The only really really horrible thing? No PSP. x.x Either I'm saving up for it, I'm getting it for Christmas, or I'm breaking down and downloading KAZAA and then downloading it from there and then erasing KAZAA from my computer completely. Sigh. I'm betting on the last one on happening, unless my parents are generous and get it for me soon. Well I can survive with just the trial version for a month. Oh well. But still. SOUND! MY COMPUTER BACK! YAY!
I should study now.
It's a New Day
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
WOOHOO! I'M GETTING MY COMPUTER BACK TOMORROW! AND IT'LL HAVE SOUND AND EVERYTHING!!! What it won't have, however, is every single one of my files. Sigh. Or PSP. That depresses me so much... PSP is awesome. I won't be able to enter challenges for like a month. Plus, I don't even know if I will be able to get it for Christmas. Sigh.
Um, yes. I feel bad. Like not.. feelings-wise. I mean, I'm-going-to-throw-up-wise. Or something.
...I really have nothing more to say but that...
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Gah. No, I still do not have my computer back. I stole my mom's. DSL sucks, btw. I have no idea when I'll get my computer back. Monday they said "Oh, we'll be done 24-38 hours." Then later that day they said "Oh btw, we found that you have a virus in your compujter. We're going to have to erase every single file you have." So I had to take it home Tuesday, save everything I don't want to be deleted, and send it back to them. Crappy thing is? PSP couldn't be copied and... so I'm going to be without it until Christmas or until I can save up enough money to buy it., Then on Wednesday when I took it back to Gateway they said "Ok, 24-48 hours." Friday (48 hours later) they told us that they had to wait for a sound card to be shipped in and it'd come Monday. Monday? "It's not in yet, but it should be in 24-48 hours." I'm expecting a call that'll be like "Oh, we're just waiting for a brand new computer to be shipped in. It'll take 500 years."
Sigh. But that's not the reason I decided to blog. I think I've been pissing off Jackie lately. I'm always cautious now about saying stuff to her because I'm afraid she'll get all annoyed at me and she's seemed really unhappy lately. And then I read her blog today and there were two things. The first was from Friday that was all "It's really annoying when people come up to me and assume they're my partners" and I think that was either directed at me or Connie even though I didn't mean to do that, I just went over to Emma and Galaxy and Eleasa and Connie and then Connie and I were kinda gonna be partners but she went over to Jackie and then I followed Connie when she sat down and we started talking about what to do and I assumed she was ok with being partners but then when we were writing our names down she was all "Oh... you're going to be with us too?" And I was kind of like "...why the hell do you think I've been sitting here for the past 15 minutes?" But... yeah. On second thought, it seems like she might have meant Connie since it says specifically "I didnt like the fact that people assumed they can just be partners with me when they just come up to me." since she was the one that came up to Jackie, not me. But then, she could still be annoyed at me. I'm afraid I annoyed her and I have no idea why really. And this is all waaaay too reminiscent and that's not spelled right but that's ok back in like 5th/6th grade when I was friends with other people. I'd start... just... trying to hang out with them or sit with them at lunch and I thought they were my friends but the more I spent time with them the more annoyed at me they got until finally they were all "Dude, we don't want to be friends with you" and... I'm so afraid of that happening again and then now Jackie's getting annoyed at me and GAH. I just feel really bad and I don't know what I've done. Oh and the other thing is she said something about me guessing who she thought was hot in marching band (this is before everyone found out) and I jokingly guessed "Oh, I bet it's Melody isn't it? She has a necklace on?" and such and in her blog she seemed really annoyed/angry about that when... I was trying to like... lighten the mood when I said that. I meant it not seriously or anything, it was just Soan kept asking her who it was and guessing and she was getting pissed off so I tried to like... make joking guesses but... well apparantely I'm not good at cheering people up or anything. Gah, I don't really think you thought a girl was hot, Jackie, I was just kidding. x.x
So yeah, anyways. I think Jackie is seriously annoyed/mad at me and I don't really get why and I feel bad for her because she's looked really unhappy and annoyed recently, but... whatever. I should be doing homework instead of going on about this.
I feel really tired. Recently I have. Ever night it's like... only 8 pm and I'm exhausted. And throughout school I'm exhausted.
I hate marching band inside. I hate clarinet sectionals. There's alwasys the 6th period people there and they make me feel like I'm horrible at clarinet and so inferior to them and I know that they think I'm worse than them because I'm a freshman and in 5th period but I bet that I'm better than at least some of them and ugh they just make me feel so bad about myself and I get all self conscious and then I start making mistakes and proving what they think of me and I really really really should be doing homework now.
I'm just really frustrated at the moment.
I miss Paintshop Pro. It always makes me feel better.
I want to go to Stanford. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. Last Tuesday (was it Tuesday? I think so) when I had the computer back to save files I didn't want deleted, I randomly looked up some colleges because I was bored and... it was one of them and I got all... obsessed. I don't know if I can get in. I don't know if we can afford it. Sunday morning I was talking to my parents and then I mentioned for some reason that 19 kids from UNI got into UCLA last year cuz it had some relevance to what we were talking about and then i said that like 9 got into Stanford and my parents were all "You should go to Stanford or UCLA or USC" and my dad was all "yeah you have to go to a UC school because they're cheaper except I don't know if we can afford Stanford." But then, I don't even know if I can get it. I don't even know why I freaking want to go, it's so random. Well besides the fact that it's near San Francisco. I like San Francisco :) And... no... not because of Charmed O_o
...I'm tired. I NEED TO DO HOMEWORK. *hits stuff*
Ok. I'm going. Really. I am. WATCH ME GO.
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Today was fun. Annie and Lulu bombarded my house and then Tiffany came later. We saw Drumline. Their marching is so bad it's not even funny. Annie and I (well mostly me) were all "OMG THAT WOULDN'T HAPPEN! HE WOULD SOOOO BE KICKED OUT OF THE BAND FOR THAT! OMG STUPID BASTARD!!!" ...yeah, anyways. But it was amusing.
Um, I should do my homework. Hm.
Shit. Last night with my computer. This sucks so much, you have no idea x.x
Mmm ok. Stealing surveys from Annie, and then I'm going to go finish my layout at my fanart site! =)
[x] they call me: Michelle
[x] aka: uh... Michi? I guess. Some people call me that. Most Michelle. Or "HEY YOU GOING INSANE IN BARNES AND NOBLE!!!"
[x] my first breath of air: ...uh... O.o NEVER! THE WORLD IS FILLED WITH SMOGGGGG!!! :)
[x] occupation: student!
[x] nationality: American, I guess. Or if you want to be all "NO YOU'RE NOT NATIVE AMERICAN YOU LIEEEEE" then English, Scottish, Irish, French, German, and Austrian. HAPPY NOW?!
[x] what's your hair color?: blond (natural) with 2 highlights in the front which were blue at one point (not natural)
[x] eye color?: blue
[x] best homegirlz: Who says homegirlz? O.o Um... yes. I think that they know who they are :) The people I hang out with the most. Jackie and Tiffany and Lulu. Aw no, I didn't forget: NNIE!!! (bwahahahaha YOU LIED LOOK I HAVE NOT FAILED!!!)
