It's a New Day

Sunday, February 29, 2004

So. I got a sore throat on Wednesday morning. Wednesday night, I had the flu. By Thursday night, I had a cold too.

Three fucking ailments. Less than one week. So I've been sick enough, wouldn't you think? I've had enough fucking things wrong with me right?

Well aparantely my body doesn't think so. See, last night, when I went to bed, my eyes kind of burned, and this gunky stuff, like the stuff when you wake up and your eyes are all... crusty... sometimes, my eyes were going like that, except it wasn'tmorning. I figured it would go away.

Well I was wrong. This morning, my eyes were still gunky. But hey, it had to go away, right?

But it didn't. So I asked my mom, finally, at like... 7-8ish about it. You know what she immediately said?

"Oh, Michelle, you have pink eye!"

Pink eye.

Fucking pink eye.

You nkow, that thing, where your eyes go all gunky. That thing that only 0-6 YEAR OLDS FUCKING GET?!?!?!?!?!?!? THAT HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS THING WHERE YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT LIKE SPECIFIC EYEDROP STUFF TO MAKE IT GO ALL UNGUNKY?! THAT THING?!?!?!?!

Yeah. I have that. But I told my mom too late for her to go get that fucking stuff. So I still have pink eye. I will have pink eye tomorrow morning. And you know what? There's a chance that I won't be able to go to school, because it's impossible for me to not touch anyone or touch my eyes during the day, and touching someone else will give it to them, while touching my eye will make it worse.


My body hates me.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Hee. Spectrum was fun. Dude the last... 1 1/2 hours went by faaast.

Um, I got 3 magazines, a poster, a bunch of pins, and 2 CDs [both Coheed & Cambria].

I like Tiffany's bargaining skills with her mom for the concerts:
Tiffany: Yeah there are these two concerts coming up in March AND MICHELLE ALREADY BOUGHT THE TICKETS FOR THEM1 and the one march 28 is for a GOOD CAUSE for animal rights and for non-animal testing and and the other one has Something Corporate who has a PIANO in their music and Yellowcard who has a VIOLIN in their music and it's really really pretty... oh and can you pay for them too? For my birthday! It'll be my birthday! Happy birthday... to... me?
Her mom: What'd you get for my birthday?
Tiffany: ...I have a dollar! It's a pretty dollar!
Me: Is it as pretty as Billy?
Tiffany: IT IS!
Her mom : ...
Tiffany: I gave you that small shoe!
Her mom: did you see the sneakers? [or... something... I didn't really get it... but it involved Tiffany's shoes or something]
Tiffany: Yes they're nice SO can I go?

It was really amusing. I kept crakcing up.

Um yes. I need to share some horoscopes with you :) Straight from Tigerbeat! Copied directly from there! ...ok, I... read between the lines... just a little. But it's what they MEANT.

Capricorn [Me, Annie, Adri]
You'll get angry with one of the Fab Five [HAHAHA I SAID IT RIGHT TIFFANY] except not Jai because he's cool and you'll get angry with him and then you'll heat some of your words in the microwave and they'll give off red sparks and there's something that involves Hoobastank too and the only way to get through this is to have patience but you don't so everyone will die.

Aries [Tiffany, Galaxy (I think)]
You will go to France on March 3rd and buy a pig because French pigs go "groin groin [pronounced gwaun gwaun but spelled sooo funnily]" and you will feed it money but it'll poo it out. That's ok, though, 'cause it's the punk way to do things. Then March 4 you'll have to search inside the stars sewn on your jacket for bargain hunters.

Sagittarius [Emma]
You'll go to a lot of parties [YAAAY PARTIEEESSSS!]. Then mid-March Mars and your sign are all opposite-y of each other [you may need me to demonstrate this with my arms stretched out in the opposite directions; it makes it all so much clearer] and that makes you crush slews. You'll have to ask a clock if they're spring crushes or the real thing, because spring crushes AREN'T the real thing. But be careful or the clock will tie you up and rape you, as many clocks do. You can, however, use your honesty to hit him over the head, because it's blunt, but not to poke it 'cause it's not sharp. Remember, it's blunt!

