, but he ignored me. woosh.

orthodontists suck. my mouth hurts like poo.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Dude, I totally went Straylight Run obsessed like, overnight. I bought the CD like... 70% because of the whole... John/Jesse/Adam/Brand New/TBS/Straylight Run drama [well, the other 30% was because I liked it. I mean, I wouldn't have bought it if I hated it], and I listened to it a few times, and was all "eh. whatever." and listened to it no more. But then Saturday, when I was redoing my walls, I went through the CDs I have in my CD case that I took with me in Vegas that are still in the case [which means I haven't listened to them in like, a month] and.. it was one of them. But I didn't even go obsessed Saturday, I started listening to the new GC repeatedly actually. But Sunday on the way to the play I decided to listen to it and man I fell in love with Existentialism on Prom Night [well, duh. It's like, required to like that song. Everyone loves it. And that's a gross generalization, but it's my blog, I'll generalize the fuck out of everyone :)] and whatever the song before that is called and mannn I want to find where the CD case and the CD jacket for it have gone to but I can't and it's pissing me off.

And this does have a point. Because you see, Straylight Run and Something Corporate and some other band I haven't heard of [well I've heard of, I just haven't heard the music of yet] are going to be touring together next February. Bah I checked the dates, but the closest is in like Arizona or San Francisco. Which... isn't very close. and on SoCo's site, they had nothing more. BUT on Straylight Run's site, they had a 02/06/05 - TBA, a 02/08/05 - TBA, and a 2/10/05. I hope it's the 6th, because that's a Sunday [provided they do have a date near hear. But dude. You can't not do a LA/LA's surrounding areas' date. That's just not right. And that would be inbetween Arizona and San Francisco, whichi s most likely. The 10th would be ok [Thursday], but the 8th would be baaaad [Tuesday]. rar., what's witht he sudden finding...ance [shut up. findingance is totally a word. and you so see why I'm in honors English] of concerts. Jan. 15 NHOI, Feb 6/8/10 possibly Straylight Run/SoCo, Feb. 16 Motion City Soundtrack, etc., March 31 MCR, The Used, etc. woosh. concerts rock, though, so it's all right. It just sucks, because I have to wait to ask about them because I can't be all "Hey, there's 4 differnet concerts I want to go to! Buy me tickets for them! :)" It has to be... gradual. woosh.

...ok I need to stop blabbering about nothing.

DUDE. My Chemical Romance, The Used, and whoever else, are playing at the Long Beach Arena March 31! That's Thursday, which really isn't too bad, since I'll know all the homework I have due Friday by Wednesday night, except like science, but we never have anything major assigned overnight in science, and I can always do it during office hours or snack or lunch or whenever. I so want to go. geez. My Chemical Romance! ahhh! <333 they're so my favorite band right now. wheeee. We'll have to see. I can't really find any info on it as of yet, except from MCR's site, and all it says is the date and where it's at. I only know the Used is playing because Lulu's blog says so :) But I so want to go. ahhh. I still need to find out about the January 15 NHOI show at Chain Reaction. But I'll wait like a week or two on that. Going to the Feb. 16 at Anaheim House of Blues Epitaph tour, though. My mom ordered the ticket and everything :DDD. I just... hope they don't check IDs. Or I hope we can find someone going 18 or over. bah. we shall have to see.

Edit: "Starting in Atlanta on February 17th, the Taste of Chaos tour, also founded by Warped Tour creator Kevin Lyman, will feature 38 dates across North America including five Canadian shows. Performers will include The Used, My Chemical Romance, Killswitch Engage, A Static Lullaby, Senses Fail, Converge, Underoath, Saosin, and some special guests."

It's also being called a "Winter Warped". Not all the bands are on all the days, I think. At least I hope not, or it probably starts earlier in the afternoon, which would suck, what with school and all. In any case, it sounds aaawesome and I totally want to go. wheee. I'll ask my mom about it in like, a month. There's still time. Tickets aren't even close to being on sale yet.