[x] best homeboyz: ...I don't know if I have any homeboyz. WAIT I KNOW! My bird Derek is my best homeboy!
[x] most memorable memory: The sleepover last Sunday
[x] worst?: Most recently...I'm not sure.
[x] first word uttered: either "SEE!" (complete with pointing action!) or "more!" Hee I was greedy.
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Wow, first bestfriend? That was a looong time ago. Either Karissa or Ilana I guess. I don't know. Was Karissa ever my best friend? I know she was like my first friend ever.
_______FAST FORWARD_______
[x] college: blah. Not thinking that far ahead. I'm leaning towards somewhere in California since I love it here and it's easier to get into state schools when you live in that state. But I don't nkow.
[x] future resident of: Saturn
[x] wedding: small. not big. And I don't want to have to wear one of those big white dresses.
[x] children: ... I don't know O.o
[x] looking forward: Um... let's see... well next weekend field show. I bet it'll be more enjoyable if I don't have an urge to pee from when I arrive at UNI until after the show. I'm also looking forward to winter break, not only because no school, but because ANNIE! REMEMBER? WE SAID WE'D GO LEARN HOW TO SNOWBOARD THIS WINTERBREAK! I'M HOLDING YOU TO THAT!!! Back to the stupid mountains! Wheeeeee!
[x] NOT looking forward: my grade in Science. Um... school on Monday. Junior year. SAT's.
[x] feeling: tiiiiiiiired
[x] listening: Dashboard Confessional
[x] talking to: no one! I'M ALL ALONE!!
[x] doing: this survey. Ewwww not like that
[x] thinking of: Annie missage
[x] craving: Pepsi
[x] missing: Look to "thinking of"
[x] hating: most teenagers. And our band directors for telling us constantly that it'd be no problem for us to get first place at the field show. *snort* LIARS
[x] song: Uh.. just one? O.O I guess... right now I like... NO YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOOOOSE!!! I like "Christmas By the Phone", "One by One", "Way Away", and "Perfect". OOH BURN!
[x] radio station: KROQ. Even though it's playing rap. *kills rap(
[x] tv show: eep. I don't know! It used to be Charmed... but it really just sucks these days. Buffy was one... but it's dead. Plus, the last season sucked majorly. I dno't even watch Angel anymore. Everwood I like a lot... but... I'm not as obsessive (other than over Gregory Smith). However, the one show that lately I have been really into and hate that stupid baseball made it go on hiatus (ok so everyone knows what I'm talking about, yes?) and has ADAM BRODY IN IT!!!!! and that is way awesomer than it ever should've been allowed to be is The O.C. So that's my answer. Now go away.
[x] channel: Uh... ionno. I guess MTV, considering as that's what I watch most these days.
[x] site: my friends' blogs! wheeeee! And my fanart site! Yay!
[x] movie: Fly Away Home. Oh shut up.
[x] store: FYE and Hot Topic and Barnes and Noble
[x] mall: Spectrum yo!
[x] hang out spot: Spectrum. Sometimes people's houses.
[x] actor: Adam Brody, Gregory Smith, Benjamin McKenzie
[x] actress: Holly Marie Combs, Alyson Hannigan, Emily Van Camp (even though her character sucks sometimes, she's freaking awesome), Eliza Dushku
[x] character: Piper, Willow, SETH, Ryan, EPHRAM
[x] book: eep. Pretty much anything by Connie Willis. I really liked Passage except I hated the ending.
[x] love is: something that takes a long time. You have to know the person incredibly well. You have to... I can't explain it. My definitely really isn't something like this is THE ONE and you're going to marry them and you see fireworks and you feel lightheaded and whatever. It's more like... somebody that you understand better than anyone else... you just connect with them. And so based on that definition, I could say that I love lots of my friends, but in the other if I said that everyone'd be like "EWWWWW! LESBIAN!!! (well the homophobic people would)" So, yeah.
[x] first love: uh... I've never been in love
[x] current love: look above
[x] love or lust?: I'd rather be in love because lust is easy. Lust is like what you do over celebrities (ew sounded wrong). Love is something that takes time and effort.
[x] best love song: eh i don't know
[x] possible to be in love w/ 1+ at the same time: Yes, but not th eway they say it. Like when someone's all "OMG I CAN'T CHOOSE BETWEEN BOB AND BILL! I MEAN I LOVE THEM BOTH! I WANT TO MARRY THEM BOTH!!!" However, based on my definition you can. You just... know two people incredibly well. You're close to them. I really can't explain it.
[x] when love hurts, you: hit it. It's my solutino for everything ;)
[x] true or false: all you need is love: false. Sometimes you do need little things like money and clothes and food.
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: No. Like I said, to be in love, you have to know someone completely. Everything else is just lust.
_______MALE SPECIES_______
[x] turn ons: Uh... superficially, dark spikey hair, blue eyes, taller than me. Sarcastic, funny, sweet, smart, etc. CAN SKATEBOARD! He must teach me! Oh and he must be able to handle me obsessing over GC and SP (he doesn't necessarily HAVE to like them) without saying every 2 seconds that both bands suck.
[x] turn offs: arrogant, egocentric, annoying, smoker, likes rap, etc.
[x] does your parent`s opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: no
[x] what kinda hair style?: spikey/mohawk/etc.
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: I don't know. Protect me in a mosh pit? ;) I don't know really.
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: I don't go anywhere to meet new people.
[x] are you the type of person to holler?: ...no.
________PICKY PICKY_______
[x] short or long hair: medium!
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: rain
[x] moon or sun: moon
[x] basketball or football: basketball. I still don't understand football
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: neither... I don't like coffee or those things from jamba juice. Which place can I get Pepsi?
[x] written letters or e-mails: I'd prefer someone to write a letter to me, but... e-mail's easier.
[x] playstation or nintendo: uh.. ionno
[x] disney or nickelodeon: they both suck. Disney allowed Hilary Duff to become a huge star (which is why I have to listen to her horrible singing) and... Nickelodeon's just stupid
[x] car or motorcycle: car!
[x] house party or club: neither... I don't like parties or places with lots of people. Except concerts!
[x] sing or dance: uh... sing. I'm uncoordinated
[x] freak or slow dance: I bounce up and down. That's my version of dancing.
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: AIM. Who uses yahoo?
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google.
[x] can you swim?: yep
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: ionno...
[x] whats under your bed?: another bed
[x] what are you scared of?: aloneness. Not getting into a good college. Failing English/Science
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: uh.. my CD collection! Holy shit it's huge!
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: a... roof...
[x] do you like tomatoes?: ...ewwwwwww
[x] internet connection: cable, but it hates me
[x] how many TVs in the house?: Um... 3... but there's another that's like... battery powered and tiiiiny.
[x] how many phones?: Uh.. 5?