Pisces [Jackie]
You need to put a buckle on your science project even though it's not due for 7 weeks because TigerBeat says you only have 3 weeks crammed into one Sunday, and TigerBeat would never lie to you. You're running out of time because the clock is trying to rape all the Sagittariuses. Dont' have fun with your friends. Just ask any Asian parent: teenagers are not allowed too much fun a month, or then they'll do drugs and kill everyone, because that's what happens when you have fun and are not stressed out and want to kill yourself. And I don't mean to be stereotypical with the Asian parent thing, but... like... it's very very common. Oh, and you have to hit books, but not if you're friends with Michelle and Tiffany because they hit magazines enough that it'll cover any book-hitting you need. Make a point to start [slam hand on table hard] NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Organize your thoughts, because otherwise you'll just have a bunch of random thoughts, and then you'll be dead. Tackle parts of the thoughts! And you can't be overwhelmed or else the effort won't pay off on your next report card and you need to do good on that damn science project.

...Yeah. Those were all we did because... those were the people at the spectrum, minus Annie and Adri, but I included them because I know they're both Capricorns too. If you want to know yours and it's not already up here, ask me in my tag and I'll do yours [NOT YOU HAHAHA SEEEEE TIFFANY I'M GETTING GOOD AT THIS] too. :) Um, yes :) I like spectrumming.

;KLAJKDSFJ I keep getting a fucking fever at night! The second I go to bed, I start feeling really cold except my face is burning, so I put on a sweatshirt and socks, and then by like 4 I'm completely burning up. Agh. Last night I got a total of like... 3 hours of sleep. I didn't actually fall asleep until 2:45ish, and then I woke up at 3:30. I kept doing that all night long. Ugh. I was freaking burning up. I poured part of a water bottle on my head, I was so hot. Aghh why aren't you dead, you stupid virus x.x

I had interesting dreams. The only clear one right now is like... ok... it was someone's wedding. I think it was Annie's sister's wedding. And she was all maid of honor-y. I was a bridesmaid and so were other people. And there were like these lines andI don't know if it was the actual wedding or a dress rehearsal because like no one was there. ANd so we were in the lines and then we walked over to where the thing was and I marched there [like in marching band] for some reason. But I messed up and she yelled at me.

...that'sall I remember. O.o Oh and there was another one which involve my parents forcing me to join swimteam even if I didn't go to any of the Saturday meets, and then I wanted to go home like when we were there and I was all "Why aren't we going?" and then my parents eyed each other and were all "We signed up for swim lessons" even though they know how to swim and I got pissed at them but I went in the water and like hung out by the side and a looottt of people I knew were there. Don't remember who but there were a bunch of people hanging outby the side and so I went there.

...ok... that's it. Oddish dreams. Well at least there weren't any huge thumbs in this one.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Missed school again. I'm gonna have to make up some shit x.x Global quiz, French quiz, French skit?, Science DNA chain thingies [hits teacher], geometry hw [that's easy, whatever]... so yeah. But I'd much rather sleep all morning then go to school. I'm all better now except I have a cold. That's ok, though.

Dude SP on loveline last night! Heee Chuck and Jeff mentioned baguettes within the first like... 2 seconds they were there and then went on to talk about how they told a guy that you have to tip people with baguettes in France and how he panicked and believed them for like two days. But that's sooo a shout-out to why Pierre and David weren't there. 'Cause you see, baguettes=hott_baguettes=P/D LJ! They were too busy fucking to come to Loveline :) It's all right, we understand.

Jeff's laugh is aaaaaaaaawesome. Seriously. It's like... super big. Ahahaha.

Girl: I'm attracted to gay guys.
Adam: Join the club.

Dude that would've been sooo awesome if it was like Pierre or David saying that and then the other would be all "I know [wink wink nudge nudge]" Heh., yes. Oh, and they played Don't Wanna Think About You! Yay!

ka;lksjdf my throat is all KKKKKK and I keep coughing. But it's better than feeling how I did before, actually. So whatever. I better be able to go to spectrum tomorrow. I feel all stuffy and stuff...I need to go outside.

So yeah. I'm gonna have shit to make up Monday/Tuesday. But this weekend, I have nothing :) Well I have to study for that DNA/RNA test. But that's like, it. So oooh burn. :)

I got to listen to Kevin and Bean again this morning, except for longer. Ugh ok Wednesday night I fell asleep within like seconds of hitting my bed. Last night... well I was staying up for SP, but then I could not get to sleep. I think I finally fell asleep at 3 and woke up a few times. Then next think I knew it was all "It's 5:29 AM..." and I didn't go back to sleep after that x.x No wonder I slept all morning. I would've even if I wasn't sick. So I got to hear from then to like... 9 AM? of the show. Then I fell asleep. I think the show goes to 10. I forget though.