blah. I've totally gotten into John/Adam/Jesse triangles again x___x I hadn't been reading much, but mannn I just found a bunch that are superly awesome. ah. gave me the urge to write one, but the only problem with that is that I'd have to decide which pairing I'd want to be the end pairing, and... I don't have a favorite. How crazy is that? Well, I don't prefer Jesse/John, mostly because I see them as like... best-friends-first-love-first-kiss but as they mature they split [I see it as one of them cheating on the other and the other catching them and them being all grr and apart for several months until they miss each other too much and become friends again] and then grow to be best friends again but nothing more. And wow, I totally put too much thought into this. But I'm not so sure between Jesse/Adam and John/Adam. I think it's Jesse/Adam, because I totally adore John with Conor [duuuude they're sooo fucking pretty together omfg *____* I totally put up a pic of Conor instead of the other side that has Boys Night Out, a band I actually listen to and have the CD of, because of his prettiness. my defense, because that sounds awful of me, I listened to Boys Night Out like 3 times after I got their CD and then stopped listening to them, and that was last February, and I'm planning on getting a Bright Eyes CD next time I go to spectrum [man I really need to go this weekend x___x I have to buy some Christmas presents too. gack but I have to figure out who I'm getting for x___X not many, I guess. I think it might just be Annie, Tiffany, and Jackie. I don't know. Or maybe I'll grow lazy and not get anyone anything. oh but dude I totally know what I'm getting Annie and I really want to get her it blah I need to figure this out] and and and Conor Oberst is reeeally pretty.

...I don't think anyone understood that paragraph. Like, Tiffany probably even had trouble with it. Awesome. [proud of being unclear and confusing]

ok. I should really do hw. sigh.

wheeeeeeee :DDD

French: uhhh. I don't remember. Well, I remember she got annoyed because people didn't know the answers to hw questions 'cause they didn't do them. I was proud, though, because she was asking someone something and they didn't know and she got all frustrated and I looked up at her and she looked at me and was all "Michelle?" and I said it immediately without looking at my book :) woosh. Do they have SAT2's for French? Because I'd want to take that for one of my SAT2's, if they have them. woosh.

Science: We had a sub! I don't really dislike Tran [though... I don't really like him either], but... it's always so boring and blech. Our sub was nice/cool/woosh. Finished the hw in class [though I BSed most of it. But I figure it doesn't matter, because he'll just go over it in class tomorrow anyways].

English: I forgot to print out the thing we had to print out for English last night and I was freaking out this morning, and finally I just drew something quickly on lined paper. She didn't care. Awesome. uhhh otherwise... not much. I dislike poetry greatly x___X

AP US: Multiple choice tests back. Ok, so total questions are 24. When I first got it back, I got a 19, and the highest score was a 22, so that would be an 86, which is incredibly awesome for me for multiple choice. Seriously, I don't think I've ever done that well on multiple choice, and even if I have, it wasn't by much. Even without the curve, that's a 79, which isn't really that horrible, considering the utter lack of studying I did for the multiple choice part. However, one of the questions the right answer was marked wrong. So this brings me up to a 20. If the same thing was marked wrong on the person who got the highest score's test, than he has a 23, which is an 87 for me, which is... better than an 86 [obviously]. However, there's also a chance that it was marked right on the person who set the curve, then they'd go down to a 21, which would bring me up to a 95. So at maximum, my multiple choice score could go up to a 95, and at minimum, an 87, Aaaawesome. :DDD I should try not studying more often.

Algebra 2: uh. notes. woosh.

Wind Ensemble: Playing. woosh. After school I played concert Gb scale for her. I haven't practiced this all at home, all my practicing for it has been in class warm-ups. But before class started I found that I had it memorized, so I was all "why not?" so I did it and I wasn't even trying for a star, but wheee I got a star! :D I think I can probably manage one on either E thirds or Gb chord study 2, if I practice. woosh.

eeee and now I'm really happy, because my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I told her some stuff, and then I was all "...dude, I want Fire and Rain" [printed version of my favorite sluggy book everrr] so I was all "...and there's this like... comic book thing of this webcomic that I kind of really want..." and she had me show her the site and we got to the part where you like... type in the billing info and stuff and she was all "Ok, go away, and forget this ever happened." :DDD So I'm totally getting Fire and Rain, and that makes me sooo fucking happy ahhhh :DDD There's a large demand for them, though, so I'm kind of doubting it'll come in time for Christmas, but I can always get it for my birthday instead. wheeee. :DDD

ah stupid hw. Stupid lesson. I want to stay home and do nothing and be happy :DDD

Saturday, December 04, 2004

hee. I'm totally redoing my walls [like I said I'd do last summer but then... didn't. I was planning on doing it winter break, instead, but I got the urge to last night and so I figured I'd take advantage of it while it lasted] and I put full-page pics of Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, and Straylight Run right in a row. That amuses me greatly, because I am awesome like that. And if you don't know why that's amusing, then... go read up on Brand New/TBS/Straylight Run history :)

wheeee. But my thumbs hurt :( My walls look so weird without anything on them. It makes the room look smaller, which doesn't make much sense because... you would think with all the stuff up that it would make the room look smaller. But it doesn't. woosh. hope I finish tonight, since I won't have anytime to tomorrow [lots of homework, and I promised my mom I'd go with her and my dad to A Christmas Carol at SCR tomorrow in exchange for her letting me go to the awesome February concert at House of Blues in Anaheim on a Wednesday. Also have to go to a play a week from tomorrow. But it's totally worth it] or during the week because of school crap, and my room will be all partially finished for like, a week. And taht would drive me insane, because I am a complete perfectionist. Or I have OCD.