[x] how many residents?: 3
[x] last dentist visit: like... 2 or 3 Saturdays ago
[x] last doctor visit: loooong time
[x] last phone call: Uh... I don't call people...
[x] last IM : It would've been yesterday.. either Tiffany or Jackie I think
1.FULL NAME: Michelle
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?:uh... not really
4. MASCOT: condoms. No, really.
5. NICKNAME: Michi?
6. BIRTHDAY: January 14!
7. ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn!
8. GRADE: 9! I'm fresh, yo!
9. GPA average: uh... 3... . something
10. HEIGHT: not tall enough
12. SHOE SIZE: uh... like 9
13. HAIR COLOR: blond
14. EYE COLOR: blue
15. SIBLINGS: none
16. LAST CD YOU BOUGHT: Rancid and Dashboard Confessional
17. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN THE THEATER: Grind. Wow that was awhile ago...
18. LAST MOVIE YOU RENTED: ... no idea...
19. FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: uh... French, Geometry, and band
20. LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT: English and science
21. DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE MATH?yes, considering as it's one of the few subjects I actually get.
24. DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND? I have 3 dates to homecoming... Annie and Lulu and Jackie! =) Not that... we're actually going... but still...
25. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH: *gasp* I'm not going to cheat on my Homecoming dates!
26. IF YES TO 24/25, WHO:
27. FAVORITE ACTRESS: Holly Marie Combs, Alyson Hannigan, Eliza Dushku, Emliy Van Camp, Rose McGowan, Shannen Doherty
28. FAVORITE ACTOR: Gregory Smith, Adam Brody, Benjamin McKenzie
29. FAVORITE MOVIE: Fly Away Home
30. FAVORITE TV SHOW: uh.. currently The O.C.
31. FAVORITE THING TO DO ON THE WEEKEND: spectrum! Concerts!
33. FAVORITE COLLEGE TEAM: ...yes... I care about college sports...
34. FAVORITE STORE: FYE, hot topic, barnes and noble
35. FAVORITE FOOD: uh... I don't really care about eating. Whipped cream?
36. DO YOU DO ANY DRUGS?: I'LL ADMIT IT! I TAKE [gasp] ADVIL! OCCASINALLY! WHEN I HAVE HEADACHES!!! [sigh] I'm like, so going to Hell for this. Except that I don't actually believe in Hell.
38. WHAT'S YOUR FAV. SPORT?: uh... Lakers?
39. ARE YOU ON ANY SPORTS TEAM?: marching band! It does so count!
40. HOW LONG ARE YOU IN THE SHOWER?: not long... 10 min?
41. WHAT'S YOUR FAV. PLACE TO GO ON VACATION?: San Francisco, Big Bear, friends' houses. Places taht I don't need a plane to go to, and if I do, they're short so there's no time to puke out my entire insides
42. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: yes! 4 birds, 1 rabbit
43. FAVORITE SCARY MOVIE: *hits... question*
44. IF YOU ARE A GIRL, WHAT MAKEUP DO YOU WEAR?: ...have I like ever worn makeup, other than on Halloween? I don't think so.
45. GUYS WITH OR WITHOUT HATS?: it depends if they're hiding a really awesome mohawk/spiked hair with the hat. If they are, I'll hit them!
47. WORST FEAR: loneliness, failing lots of stuff in school
48. FAVORITE SEASON: either winter or summer. Or even spring. Anything but fall, really.
49. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: being with friends. Everytime I see Annie now.
50. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: being left out, being all alone
51. BILL CLINTON: good president, people care too much about his personal life
52. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: *snort*
53. ABORTION: pro choice
55. EATING DISORDERS: see above. I understand why people do it, but it's still stupid
56. STALKERS: ...are... scary?
57. ATHLETES: ...ionno...
58. MARILYN MANSON: He dated Rose McGowan. Yes, that is an opinion.
59.BOY BANDS: I'll kill them all.
60. DEATH:yay! ...er... I didn't say that... um... a very bad thing and we should all cherish everymoment? No. It's gonna happen. Don't worry about it.
61. SCHOOL:Gr.
62. TITANIC: stupid
63. JERRY SPRINGER: see above
64. RAPE: assholes
65. SUICIDE: I think it's really selfish. I mean yeah ok, not exactly what you're thinking about at the moment... but think about all those people that'll lose you. You might not think they care about you... but they do. They really do. JUST HOLD ON IF YOU FEEEEL LIKE LETTING GO! HOLD ON IT GETS BETTER THAN YOU KNOW!
67. SOUTH PARK: never wathced
69. PRE-MARITAL SEX: it's a person's own choice... although I think that in high school it's pretty stupid. I mean we're already dealing with enough, we don't need to worry about getting pregnant or STD's. I think it's better if you wait til you're a little older, but still, it's a person's choice.
70. GOD: I'm an atheist. What does that tell you?
71. RYAN: The O.C.!
72. BOB: Hee. There was a guy named Bob affiliated with one of the bands last night. A band director or something. i laughed.
73. ZACK: preschool!
75. DREW: fuller
77. STACEY: 's mom
78. MICAHAL: my dad (even though it's spelled wrong) and the 500 Mike's in band
79. JENNY: a girl from middle school who annoyed me
80. NICOLE: ew. Well not ew. Just a reminder of stuff from like.. 4th and 5th grade and...yeah. I can't explain myself very well but that's ok.
81. JASON: my bird!!!
82. JESSICA: Simpson must die
83. HEATHER: moody. No really. That's her last name/
84. AARON: the guy that dropped out of GC stupidly.
85. AMY: Evanescence yo!
87. JOSH: ua Jackson!
88. DANIEL: ...ionno... um.. there's a Danny in my geometry...
89. BRITTANY: uh... Murphy!
90. CHRISTOPHER: he's a clarinettest.. I believe
91. LACEY: hee. Second grade. Dn't ask.
92. MICHELLE: Meeeee! IT'S MEEEEEE! Well ok, me or the 3 other Michelle's I know. 2 of which are in my house classes. The only cass I don't have a Michelle in is French. That's kind of scary.
93. MELISSA: Wong!
94. JOB: could be fun... depending if I like the job I get
95. WHAT COLLEGE DO YOU GO TO OR WANT TO GO TO?: I don't care. Stanford would be nice... but I don't think I could get in to it. USC? UCLA? Somewhere in CA.
96. WHERE WILL YOU LIVE: CA hopefully
98. ARE YOU ALERGIC TO ANYTHING: dust! And planes! No shut up I'm using that as an excuse never to go on a plane, even though my parents don't believe me.
102. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS?: yeah, of course. Well, not like those things on flying saucers, but in life on other planets? Yeah, definitely.
103. DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF?: yes! ...sort of...
105. WHAT DO YOU DO THAT MAKES YOUR FRIENDS MAD?: um... well... uh.. I don't know. Not that I'm prefect and never ever make them mad... I just don't know. I'm very opinionated! Maybe that?