Ack. Colds aren't fun x.x

kajs;ldk I think next week needs to be over because then I'll have made up everything I have to make up:) Hopefully I don't have to make up the skit. Last time I didn't. If she asks like Monday for us to do it I'll use the day of grace thing. Or lakjdlf nooo I'll just use one of those like... I don't know either 5 point or 10 point passes and then use the script when we're doing the skit. So we can make up the points normally we would've lost. Ooooh burn. That's better, cuz that means I don't have to memorize at all. Woohoo.

Wow, YAY JACKIE! CONGRATS-THINGS! She got 2nd for that poem cultural thingy this week! Yay! And also that means our english class gets a party! Heh our English teacher bribes us. That's ok, though!

..yeah. When I'm all askd;jf I ramble. That's ok. I feel like going back to bed and reading somemore. I got through like... 300 pages of the book I'm rereading today. Go me.

...yeah. Ok then.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Stealing Lulu's surveys 'cause I'm bored and procrastinating that whole hw thing, even though I'm gonna try to skip school again tomorrow, because I feel like shit still. Can't walk without feeling lightheaded and like I'm gonna faint. My mom's all "OH BUT YOU COULD MAKE IT TIL 3RD AND THEN YOU'D ONLY BE MISSING ONE OF YOUR QUIZZES!" and I was all "...that would make me feel worse in the end! And make me take longer to recover!" Ugh and YESTERDAY she was all "Oh but you shouldn't go Friday if you feel like crap because then you'll do poorly on your tests!" But no, noooowww I should try to last as long as I can before blacking out! Ah I should like insist that I go to school and run a marathon tomorrow, and then she'll like strap me down on my bed til school's over. She's like... weird. x.x

1. hair color / uh... dark?
2. eye color / any Eh... I prefer blue usually... but I don't care really...
3. height / [shrug] A little taller than me.
4. six pack / Ew. No. Scrawny guys all the way, damnit x.x
5. long or short hair / Short. Unless it's like, emo hair. Or a mohawk.
6. glasses / If he's far/near-sighted...
7. piercings / Of course
8. scars / If he got them from moshpitts!
9. eyebrows / ...he should... have them?
10. big butt or little / ...No butt. AHAHAHAHHA. I don't really care... although a big butt on a guy's kinda weird cuz most guys really have like... no butts.
11. chest hair / ...I... don't... know? Cuz none means usually he shaves his chest, and while that's cool, that's also like... stereotypical gay guy... and while I'm all "I want to date a gay guy!" that wouldn't really work... so yeah. I don't care. As long as his chest isn't like... a rug.
12. buff or skinny / Skinny. Unless the buff-ness works for him, like Pierre. ...not being a teeny.. just saying... he's buff... and it works for him. Doesn't work for David, because he needs to be skinny and emo-y :)
13. straight teeth, gap, or braces / ...yes, I want a gap in his teeth. Don't care braces or non-braces.
14. funny or serious / funny
15. party or stay at home / stay at home
16. should he cook or bake / ...there's a difference? Uh.. I guess cook? Because I can't.
17. should he have a best friend / Yes, he must have a best friend. I don't date guys without best friends. I mean, ew! [/sarcasm]
18. should he have a lotta girlfriends / GIRLFRIEND girlfriends? Because... if I like him... then no O.o That would be bad. But just like... friends... I don't care.
19. outgoing or shy / More shy
20. sarcastic or sincere / More sarcastic
21.should he love his mother / No, he should try to kill her.[/sarcasm]
22. should he watch chick flicks / I don't actually like chick flicks so... not really.
23. would he be a smoker / No. Ew.
24. would he drink / No. See again with the ew. Unless he was like of age (but I'm only 15... so why would I be like dating a guy 21? That's more ew!). As long as he's like... 21+ and isn't an alcoholic then I don't really care.
25. would he swear / Not anymore than... hm. Any of my friends. WHo of my friends cusses the most? My first thought was Annie, but then it went to Tiffany, and then Jackie. I'd say more than me, but then I don't actually cuss that much... so yeah.
26. would he play with your hair / x.x No. Have you not seen my hair? It's very VERY tangled, all the time. Even after detangling it. His hand would get stuck. It would hurt my head. NO.
27. one or more girls at a time / ...yes, I want this "perfect guy" [does this mean I'm dating him or not cuz some questions indicate that but then others don't...] to be dating multiple girls.[/sarcasm] Dude unless he's making out with guys, he should only be kissing me.
28. would he pay for dates / Sure. Not cuz "Oh he's the GUy he should PAY" but because I need my money for CDs and band shirts and concerts :)
29. does he kiss on the first date / [shrug] Sure. I never saw the big dealabout kissing on the first date. It's just lips. It's not like he's sticking his penis into your vagina.
30. where would you go to dinner / ...Johnny Rockets! Yay! ...I don't care. Not anywhere that I'd have to be more... dressy than jeans and a band shirt.
31. would he bring you flowers / No. THey just end up dying anyways. [Heh actually I still have Jackie's flower on my desk, all dead and shriveled up. I'll treasure it forever.]
32. would he lay under the stars with you / No, because it's cold under the stars, and that'd be boring, because... I don't wanna watch the stars for more than like... 5 seconds.
33. would he write poetry about you / If it was like Pierre's poem to David with him loving him even if he smelled like poo! ...otherwise.. I don't really care either way.
34. would he call you hunny,sweetie, or baby / No. Ew.
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends / ...yes O.o
36. would you hang out with him and HIS friends / If they weren't assholes
37. will he walk you to the door at the end / At the end of what? Uh... if... heneeds exercise...
38. holding hands / Sure. Don't care.
39. clean his room / ...I don't plan on spending a lot of time in his room... O.o Considering my room is... well... yeah... it'd be hypocrtical for me to say yes,it must be neat. I don't really care either way.
40. paint, draw, sculpt / Yes. Artsy guys are cool.
41. writes his own music / Yessssssssssssss
42. use the word dude / Yessssss. He's like me! ...and Tiffany...
43. use the word tight / Like.. "Damn, that movie was tiiight!"? Cuz if so... then no... But if like... never ever saying the word tight everrrr than... yes... because why wouldn't he be able to say the word tight?
44. would he watch the sun rise with you / No... the sun is bright and hurts my eyes :)
45. what kind of car does he drive / One that's a car.
46. how old is he / Same age. Or like.. maybe... 16... but not any older than that. Or 14, if he's in 9th. No dating 9th graders. That just seems weird.