Friday, December 03, 2004

French: er... we took a quiz and I got all the questions on it right! and that's all I can remember -___-

Science: er. boring stuff.

English: some speeches, Benjamin Franklin stuff, blah, boring. Got this line "faith goes both ways" stuck in my head because it was written on Tiffany's English book that I stole and it drove me crazy all period trying to remember who it was by and I had how the like... melody of that part went and had the voice but couldn't put a name to it. yes. And it sounded a lot like The Starting Line, so I went through every band I knew that sounded somewhat like the Starting Line but I couldn't figure it out. Turned out that it was by The Starting Line. yeah. Smart one, me.

AP US: essay! Totally failed it :) I couldn't think of anything for any of the topics, and I was all "...fuck." and I just sat there and stared at all three prompts for about 10 min and finally just chose one and basically BSed it entirely. sigh. I'm going to get like... a 7/15. That's not very good. bah. -____- I fail life. And I can't exactly afford to lose anymore points this quarter x___X

Algebra 2: got our tests back. I was feeling pretty good about the test, about a... high B, low A, before class. But then she told us how the average was mega low and that a lot of people had done horribly and not to kill ourselves over the grades and stuff and it ended up being like a 10 minute speech about how we all failed miserably at life but it's ok because... uh... it is..., and I was all "...crap. I bet I got a high C/low B," cause of the negativity of her speech. Ended up getting a 90, which I was very pleased with :) wheee. Better than my last quiz score, that's for sure.

Wind Ensemble: uh. played music. whee. I chipped my best reed horribly before class started, so I had to use a new one, and it was all blech and gah x____x must practice for chart this weekend and try to finish as much as possible next week! blah.

"Then drop me down so I can kill him. She didn't die so you could..."

awwwww. poor Torg. And poor alt.Torg ["She? She who?"]. sluggy freelance is aaaawesome. <3333333 Too bad Pete no longer does the Saturday, because that means I have to wait until Saturday night around... 9-11 for the next one :( blah. Oh well, at least he does Sundays still. And all his comics are so fucking amazing. No more 3-4 panel, 1 line strips. geez. these are craaaazy but in an awesome way. ah. sluggy. <333

French: er... we took a quiz and I got all the questions on it right! and that's all I can remember -___-

Science: er. boring stuff.

English: some speeches, Benjamin Franklin stuff, blah, boring. Got this line "faith goes both ways" stuck in my head because it was written on Tiffany's English book that I stole and it drove me crazy all period trying to remember who it was by and I had how the like... melody of that part went and had the voice but couldn't put a name to it. yes. And it sounded a lot like The Starting Line, so I went through every band I knew that sounded somewhat like the Starting Line but I couldn't figure it out. Turned out that it was by The Starting Line. yeah. Smart one, me.

AP US: essay! Totally failed it :) I couldn't think of anything for any of the topics, and I was all "...fuck." and I just sat there and stared at all three prompts for about 10 min and finally just chose one and basically BSed it entirely. sigh. I'm going to get like... a 7/15. That's not very good. bah. -____- I fail life. And I can't exactly afford to lose anymore points this quarter x___X

Algebra 2: got our tests back. I was feeling pretty good about the test, about a... high B, low A, before class. But then she told us how the average was mega low and that a lot of people had done horribly and not to kill ourselves over the grades and stuff and it ended up being like a 10 minute speech about how we all failed miserably at life but it's ok because... uh... it is..., and I was all "...crap. I bet I got a high C/low B," cause of the negativity of her speech. Ended up getting a 90, which I was very pleased with :) wheee. Better than my last quiz score, that's for sure.

Wind Ensemble: uh. played music. whee. I chipped my best reed horribly before class started, so I had to use a new one, and it was all blech and gah x____x must practice for chart this weekend and try to finish as much as possible next week! blah.