106. ARE YOU MAD AT ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS: at the moment no
108. DO YOU HAVE ANY BAD HABITS?: yeah. I shred.
109. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT?: I like Johnny Rockets!!!
112. LETTERMAN OR LENO?: neither
113. MTV or VH1: MTV only for GC and SP
114.Where'd #114 go?: ...it's right here...
116. BEVERLY HILLS 90210 OR DAWSONS CREEK: Dawson's Creek only because of Joshua Jackson and P/J.
117. 7TH HEAVEN OR DREW CAREY: Drew Carey, because 7th Heaven just sucks.
118. DIET PEPSI OR PEPSI ONE: ew. Normal Pepsi is fine.
119. HUGS OR KISSES: uh... ionno. Hugs?
120. APPLES OR ORANGES?: ew. Apples. Oranges suck.
121. CHOCOLATES OR FLOWERS: chocolate!
123. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BREAK-UP SONG?: ...Chelsea! Does that count?
124. SILVER OR GOLD: Silver's shiny
125. IF YOU COULD BE ANYWHERE RIGHT NOW, WHERE WOULD YOU BE: spectrumming with my friends (meaning like... Tiffany and Annie and Jackie and Lulu :))
126. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BETRAYED: yes... kind of... I consider it betrayal
127. HOW DO YOU PERSONALLY RATE YOUR BODY FROM 1 to 10? Like OMG I'm like soooo hott it's so totally a -100!!! ...wait... that's bad? Um, like I like so meant 100! Like yeah!
128. WHAT IS YOUR CURFEW?: uh... I don't know... I don't usually stay out late
132. FAVORITE KINDS OF CLOTHES: baggy pants! black clothes!
133. PHONE NUMBER YOU CALLED?: i don't call people...
134. TV SHOW YOU WATCHED: uh... I think... TRL on Friday
135. BEEN TO A CONCERT: the small one at that bar-ish place with This End Up!
136. BEEN ON A PLANE: uh.. summer before.. 6th grade? I think. Or 7th? I don't remember.
137. WENT SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN: uh... in the ocean at all at that band beach party thing.
138. FLASHED SOMEONE: ...never.. O.o
139. GOT STOPPED BY A COP: i don't drive
143. CRIED IN PUBLIC: uh... I think it was... in 5th grade, when I got stung by a bee.
142. FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: I don't remember a friend actually CRYING on my shoulder. I remember Annie leaning on my shoulder in the mountains cuz they were evil and not making her feel good! Does that count? No? WELL TOO BAD!
147. GONE TO CHURCH: uh... I went to a Toys Nite pre... thing. But never actual... church church.
148. READ THE BIBLE: I had a kids version when I was a kid that just told the stories of the Bible. I read it back then. It was interesting, but I only ever considered it a story book, nothing with actual truth to it.
149. CLIMBED A TREE: at Clare's birthday part.
150. WATCHED DAWSON'S CREEK: the season fianle! Last weekend! Wheeeee!
151. GONE SKIING: last year. Whee Annie!
152. GONE SNOWBOARDING: this winter! No I don't care Annie I'M HOLDING YOU TO IT YOU HAVE TO COME!!!
153. FELL ALSEEP IN SCHOOL: never. Wow. *feels proud*
155. GONE ALL NITE WITHOUT SLEEP: Sleepover at Jackie's
156. BEEN TO CAMP: BAND camp! Ooooh!!!
157. BEEN BIT BY AN ANIMAL: I think Piper bit me last
158. PLAYED SOCCER: last year during PE. I like soccer. It's fun when your coach isn't insane and you don't have to play goalie and there are people there you actually like.
159. BEEN TO A MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME: when I was like... 3... or... 6. A long time ago.
160. SAW A PRO BASKETBALL GAME: Uh... 3rd grade. Lakers, yo.
160. SEEN A PRO HOCKEY GAME?: on TV I have
161. KISSED A GIRL/BOY: never!
162. GOT A DETENTION: 5th or 6th grade... I think it was 5th. It was a "SIT" or... I forget. But we stayed after school for an hour. I think I like forgot to turn in a paper or something.
164. EATEN SUSHI: never
165. EATEN FISH: a little while ago. I don't like fish
166. WISHED YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE: I don't remember the exact time... I remember last night I wished I could like... be in one of the UCLA marchers bodies like not controlling anything... just like be in it and they control what happens so I could see firsthand how they do all the stuff they do and how they play so well and stuff. You know? Just experience it from there point of view
167. CHEATED ON HOMEWORK: ionno... I don't remember
168. WANTED TO DIE: uh... back in 6th grade probably. Real depressed then
169. MET A CELEBRITY: Simple Plan!
170. MET THE PRESIDENT: you don't want that to happen. We'd eb presidentless. Or... maybe you DO want that to happen... *furtive look*
171. DRIVEN A CAR: never. Or do those ones at Boomers count?
172. DIDN'T WASH YOUR HAIR FOR A WEEK: awhile ago. Maybe this summer? I lost track of the days... so yeah.
173. BROKEN A BONE: never
174. BROKEN SOMETHING VALUABLE?: uh... ionno...
175. RIDDEN IN A TAXI: i forget
181. GOTTEN A CAVITY: never!
182. HAD TO GET BRACES?: I hate you.
183. HAD TO BE IN THE HOSPITAL: when I was born...
185.SHOPPED AT GAP: like... 3rd grade
186. SHOPPED AT OLD NAVY:i bought pyjama pants frm there...
188. blanK: ....
189. WATCHED MTV AT 4 IN THE MORNING: last Monday.
190. TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY: ...never...
191. MADE PRANK PHONE CALLS: when I was like 6
192. PLAYED A MEAN JOKE ON A FRIEND: ...I don't remember...
193. BOUGHT A CONDOM: ...no. Why buy them when you can find them on the ground? ;)
194. CAUGHT A FISH: never
196? ...
197? ...
198. GONE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY: ...sigh. I don't remember where I went last. France, England, Scotland, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland
202. BROKEN THE LAW?: insmall ways
205. BEEN BEAT UP: no
206. BEATEN UP SOMEONE: I elbowed someone at the bar concert thing for running into me in the mosh pit!
207. SKIPPED SCHOOL: I faked sick..
210. STABBED SOMEONE IN THE BACK: not htat I know of...
212. WHO IS YOUR FAV. PERSON TO TALK TO OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? : ... uh... I don't talk to many people of the opposite sex... Justin?
214. WHO DO YOU HATE?: HILARY DUFF! lots of people. don't get me started.
215. WHO MAKES YOU ANGRY: people
221. DO YOU WANT TO DIE?: no
222. WHAT WOULD YOU DIE FOR?: friends or family
225. WHO IS THE MEANEST PERSON YOU KNOW?: stupid people at school!
226. WHO IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PERSON YOU KNOW?: Jeff and Chris. They're soooo sexy! It's the baldness ;)
228. WHO DO YOU WANT TO MARRY AND SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH?: I'm only 14... I don't know yet
229. WHO IS THE CRAZIEST PERSON YOU KNOW?: ANNIE!!! But in a good way ;)
230. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU SMILE: um... Annie last night I think. Just seeing her I was all :D:D:D:D
232. WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS MEAN TO YOU?: "I'm very lucky to have my crew" - Fall Back Down (Rancid). You have no idea how much they mean to me.