o 1 YOU TOUCHED :: Uh... I think my mom... 'cause I ran into herwhen I turned right down the hallway.
o 2 YOU TALKED TO :: Talked talking talking? My mom.
o 3 YOU HUGGED :: ...Annie? Oh, I think Annie and Tiffany... because it was coolldd [slightly] when waiting in line for the concert.
o 4 YOU INSTANT MESSAGED :: Tiffany I think. Or Jackie.
o 5 YOU YELLED AT :: My mom
o 6 YOU LAUGHED WITH :: ...uh... I don't remember... my friends during school? I laughed when watching Friends earlier tonight!


o 1 CURRENT CLOTHES :: Story of the Year shirt and pyjama pants.
o 2 CURRENT MOOD :: Kinda bitchy... I'm all alsk;jdf;laksj about being sick.
o 3 CURRENT TASTE :: ..spit?
o 4 CURRENT HAIR :: Down. Is it ever any other way?
o 5 CURRENT ANNOYANCE :: School, being sick, my mom bugging me about being sick.
o 6 CURRENT SMELL :: Nothing. My flu has mutated into a partial cold. So my nose is all stuffed up.
o 7 CURRENT THINGS OUGHT TO BE DOING :: Homework. Did you have to remind me? [sigh]
o 8 CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE :: Uh... what is it again? Oh right. Purple/orange Seth/Summer
o 9 CURRENT FAVORITE GROUP :: Uh... Good Charlotte... I guess... but I'm pissed at Joel so I'm going with Simple Plan just cuz I've been in SP mode recently cuz of the concert and the new vid/single and all. So yeah.
1 o CURRENT BOOK :: Hm... "Passage" by Connie Willis. Yes I'm rereading it. I love that freaking book.
1 1 Current DVD In Player :: Uh...... wouldn't it be.. Grind? From the sleepover. Yeah. I think so.
1 3 CURRENT WORRY :: aksd;jflkas stupid school. Ugh I'm gonna have to make up a lot of shit, especially if I miss tomorrow.
1 4 CURRENT CRUSH :: Pierre/David [er not... each of them... I have a crush on their relationship :)]