"Then drop me down so I can kill him. She didn't die so you could..."

awwwww. poor Torg. And poor alt.Torg ["She? She who?"]. sluggy freelance is aaaawesome. <3333333 Too bad Pete no longer does the Saturday, because that means I have to wait until Saturday night around... 9-11 for the next one :( blah. Oh well, at least he does Sundays still. And all his comics are so fucking amazing. No more 3-4 panel, 1 line strips. geez. these are craaaazy but in an awesome way. ah. sluggy. <333

Thursday, December 02, 2004

dude. For my birthday [wow, it's only 1 1/2 months away! crazy.] I totally want to go to Chain Reaction January 15 [a Saturday! And only 22ish min away, 19 miles away] to see Never Heard of It. How awesome would that be? That's totally feasible, too. It's an all ages show, it's less than half an hour away, and it's on a Saturday. man. I totally want to do that.

uhhh more unfeasibly [hee. that's so not a word. I so don't care.] is February 16 at the House of Blues, Anaheim, for the Epitaph tour, which features From First To Last, Matchbook Romance, Motion City Soundtrack, and The Matches or Scatter The Ashes. Like, forgetting the fact that I really like From First to Last, Matchbook Romance, and The Matches, dude. Motion City Soundtrack. They're on the list of bands I want to see more than anyone. seriously, never seen them live and I reeeeally want to. And we totally had the oppurtunity to like last June? but my mom didn't get around to deciding if I could go or not before it sold out. So I reeeally want to see them. Ah, but it's on a Wednesday. Well, actually, Wednesday is like the best possible day for me to go to a concert [excluding weekends, of course] since I never have any homework assigned for Thursday, and even if I did, I would know about it before Wednesday anyways. And it's only 17.56 miles away [according to mapquest] which is like 20-30 minutes away, so it's really not that bad. Really, that's not all that bad. The only major problem is, if you're 16 or younger, you have to have a parent guardian person come with you, and I don't think my mom would be too fond of that. But I know people on some different communities have said they've gone and haven't even gotten carded, like they didn't give a shit how old they are. man, I so wish it was people under 16, because I'd be 16 by then >:O ahhh. Maybe. That'd be such an awesome show, though, and it's totally possible besides the whole parent coming if you're 16 or younger thing. bah.

anyways. In case you care. Which you don't. But shut up. >:O

I want to live in Australia. Simple Plan opening for Green Day. >:O

Science: uhh lab. Boring. rar Jonathan Charny sucks because he was saying at the beginning of class that he has tickets to acoustic Christmas night 2 and is going in a limo and getting backstage passes and blah blah blah rar >:O I want tickets to acoustic Christmas night 2! I want backstage passes! >:O gah. uhhh end of class we had like half an hour, so I studied more for the history test :)

Sectionals: Whoa, I actually did soemthing off the chart! Got an X, which is a 95, so whatever. I don't care if I don't get a single star, and I just want an A. Blah, chromatic on tenor fucking sucks, though. I never realized it before. But it starts on low Bb, which is horrible in itself, but then you have to slide your left pinky up to the right to the B. gahhh I can't slide -____- Well I can, but it sounds horrible. Especially since those are the two lowest notes you can play on tenor, and low notes are crap. bah. It's not so bad going down, but I fail going up. gah. I suppose I'll just do it really slowly. You can do it at whatever speed and still get a X, as long as there are no mistakes. So I guess I'll ahve to do that. blah. sucks for end of the year wind ensemble auditions, though, because full range chromatic is required, and I know last year that was like... the highlight of my audition and now I fail on it. I guess I could go back to bass clarinet, but... I like the tenor parts more. bah humbug. uh... otherwise we played music. whee.