Spectrum yesterday was fun. I got the newest Dashboard Confessional CD and the newest (even though it was in August) Rancid CD. I didn't feel good near the end, but it was ok later. And Tiffany and I made up nicknames for everyone cuz we were talking about how Annie is Nnie (no you lieee Annie I am too going to call you that!!!) and so we started doing it for us and so Jackie is Kie and I am Rie (cuz I don't want to be chelle or elle... it has to end in eeeee! and so it's Rie because of my middle name) and Annie is Nnie (of course) and Lulu... well Lulu is Lu and then Tiffany is Ny but then I started teasing her and I was all "well you could be Fany!" and she was all "NOOOOOOO" and... yeah. She's Ny but I like to call her Fany to annoy her :) Except not when she has a fork in her mouth. Then I'm afraid.
Then we did it to the members of simple plan and we were all "Ok, so Pierre is Erre.. David is Vid, Seb is... tien (for Sebastien but then later we decided on Eb), and... what about Jeff? Eff? And Chuck? Uck?" And we started laughing and then we were all "SO Simple Plan is Erre, Vid, Eb, Eff, Uck." Hee say that aloud. Jeff and Chuck sounds like Fuck or Effuck. Heee. Um, yes.
The field show sucked at first because I had to go pee kinda when I arrived at UNI and then by the time we were there I felt like my bladder was going to explode and I had to freaking march the entire show with a bladder ready to explode. BUT I SURVIVED! WHEEEEEE! Um, yes. Our band director thought we had done so well, he cried when we got off the field. I am not kidding. He had tears in his eyes. We saw several high schools perform until finally WOODBRIDGE! There's is really awesome. But dude, THEIR COLOR GUARD IS FREAKING HUGE! IT'S BIGGER THAN UCLA'S!!! It was crazy, yo. And then UCLA performed and they were obviously awesome too. Then awards and you know what? Well first in the categories out of 3 bands in our division, we got third for colorguard, and out of 4 bands in our division, we got 4th for band. We didn't win anything else. That was kind of a let down since the band directors kept saying "Oh, you'll get first easy. You have the hardest show and you perform it great and you'll definitely get first" WELL THEY LIED. They definitely shouldn't have told us that. Oh well.
You know the best part of it though? When we were walking towards the buses, I turned my head for some reason and I saw and Asian girl with short hair waving like a maniac. Well it was obvious who it was and I poked Jackie who was next to me and I was all "LOOK LOOK!" and then she was all "OMG" or something and ran over to Annie and we both attacked her and hugged her. That was definitely the best part of the entire time we were there =)
Yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm tired now though. I want sleeeeeeep.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
Duuuude I'm really pissed off. They came with a new sound card for my computer but it didn't fucking work so for some reason now they have to send my computer in to Gateway on Monday and I'll be completely computerless for 2-3 days. This is seriously horrible... I'm really pissed and depressed. I kept like... whimpering when I found out. I hate this. x.x
Tiffany: THERE'S A DICK UP YOUR ASS! Oh, and: How can I live, without everything you do? I can't breathe, watch TV without you here... something something something! Iam so broken hearted! The one for me has parted. You're all I ever wanted. Forever brokenhearted! Bwahahhahahahah.
Um, what else? Lunch was amusing. Jackie stole Justin's beanie and put it over her eyes and was like... reaching out and flailing about and a lot of people stared at her and she accidentally hit a lot of people and Tiffany and I were on the ground laughing really hard. My stomach hurt afterwards from all the laughing.
Um, I only have 2 more things on my chart to finish for band! And I have X's for everything else I've done, and the last 2 concert scales aren't the easiest things ever, but I can do them. So, yeah. =) That's good.
Monday, October 13, 2003
Wheeeee the sleepover was fun. We got really high at the end... well Tiffany and I did. She said okee dokee artichoke-ee. She siad some other weird stuff but then we were all high so I forgot.
I remember like Tarzan was coming on at 9 and then like they shows promos or previews or scenes from last week or something and he sniffed Jane's ahir and earlier we had seen the first episode and were all "DUDE WHY IS HE SNIFFING HER HAIR?!?!?!" and then as soon as we saw that we were both, like at the exact same time "He's sniffing her hair!" It was freaky... twin thing ;)
We stayed up and saw ALl Things Rock! Yay! It was cool =) Too bad no more TYATH vid. But Hold On premieres on like Wednesday on TRL so it's ok.
Um what else... ionno. I just remember laughing a lot.
Dude at like... 4:30 we were watching music videos. The first one was White Stripes which are better than some people but... well I don't like them very much. Then it was Kelly Clarkson who I hate but... at least she can actually sing. Then Tiffany was all "One more video... and if it sucks we go to sleep..." and it was some rap video but then I was all "NO NO WE CAN'T!!! BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT THE SECOND WE TURN OFF THE TV THEY'LL PLAY THE VIDEO FOR PERFECT, YOU KNOW IT!!!" and so she's all "whatever, after the next 2 vids then we definitely go to sleep, ok?" and then the next they played Hilary Duff and we were all "DIEEEEEEE" but then.. 2 vids, so they had lotsa long commercials and MTV news before FINALLY playing the video. Which was "Perfect". OH WHO'S GOOD! I TOLD YOUUUUU!!! Go me ;)
Joel would make a good girl =)
Yeah.. ok then. I finished my homework! Go me! I really don't want to go to school right now... and I like marching band kinda but then... I can't wait til it's freaking over. Sigh. We need a longer break. Like a... 500 day break. Yes, that's acceptable.
Saturday, October 11, 2003
Spectrum was nice. Tiffany and I talked a lot. I learned that while I never notice when somebody likes somebody or when 2 people are going out, I am very perceptive when it comes to my friends' feelings. That's a much better thing to notice anyways =)
I GOT MY DAWSON'S CREEK SERIES FINALE DVD!!! [melts] ALL THE PACEY/JOEY! [swoons] I so love that she chooses Pacey in the end. If not, I would've had to kill Kevin Williamson =) Wheeee plus Jen dies and... damn Michelle Williams is an awesome actress... I cried a lot during it. Especially when she finally dies and Grams is all "I'll see you soon, child. Soon." Always brings me to tears. Plus, it had a nifty new ending montage (in addition to like... what, 30+ min of deleted footage) that I loved. Wheeee I'm so happy.
Um, what else? Not sure. Need sleep. Sleep is goooood. =)
Friday, October 10, 2003
I'm very very tired right now. x.x It feltlike a Saturday to me today for some reason. I think because of the football game and how gloomy it was for most of the day. Sigh.