o 1 FIRST NAME :: Michelle
o 2 BIRTHDAY :: 01/14/89
o 3 BIRTHPLACE :: Same place I live now.
o 4 CURRENT LOCATION :: Same place... I... live now. Bet you didn't know that!
o 5 CURRENT SCHOOL :: One that YOU don't go to. Unless you do... shhh
o 6 CURRENT JOB :: student x.x
o 7 NICKNAMES :: Uh... Michi?
o 8 EYE COLOR :: blue
o 9 HAIR COLOR :: blonde
1 o LEFTY OR RIGHTY :: righty
1 1 ZODIAC SIGN :: capricorn
1 2 INNIE OR OUTTIE :: innie
1 3 RELIGION :: Uh... atheism isn't actually a religion... but yeah, that's what I am
1 4 PIERCINGS :: one in each ear. Not for much longer if I don't put earrings in soon x.x I always lose my earrings. Dude I asked for earrings for Christmas so I could wear more than one pair to school. My parents got me 2 pairs. Know what? THEY'RE BOTH ALL FANCY! So I can't freaking wear them to school x.x God when do I ever dress up? FOr like school band concerts! Not that many a year! And I always forget to wear them for those anyways! Ughhh
1 5 TATOOS :: None. And it's tattoos.


o 1 MUSIC :: See those list of bands to the left? Go look at that and figure out what I like on your own. 'Cause no matter how I label it someone will always disagree.
o 2 CARTOONS :: Don't. Like. Cartoons. Cartoons never make me like... feel anything. They sometimes make me laugh... but not usually.
o 3 COLOR :: eh. Black? Red? Blue? Something in that area.
o 5 COFFEE :: Don't like coffee. I like caffeine. Not coffee.
o 6 BOOK :: "Passage" by Connie Willis.
o 7 MAGAZINE :: A.P.
o 8 TV SHOW :: The O.C. But you all knew that.
o 9 SONGS :: See the list of songs at left? Those are the favorites. Is Don't Wanna Think About You there? I think I changed it before I heard the song. Yeah that's a favorite right now. So catchy.
1 o CANDY :: Uh... ionno. Thegood-tasting kind.
1 1 SPICE GIRLS :: No.
1 2 FOOD :: Don't care about food.
1 3 ALCOHOLIC :: ...Which alcoholic do I prefer? O.o;;; I don't really prefer any alcoholics...
1 4 SUBJECT IN SCHOOL :: Right now.. global.
1 6 HOLIDAY :: Uh... Christmas. 'Cause I get presents, and it's only like... 3 weeks until my birthday.
1 7 ICE CREAM FLAVOR :: Chocolate
1 9 ROLLER COASTER :: don't really like them that much
2 o CEREAL :: Ew. Don't like cereal. This is why we have crappy cereals at my house.

WHO IS . .

o 2 THE SWEETEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: ...I don't know. All my friends are nice. None are like sickenly sweet. I don't know. Uh... ;a;klsdjflkj go away
o 4 THE WEIRDEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: Uh... Annie. But in the absolute nicest way possible, I swear.
o 6 THE CUTEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: Derek, my bird.
o 7 THE SORRIEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: ...Sorry? Like... they're pathetic, sorry, or they're just very apologetic? O.o I... don't... know...
o 8 THE SCARIEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: ...I don't know... Oh. 7th grade math teacher. But more gross than scary
o 9 THE SEXIEST PERSON YOU KNOW :: Derek, my bird
1 o PERSON YOU HATE THE MOST :: l;kajs;ldkfj Pranav but the hate's not as much as usual because I sit far enugh away from him in every class now. And my science teacher.
1 1 YOUR CRUSH :: Derek, my bird. He's very very cute. And I'm putting this as all the answers for this kind of stuff because there's no one or because like... akjsldkfj just go away? Cuz I don't wanna answer them.