AP US: See, there's this thing that happens. When I don't study the book for tests, and then I take the multiple choice part, whenever I actually know what the answer is, I'm all surprised because I don't think I would know anything, and at the end of the tests I come out feeling good about the test, since I didn't study at all and yet actually knew some of the questions. But when I do study the book for tests and take the multiple choice part, I'm still unsure of some answers, and so I end up coming out of the test feeling like I did horribly because I feel I should've known more questions. In the end, I get pretty much the same grade whether I studied or not, yet I feel a lot better when I don't study than when I do. So anyways, the short answer was rather easy, though I know I missed one fill-in question [and what sucks ass is that someone actually said what the answer was accidentally in class, but I had already turned that section of the test in, and I put the opposite answer (I put Democrats, answer was Republicans). sigh]. Ah when I got to the last page of the short answer, the first question was something like "What were three results of the 1896 election?" and I was all "yes!!!" because I had studied those like... extensively, I guess. Or like... well out of my flashcards that was one of them that I studied the most. So I put down "lower voter turnout" and "Republicans dominated the national government positions for nearly 30 years" and then... I blanked out. I always had gone blank when I came to that flashcard for that one, and I was all "oh fuck asl;dfja;lksfjd" and I spent like 3 minutes just staring at that question and it wasn't coming to me, and I was sort of panicking even though it really wouldnt' have mattered that much, but I was all "geez I just have to BS something. Whatever, I'll put something like 'The Populist party died out after that election'," and then like WOOSH and I suddenly remembered it because it actually had something slightly to do with the Populist part [they're a farm organization, and the third result was the urban vote became more popular and candidates couldn't rely solely on the farmers' votes] and I was very proud at myself for that :) ah and then I got the multiple choice section, and the first page I actually knew like every single one. When I went back through the questions, there were about 10 I was at all unsure of, out of 24. Which is actually like a low D, which isn't very good, but usually when I'm unsure of stuff, I get about half right. So if we move that up to 5, that's a 19/24, which is a C+. Which averaged in with an A on the short answer [which I'm sure I got, and I probably shouldn't be so sure, but... I knew all the stuff on that. And I'll get one or two or three points off, but I knew the rest] that's like... a B. Which will definitely bring up my grade [76]. So if I do end up getting like... an 85, for example, My grade will be moved up to around an 80 or 81. Which is a B- which is an A in regards to GPA. so yes. I am pleased :)

Wind Ensemble: Guy from CSLB came to talk about music and play flute crazily. woosh.

I'm tired. rar. I need to do homework and then study this unit of history some more because I have an in-class essay tomorrow, which really, really sucks >:O roar. Can't wait till tomorrow's over. This week has actually gone pretty fast. Awesome. And there's only like 2 weeks left until winter break! wheee.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

wow. I'm so totally screwed :) Starting to worry just a bit, considering all I did was go through my notes once and make flashcards on the stuff I didn't know. Haven't actually studied that flashcards yet. Whatever, I can do that in the half hour I have before school starts. And during science. I think I can manage a high B on the short answer. Multiple choice, I am completely and utterly screwed for. But then, even if I did read the book, I'd be screwed for it. Multiple choice is evil. rar.

whatever. There'll be 2 more tests this semester, so even if I bomb this one, I still have 2 tests to ace, and the unit we're doing now seems less difficult. So I should do better on that test. Plus it's averaged with first quarter, which I had an A- in [now I have a 76. Yes. I am wise to let myself completely bomb this test] and then the final is 20% of the grade. You know, 20% is a lot. so. yes.

Whatever. I'm tired of caring.

mm. I have a test in AP US tomorrow that I totally haven't studied at all for. :) My plan was to start studying Sunday afternoon so I'd have enough time to get through all the book chapters and stuff, because the multiple choice that comes from the book is always my weakness. I'm fine with the short answer, but the multiple choice is evil. But then I didn't, because I wanted to finish rereading old Sluggy comics [psh. So worth it. Sluggy brings me so much more happiness than studying. Sluggy brings me more happiness than an A on a test would]. Then I decided instead I'd study my notes Tuesday night so I'd be set for the short answer and have a clear idea of what's going on during the unit. But then I didn't, because I wanted to finish rereading this amazing Buffy fic, Pheonix Rising [I read it for the first time about 2 or 3 years ago, and it is just soooo fucking amazing], and then looked through my parents' CD collection, stole a few of their CDs, and burnt them onto my computer. Then I watched Gilmore Girls and House. GG and House were worth it, not sure the other stuff was. But whatever, it's done with. So then, I was going to start studying the absolute moment I got back from school. But then I went to Best Buy and got the CD I got and then when I got home, I had to listen to it in all its entirety and the MCR song a bonus 2 or 500 times. And then I had to catch up at LJ, but it was down for me, so I had to wait for it to be up, and while I was doing that, I listened to some old CDs I burnt with random songs because I wanted to find my Christmas one from last year [heh, only like 5 of the songs, at most, are Christmasy, out of like 15. Some Christmas CD] because... why bother trying to download them when I already have them? Duh. And I'm still listening to old burnt CDs 'cause the music is making me all nostalgic and happy. :) And my new plan had been to start studying notebook at 4 briefly and then after dinner, study the book [though that's not going to be enough time. I know it won't. The book is just too long. There's like 4 or 5 chapters inthis unit, and it takes me about an hour to properly absorb the stuff in the chapter, and I don't have 4 or 5 hours to spare. Not even if I started now.