I got 72/75 on my geometry test, and so that's 95/100 for the comined group and individual test scores. Yay me. At least that's one class I really don't have to worry about this year. Well, besides French. BTW, I had 2 quizzes in French that were like combined, and I got a total of 35/35 out of them. Oh, and 20/20 on this mini-presentation thingy skit thing we did Thursday.
...yeah. I got 49/50 on an English vocab quiz. That's very very good. I need all the good scores I can get in English.
...uh... yeah. Ok then. I'll go... stare at the computer screen blankly now until I like... fall asleep... or something. =)
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Our football team won another game O.O 41 to 13. Wow.
I messed up on the horns up at the fifth movement. Gr. And I played way less than usual... which isn't even like half what I'm supposed to. My clarinet wasn't playing well because of the cold. Sigh.
Um.. yeah. Exodus? Sucked. A lot. The trumpets behind me kept being all "...[wrong note-y]"
Um, what else? Football games on Thursdays suck. I actually like them because it's fun to play pep tunes and just like... hang out and stuff. Well, ok, performing the show sucks. But besides that. Plus, next week is an away game. NO PERFORMING THE SHOW! YAY! But... yeah.
Ok, so our essays for that essay thing in English counted 50% of grade, and because of a low B on that, I have an 88% in the class. I'd be absolutely fine with this if it wasn't for the other fucking people in my class who yell across the room "OH HEY, BOB, YOU HAVE A 98%?!?!?!? OMG THAT'S SO BAD! WELL I HAVE A 104%!!!" Seriously. x.x It pisses me off. Nobody did that before. Like in Humanities, people would ask other people... but the grades would not be shouted all around the room. I wish there was a rule that we like... couldn't tell people our grades in class. Then I could go all out of class happy with my 88% and... not feel crappy. I'm going to die in English this year.
I'm tiiiiired. Football games are very tiring.
MY MOM BOUGHT THE TICKETS TO THE GC CONCERT!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEE! I have 4... so I need 2 more people to come... I'm gonna force Annie to come but on the slight chance that I wn't be able to strap her to the hood of my mom's car and drag her to the concert, I need to find 2 people. Well, one definitely. WHO ELSE WANTS TO GO TO A GC CONCERT? =)
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
I need 2 other people to go besides Tiffany (grrr think positive... you will do good and all in school, your mom will let you go!) cuz... yeah. I'm gonna buy 4 tickets. And I don't want my parents to go. So... yeah.
People, get it in to your heads. I. AM. NOT. WATCHING. ANGEL. I DO NOT LIKE ANGEL ANYMORE. I DO NOT LIKE THE FEEL OF IT, AND I ALWAYS END UP WATCHING 2 EPISODES UNTIL LIKE SWEEPS AND THEN 2 MORE UNTIL LIKE THE FINALE. OK?! I'M NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. I AM NOT WATCHING ANGEL! I'M WATCHING JAKE 2.0! YOU KNOW WHAT? I THINK YOU SHOULD TOO! RIGHT NOW! ...well, wednesdays at 9 PM on UPN. It's gonna get cancelled, the ratings are awful, so WATCH IT AND SAVE IT. You know, until the O.C. returns. It's where my priorities lie, despite how awesome Christopher Gorham is. I'm watching Jake 2.0 until The O.C. comes back on. I am then watching the O.C. Note how ANGEL IS NOT APART OF THIS!!! IS IT CLEAR NOW?! Thank you.
Ok you know that GC tour that's going on that Tiffany and I thought weren't coming here? Well, turns out, they're coming to the LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER!!! Oh, and btw? The tickets? Going onsale on SATURDAY AT 10 AM meaning... I still have plenty of time to get tickets. Oh, and btw? The day of the concert? November 28th. Not only is it a FRIDAY but... [drum roll] It's the day after Thanksgiving. Meaning?
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's the best concert date like... ever during the school year. Ever. Of all time.
I better be able to go.
Tiffany better be able to go.
I'm going to force Annie to go. =) Except she doesn't know that. But she does now! Bwah!
Oh my god. This is so freaking awesome.
Wheeeee! Simple Plan controlled TRL today! They should so do that every day. Hee Pierre said word up! And you know what? HE SAID THAT HE LOVES ME ON TRL!!!! ...OK, it's POSSIBLE that he was talking about Michelle Branch... considering she was THERE and all... and they kinda said that he was talking about her... shut up. I'm taking it as a shout-out.
DAHVID WAS NOT STONED! He needs less tight pants.
I liked Pierre's pants. Comfy jeans.
I think Pierre and Damien have a secret relationship together. They were very touchy feely and Damien complimented Pierre's hair. Twice. And touched it.
Dude, if you have to ask me if I'm serious about that... I'm going to hit you...
Um what else... SP at 2! Heeeee. OH and when Damien was all "You have very nice hair" to Pierre, I was all instantly, "JEFF'S IS SEXIER!!!" I'm special like that ;)
Ok, so you know how yesterday I was all "grrrr" at lcarinet? See we had another chair challenge today and I overpractice and so I get worse and worse and I freak out and I'm all "shit shit shit I'm too overconfident they're gonna beat me I KNOW IT and this one counts MORE because we won't be having another one for a few weeks! And so it'll be awhile before I can change it GAH DAMN THIS!!!!!!!! ...A LOT! AND GRRRRR I CAN'T DO THIS WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING NOTES YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PLAYING NOTES YOU STUPID PIECE OF CRAP no no no shhhh I didn't mean that don't be mean I'm sorry play the notes play the notes I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!!!!!" Yeah... I talk to inanimate objects when they don't cooperate with me. Don't look at me! Annie does it too! Tiffany talks to her posters! I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!! I'M NOT INSANE! ...although those aren't probably the best examples for non-insaneness... [ducks Annie's and Tiffany's... hits/pokes even though THEY KNOW IT'S TRUE!!!]
Oh, yeah? I'm still 1st chair. I hate myself.
Oh and we had this thingy with all the first chairs and she was all "ok chord study #2!" and I was all "yes!" because I practiced that a lot and it's kinda hard so I thought maybe the others would have difficulty with it and anyways I can play it pretty fast (when I have the music) and... yeah. So I was all "yay!" but then she remembered that the mallets didn't know chord study #2, SO we did chord study #1! Which is the exercise I am worst at! Yay me! AND I was last for the chair challenges and then right after that she's all "Ok, Michelle, go" and I'm all *whimper* but I did and I didn't mess up and so I was proud of myself and I ended up getting ranked 3rd out of... what? 6 or 7 total chairs. Lemme think. Flutes, clarinets, trumpets, alto sax, the... low... instrument things... and... mallets. That it? I think that's 6, but I remember it being 7. I know Gavin played... and... who else? I've forgotten now. The... flute girl who's first chair (Eunice?) and Mike (saxophone) beat me... but then Eunice is crazy good and Mike went slower but he didn't make any mistakes and he sounded better than I did so... yeah. I'm happy I didn't get last =)
I'm getting a 98.6% in Global. I was escatic over that until I heard about 20 people around me going "Oh hey, what'd you get [insert name here]. Oh, 100.6%? Me too!" Sigh. It's only because of the extra credit from the jeopardy game and the extra credit from donating a kleenex box. Gr. *hits stuff* WHY CAN'T I FEEL HAPPY ABOUT A 98.6???? GAH! *hits self* I think it'd be better if I didn't know anybody elses grades because I'd feel so much better about it.