o 1 YOUR MOST OVER USED PHARSE ON AIM :: Uh... "ahhahahahahahaha" I guess. Or "good job" or "nice"
o 2 THE FIRST THING YOU THOUGHT OF WHEM YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING :: "I feel like craaapp... I am not going to school damnit..."
o 3 THE LAST IMAGE YOU THOUGHT OF BEFORE YOU WENT TO SLEEP :: ...don't remember. I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep like instantly.
o 6 THE WUSSIEST SPORT :: Oh come on, like they're really all THAT tough.
o 7 SONG THAT DESCRIVES YOU :: That descrives me? Hm, don't nkow any songs that descrive me. Maybe a few that DESCRIBE ME but descrive? No.
o 8 YOU BEST FEATURE :: my hair? Because that's what everyone tells me x.x When I go to the orthodontists, she's all "Ooh your hair is so beautiful!" or when we see my parents' friends at new years "Ooh your hair's getting so long, it's so pretty!"
o 9 YOUR BEDTIME :: 11, but a lot of the time I stay up later
1 o YOUR BIGGEST FEAR :: Uh.. right now... failing. Not getting into AP ever and doing badly on SATs/school in general, and then not getting into college and just... failing everything. Or getting into a good college but not being able to handle the work. That's just right now. In general it's more like... loneliness... depression... etc.
1 1 YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT :: completing my hw tonight even though I feel like crap still
1 2 YOUR MISSED MEMORIES :: when I was like... in 1-3 grade


o 1 PEPSI OR COKE :: Pepsi, damnit
o 2 MCDONALDS OR BURGER KING :: In 'n Out. I hate McDonalds hamburgers [and their fries aren't as good either] and I don't really like Burger King either.
o 3 NIKES OR ADIDAS :: ...Sketchers
o 5 DOGS OR CATS :: dogs
o 6 RUGRATS OR DOUG :: eh... rugrats. One of the few cartoons I like.
o 8 JAY Z OR EMINEM :: Double ew.
1 2 HOT CHOCOLATE OR HOT COCOA :: ...there's a difference? O.o Since when has there been a difference?!
1 3 COFFEE OR MILK TEA :: milk tea
1 4 DRINKS WITH OR WITHOUT ICE :: ...well I don't like hot chocolate with ice... but I like Pepsi and sodas with ice. Water with ice is good too.
1 5 THONGS OR G-STRINGS :: about neither.

DO YOU . .

o 1 TAKES A SHOWER EVERYDAY ::It depends. Usually, but sometimes I'm too lazy. I took one last night, though, 'cause a lot of the time showers make me feel better. It didn't help.
o 2 HAVE CRUSH :: David/Pierre, damnit! I've told you this before!
o 3 THINK YOU'VE BEEN IN LOVE BEFORE :: I'm in love with hottbaguettes :)
o 4 WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE ::, I'd like to fail in life.
o 5 LIKE HIGH SCHOOL :: Eh. Not really. Not these days.
o 7 TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS These are the wrong keys. THa'ts why you can't understand what i'm saying.
o 8 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF :: not always
o 9 GET MOTION SICKNESS :: Air sickness
1 o THINK YOUR A HEALTH NUT :: have you not met me?


o 1 AGE YOU HOPE TO GET MARRIED :: Late 20's/early 30's I guess
o 2 NUMBER AND NAMES OF YOUR KIDS :: ...i don't know O.o
o 3 WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF AT AGE 2 o :: age 2? I see myself in the past... Or did you mean 20 and you just typed it really really annoyingly to make me want to hit you? At 20 I plan to be in college.
o 4 DESCRIVE YOUR DREAM WEDDING :: Ew. I don't like people who are like... 13 and have their entire wedding planned and it's like... this huge ceremony and shit. That's like... just really... stupid. I'd probably just have like... a smallish wedding.
o 5 WHEN AND HOW DO YOU WANT TO DIE :: I want to die in my sleep when I'm old. :) Ionno exactly what age.
o 6 WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER PLANS :: have one? I don't know. Band/roadie would be aaaaaawesome... but yeah right. So psychologist?
o 7 SOMEPLACE YOU WOULD LIKE TO VISIT :: ...nowhere. I wanna stay here right now.


o 2 BEST HAIR COLOR :: blue! Dark, whatever.
o 3 SHORT OR LONG HAIR :: Don't care. Usually shorterish
o 4 BEST HEIGHT :: ...I don't know. Taller than me?
o 5 BEST WEIGHT :: Scrawny!
o 6 BEST ARTICLE OF CLOTHING :: ...O.o Are you on crack?
o 7 BEST FIRST DATE :: ...spectrum?
o 8 BEST FIRST KISS LOCATION :: ...on the moon.
o 9 DESCRIBE YOUR PERFECT OTHER :: Didn't I already do like, an entire survey on this?