Yeah. And instead of blogging about how much I procrastinate, I really should be starting to study. But I'm not. Because I am a genius.

Bah humbug. This is more enjoyable anyways. These days, I'm too apathetic to care. I really need a winter break -____- They shouldn't give me four-day weekends, because I go into a total state of apathy and non-workingness, and then they try to get me all working and stuff and... it doesn't work. >:O At least the week is more than half-way through. And tomorrow is a nothing today, because all I have is a lab in science which'll be fine, and the test which isn't exactly easy but... it's not like... stuff shut up I know what I'm talking about, and then Wind Ensemble, which is duh. bah but tomorrow I have to study my notes more in preparation for the essay we have Friday in AP US, because I'm sure I won't study nearly as much as I need to tonight, and on the last one I got a 6/7 out of 10 [he didn't count them, just... put what he would've graded it] which isn't as bad as there was, most people got around there sitting near me [except the guy next to me who got a 9 whom I want to hit because I'm totally mature like that]. aaaand I'm so procrastinating more by doing this.

Whatever. I'll start at 5.

blah. I have such a migraine. Otherwise, the day wasn't too crappy.

French: ...too long ago! >:O I don't know.

Office Hours: Stayed inside band room because outside is cold and listened to My Chemical Romance while studying for math test.

English: er... speech presentations [blah. I'm next Friday, and I so have no idea what I'm going to do for mine -____-] and then work for the rest of the period that we didn't hand in and I knew we wouldn't so I totally BSed.

Lunch: There was some band from school playing. They weren't bad, but they reminded me of... pretty much every other emo/screamo band in the history of the universe. Lulu said they reminded her [or at least one song did] of Taking Back Sunday. I didn't hear that as much, but they did sound like Thursday during a song or two, and Coheed and Cambria in another few. And kind of Muse in another. And Hawthorne Heights. And the multitude of emo bands I've listened to randomly at purevolume. They were selling CDs for $10, according to Melody and Galaxy, but I didn't buy one. I liked them enough to listen to, but not to waste $10 on, especially when I already know a bunch of bands they sound like that are better than them that I can listen to. But I wouldn't mind stealing a burned copy from someone... [coughcoughhinthintorsomethinglikethat].

Algebra 2: The part I was most worried about was pretty easy, and the part I studied for most and thought I knew best was rather difficult. Well, some questions. It didn't help that my scientific calculator doesn't have the little ^ key so you can make the number to whatever power you want. 3^13 isn't fun to do -___- but then I realized taht 3^13 equal 9^6 times 3, which equals 81^3 times 3. Which is a lot easier than 3^13. eh, I think I did all right? But not as well as I would've liked to.

ah I finally asked my mom about going to Best Buy to get Kevin and Bean's Christmastime in the 909. I've wanted it for like... a week or two [...not sure if I mentioned this before. I think I meant to?] ever since I found out My Chemical Romance had a track on it [I'm so easy] but I kept not asking until this morning when they played that My Chemical Romance track during Kevin and Bean in the Morning and I reeeeally liked it [before I had heard about 5 seconds of it and liked it, but... never all of it] and then after that Kevin and Bean started saying how it was selling out some places and blah blah blah and I really wanted to have that track, so... it finally pushed me to ask. And so I asked her if we could possibly go get it sometime soon, considering it was selling out and stuff, and she was all "Ok, let's go." So went to Best Buy after school and got the CD :) awesome. There's 30 different tracks and it was only $5.30 [that's including tax], which is a little less than 18 cents a song, which makes it totally worth it, considering most CDs are a little less than 15 tracks and a little more than $15. Plus, there are some other bands I like on it, and some comedy stuff. so wheee. I also want to get this other CD, A Santa Clause, because it has this Christmas Fall Out Boy track I've been going insane about wanting to hear but since I'm too afraid to have anything like Ares or Kazaa [especially Kazaa -___-], I can't download it. blah. There are loads of other good bands on that too. so yeah. It's not recent, though, it was put out last year, or maybe the year before that, so... I'm not sure how easily I'll be able to find it =/ I can always ask for it for Christmas, but that kind of defeats the purpose of it, since I like making burnt CDs of Christmas tracks from awesome bands and... if I got it for Christmas... the only day it'd be fitting to listen to would be the day I got it, and then the days after that it like... wouldn't work. blah.

man I have such a headache -____-