Sigh. I need sleep. We have a football game tomorrow. I have to finish as much hw as I can tonight. Sigh.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Dude, ok... during lunch I was sitting down listening to my headphones and I was talking to Tiffany... about... what was it? I think I was telling her which GC songs I was tired of... 'cause we were talking about the CD cuz that's what I was listening to and she said she was kind of sick of it and I said most of it I wasn't and... yeah... point of it... when we were discussing that, Andrew N was all "Simple Plan sucks!"
Ok... what the fuck? We're sitting there, just talking, I didn't even know he was like.. around and I wasn't talking to him and we weren't being loud and we weren't even TALKING about Simple Plan and then he's all suddenly "SIMPLE PLAN SUCKS!" Dude.. ok. That's nice. Ireally care what you think. Good lord. Then I was all "You suck" because he does... he's such an idiot, and then he said "Your taste in music sucks" which is stupid since, well... I've been getting into Nirvana recently and I doubt that he hates them, and plus, so I like a few bands he doesn't... how does he know every single other band I like? Seriously. Plus, I don't like Lilix or Avril or Hilary Duff so my taste in music can suck that badly. Gah. And ok... what the fuck is the point of telling me that? It's all "Oh wow, thank you so much, Andrew! Before I loved Simple Plan, but now that you have said that and enlightened me, I realize that they aren't that great1 Thank you so much!" WHAT'S THE FREAKING POINT OF EVEN SAYING THAT?!?!?! TO SHARE HIS VIEW? I THINK HE'S ALREADY DONE THAT ENOUGH. I GET THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE SIMPLE PLAN, REALLY. HE DOES NOT NEED TO TELL ME EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE REST OF HIGH SCHOOL THAT SIMPLE PLAN SUCKS. DUDE, GET OVER YOURSELF.
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Yes, I fiiiiinally got around to putting up a new layout. I had so much trouble with deciding the next one. I made this one layout which was like the combined effect of both Tabula Rasa blends I have (check my fanart site if you don't know what I'm talking about), and while the graphic looked amazing, I couldn't get the colors to work. Then this morning I made a beautiful Buffy graphic but before I could work on the colors of the layout, my PSP died and i had to recreate it. I recreated it not as great as it was before and I got mad at it so I abandoned that. Plus, the layout for that looked too plain IMO. Black background, white borders (only 1 px borders), and blueish text areas. Boring. And then I decided to do something different than Buffy, and I realized that despite my music obsession, I hadn't actually made a music layout since I first figured out how to make layouts. So, here it is. It's from the GC video "Girls and Boys" (see that? NOT Boys and Girls... the song is called Girls and Boys) and... yeah. That's pretty much it. I've been planning this layout for a looooong time, but never got around to making it. And originally, I don't think it was red. But, yeah. New layout possible for my fanart site next week, if I can figure out what to change it to. :) Tell me what you tihnk in my tag.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
I am so happy I didn't sleep over at Clare's birthday party. God, just... like Amber drives me insane... Stephanie too... they're all... well Amber was all "Gr, I feel left out!!!" and then 5 seconds later she was like... going into Clare's room with Stephanie and shutting the door. It's like, dude, ok, you don't have to be left out if you don't want to. Plus, it's Clare's birthday, not yours. Not everything can be about you. Tiffany and I kind of set ourselves apart the whole night and Emma too during parts. We were all "Yeah we're left out... but we want it to be this way... we're doing it on purpose" This is why girls cannot have sleepovers together, ok? People ALWAYS get upset at other people and stuff. It's so stupid. And they kept changing it from the Nirvana CD to that fucking rap song "Shake Your Tailfeather." Gah. *hits stuff*
Um, I got a Brand New shirt today! Yay! I'm tired. Lots of energy and excitement is tiiiiiiring.
Um yeah, I think that's it. Oh wait, another. Tiffany and I fought a lot at the party. I'M STILL MORE PUNK THAN YOU TIFFANY! GR!! AND MY IDENTICAL DUCK NECKLACE IS WAAAY BETTER! GRRRRR!
If you can't tell that I'm joking, please shoot yourself now. =)
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Hee I started writing a parody GC High School fic. After I'm done with it, I'm going to write a serious one that goes against every other high school fic. Bwah! Anyways.
Um, we found out our grades in French. I'm getting a 100.5% o_o Highest grade in class. *proud* Except Galaxy wanted to kill me and kept making a huge deal of it. And she got like the fourth highest grade in class, so she has no reason to complain.
Hee butin French we saw this 1 1/2 video covering what we learned like the first week of Frnech 1, last year, and at the beginning it was all "You're at this party and everyone's French and you play 10 minutes in the closet so you have to know some phrases! First you say hello, (Bonjour, Bonjour), then you introduce yourself, (Je m'appelle..., Je m'appelle...), and you ask how it's going (Comment vas-tu; tres bien, merci) and then your 10 minutes are up and you go out and introduce everyone to the guy you went into the closet with!"
Dude... that's not what yo8u're going to do during that game. I mean... first of all, THAT WHOLE THING DOES NOT TAKE 10 MINUTES. Second, dude... you're not going to need to know any phrases with that game because... well, you'll be doing another things with your mouth at the time [wink wink nudge nudge], and third... DUDE GUYS ARE REALLY HORNY. THEY'RE NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR YOU TO SAY HI, ASK HOW IT'S GOING, AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF! THEY'RE GOING TO JUMP YOU OR MAKE OUT OR WHATEVER BUT THEY WILL NOT JUST STAND THERE AND TALK TO YOU! GAH!
We all laughed a lot in Frnech though. =)
Um, what else... clarinet sectional. *shrug* Not much happened. We played music. The end.
Whaaaat else? Ionno. I should be studyng for global test tomorrow x.x I hate our stupid study guide. *kills study guide*
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Dramatic Story
[If you have any questions, refer to the diagram.]
Joel liked Pierre.
Pierre liked Dahvid.
Dahvid liked Seb's tutu.
Seb liked his tutu.
His tutu liked Benji.
Benji liked Tony.
Tony liked Benji.
Bob liked Joel.
Joel killed Bob.
Bobh was not happy. He cried.
Joel made out with Pierre.
Pierre liked Joel now 'cause they're soulmates.
Chris and Jeff were... somewhere. Doing... oh-so-sexy stuff. Um, ew.
They all died.
Pierre and Joel continued to makeout.
There was whipped cream and cameras too. And Pierre and Joel. Yay. =)
Benji and Tony went on a cliff.
Benji: But wait, Tony! I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!
Tony: No... really... I love you! See!
[they make out]
Tony: But... I do....
Benji: GOODBYE!!!!!! [jumps off cliff]
Tony: ...whatever.
The End
There is a sequel. It will be up tonight, hopefully.
And that diagram has gotta be the best graphic I've ever made. EVERRRR. =) Um, yay me.
Tiffany's mom sucks. Go read her blog. GO GO GO!
You know what really really really sucks about Hilary Duff's video for So Yesterday, other than it just sucks in general? Her song is talking about her being over this guy who dumped her, that he's "so yesterday". So in the video, she decides to show this by stalking him, watching him through binoculars, and stealing his shirt. Then she takse pictures of other people in the shirt and sends it to him. Um yes, great way to show a guy you're over him: BY STALKING HIM! LIKE OHMIGOD, HILARY DUFF IS SO SMART LIKE OHMIGOD WE SHOULD ALL DO THE EXACT SAME THING TO GUYS! NO WAY IT'S LIKE SCARY AND CREEPY AND STALKERISH! LIKE OHMIGOD! Eck. *kills stuff*
Jackie sang part of perfect when we were walking to marching band. Hee.
I got myself all worked up about this challenge chair test thing today. I was all "Oh shit I shouldn't have gotten 1st last week because now I'm all overconfident and all 'Oh, I'm like so better than them, I don't need to practice because there's no way they can defeat me!' but they WILL beat me and why isn't this fucking note coming out COME OUT YOU FUCKING NOTE DIEEEEEE *hits stuff with clarinet* THat's... probably not such a good idea... but DIEEEEEE *hits more stuff*" And then I overpracticed last night and all the notes weren't coming out and I was fed up and I was all "Oh shit, I could've practiced for like an hour more why didn't I? Gah I'm so not gonna be first chair."
Oh, by the way? Still first chair. I scare myself.
Um but yeah, it was then that I realized... I'm going to be fucking good by my senior year. I've already improved so much this year, I think I'm going to be really good 4 years from now. =) Yay me. It probably helps that I actually practice now. i think I practiced like... twice total in 8th grade. Once before the very first chair test and then again the night before the tiebreaker chair thing that I ended up not playing at all because both people I was tied with forfeited. *rolls eyes* But anyways.
Ok, I wrote this Dramatic Fic mocking other people's band fics that they have all... dramatic and stuff and yeah... Tiffany did one too. It's really funny. I've decided to post it, so here it is:
Chapter 1
This is a dramatic fic... look at the drama! WHOOO! Benji loves Tony, but Tony doesn’t know it. One night Benji decided to confess to Tony his love for him. They were on a semi-tall cliff over looking a beach and the ocean. Romantic isn’t it? They both sat down close to each other.
“Yeah Benj.”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Go ahead.”
“Promise you wont hate me?” Benji asked
“I promise.”
“Of course, I could never hate you.”
“Yes, Benji,” Tony replied getting slightly annoyed.
“No, really, do you?” Benji asked again
“No, but do you REALLY mean it?”
“Yes, Benji I do.”
“No, but do you REA-”
“Benji! Just fucking tell me!” Tony yelled. Tony’s not very patient is he, and you know what? I can’t spell patient, that’s what spell check is for.
“...ok...” Benji said, kind of scared now. “Tony, I love you.” *author laughs* what? It’s funny when people say I love you.
“I love you too Benj.”
“No, I don’t mean like that, like you’re-my-best-friend-and-I-love-you. It’s like I love LOVE you.”
“Oh...” A long awkward silence passes by and a seagull poops on Tony’s head because he’s taking to long to reply. “Fuck you, you...you...stupid bird you!” Wow. Tony's not good with the insults is he?
“Benj...I...I...don’t feel the same way. I’m sorry.”
“What the hell Tony?! What’s wrong with you!” Tony stared wide-eyed at Benji’s sudden outburst.
“What did I do?” Tony asked confused.
“You’re supposed to say ‘Benji I love you too’ then were supposed to make-out all romantically, then were supposed to live out the rest of our lives together!! And sometimes were supposed to go to a hotel after we make out and DO IT!!!! ..depending on how weird the author is...*grrness*” Benji yelled. Yes but not this author because she finds it extremely gross.
“Why is that ‘supposed’ to happen!”
“BECAUSE IT’S A FANFIC THAT’S WHY?!?!?” Tony looked confused.
“A what?”
“Fanfic! See?! Look at the title! DRAMATIC FANFIC! It’s not supposed to be this way! *slaps Tony girl-ish-ly on the arm*” Yes Benji is wimpy isn’t he?
“Fine then! I love you to Benji.”
“No! Because now you’re lying! And now that I know you don’t really love me I have nothing else to live for! Good-bye Tony!” Benji jumps off the cliff.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tony yells very dramatically as he falls on to his knees. Also, very dramatically.
“Why didn’t I just follow the fanfiction rules! Now you’re gone forever! And the truth is Benji I really did love you! I was scared. I don’t know what I was scared of but... that’s how dramatic fanfiction works ... so I was scared! Benji!!! I LOVE YOU!” Tony has his fits up and is looking up, all dramatically. He's shaking his fists a lot. It looks like he's talking to the sky. Tony pauses for a moment and thinks.
“And why am I yelling and thinking out loud!?” he asks, ironically still yelling, shaking his fist, and thinking out loud.
“Because that’s how dramatic fanficiton works, everyone has to think out loud,” a random voice from above said.
“Oh, okay,” Tony said satisfied with this answer and went back to grieve about Benji.
“Why, Benji, Why? *Tony hits head* Why was I so fucking stupid! *hits head more* Why Benji? Why, why, why? *hits head more* WHY?! *hits head even more* I LOVE YOU BENJI! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!! I DON’T KNOW WHY I ADDED ‘FUCKING’ BUT I DID! AND I DON’T NEED TO BE YELLING THIS IN CAPS, BUT I AM ANYWAY. WHHY?!?!?! *hits head even more* BENJI!!!!!!!!”
“You know you loose a lot of brain cells like that,” he heard a voice say.
“Benji!” Yes it turned out to be Benji, because I say so!
“Why aren’t you dead?” Tony asked.
“I don’t know, dramatic fanfics don’t have to make sense.” Yes in dramatic fanfics the author can be extremely stupid and do whatever she wants so POO ON YOU! A seagull pooped on Benji’s head too.
“Dam you stupid bird! Fuck you! I hope you burn in hell you goddam fucking bird!! FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID BIRD!!!! YOU HEAR ME?! FUCK YOU!!!!!! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YOUU!!!” Benji yelled while shaking his fist at the bird. “Hey! Author person! I wasn’t done *ahem* FUCK YOU!!!! YOU STUPID GODDAM BIRD!! FUUCK!!!!!!!” Yes, Benji’s not good on the insults either, but he curses a lot so it makes him seem more forceful, even though he hits like a girl. I guess in a way this makes up for it.
“It’s okay,” Tony said, “Now we can have poop on our heads together.” Aww how romantic, except you should never eat poop because that’s gross.
“Okay, lets go!” So Benji and Tony linked arms and skipped off on their marry way!
Heee isn't it just awesomely awesome?