o 1 WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED :: pyjama pants and a shirt
o 2 WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU SLEPT WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL :: this morning... I need something to hold on to or I don't know what to do with my arms. Usually it's really hard for me to get to sleep.
o 4 HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU PICK UP THE PHONE :: I don't. My parents or the answering machine gets it.
o 5 WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD :: a mouse
o 9 WOULD YOU SHAVE YOUR HEAD FOR $5,000 ::prolly
1 o IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A ISLAND NAME ONE PERSON YOU WOULD WANT TO BE IN THE ISLAND WITH YOU AND 3 ITEMS :: I wouldn't be stranded on an island on the first place. :)

Ah no school is nice. Except for the fact that the more I sleep the worse I feel. This morning I didn't have a fever anymore, and now it's back again. Sigh.

I listened to the never heard of it CD I bought at the concert. They're good. Like a mix of Off By One, Midtown, Riddlin' Kids, and This End Up. I want theo ther CD the people were selling toooo.

aj;sdklfj I have to go to school tomorrow. 2 quizzes and the fucking skit thing. Although I could use the day of grace pass and not do the skit. But ugh. Jackie needs to be online so I can ask her what hw I missed.

Oh btw again thaaaaaaank youuuuuuu Lulu for bringing my books so I can do my hw.

TRL loves me today. They played Yellowcard as a PreRL and then right after that SP was at #5. See the love? So nice.

Oh look Jackie's on! She listened to me yaaaay!

I got to listen to the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ this morning yaaaay. I never get to listen to that cuz of school, and it makes me laugh a lot.

Ahhhh I'm tired why am I tired I slept from like... 9 to 12 x.x Ahhhh. [hits... self]

SP on Loveline tonight yay.

Homework tonigh. Boo. I have to go to school damnit. Agh.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Agh I feel like craaaap. You know that sore throat I had? Well it's not a sore throat; it's the flu. I'm not vomiting (eck feltlike it earlier though), but I had the chills (fever x.x) and a headache and I felt really really dazy and like... tired. More than usual. Still feel that way. And the more I rest the crappier I feel. I slept from like... 6-9 today. Told my mom before I went to sleep to wake me up for the O.C. though. Cuz a;klsjdf;lkajsdf it was awesome. At least the end. Not so much as last week, but the end was fucking akl;jsdf;lkajsf wooshsome. Eeevil previews for next week. Let her fucking goooo Seth x.x

...I'm ok. O.C. obsession beats having the flu O.o But yeah. So I probably won't be in school tomorrow. Ah my ears are fucking burning, my whole face is burning, but like... everywhere below my neck I'm freeezing. a;lkjsd;fl I'm gonna go to sleep now. Stupid fucking sickness. No way in hell I'm missing Friday, though. 2 science thingies due, Global quiz, etc. Oh French skit and quiz. Blech.

I feel drunk, except without the happy high (...Iwould assume... I wouldn't know...). My mind's not coherent and my walking sucks. ok sleepage. must feel better x.x At least I'm gonna miss an office hours day if I'm still sick tomorrow. All I'm missing is English, Science [FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS] and French. Never do anything at all ever in French. I can copy any notes we take from Jackie, and if we do any labs Ican do the same. Or whoever, but Jackie's most likely cuz she always borrows my like notes and shit from global so yeah. :) Uh... English... we're doing the haiku shit. Hope I don't have to do it on my own time. But it's not that hard. I could do it this weekend, just write a little haiku and color it prettily and turn it in Monday. Don't think we're doing anything else. And so.. yeah. alkdj;lkafjs SLEEP damnit go to sleeeep.

I'm gettinga sore throat. Ow x.x Blah I'll bug my mom for tea later.

Geometry: Eh. Finished hw in class. Got called on to answer a question while I was doing said homework and got confused and made the proportion with 5. Except the 5 was really a squiggle meaning the two triangles were similar and he got confused and I got confused and then I got it right. Felt stupid though. Well you know what? Squiggles shouldn't look like 5's. He's lucky I picked up on what he was asking me fast enough! So there x.x

Office Hours: Went to global. Finished fic. Something about Vegetables. Or something. And a cartoon called Amino Acids except not. Um, yeah.

Global: We played rock paper scissors and he gave people pennies at the beginning and then you played and if you won you got the other person's penny and when you ran out of pennies you had to sit down and the person who won got extra credit. Yeah. This is why I like global, dude. Oh and we filled out this worksheet and the first question was "How did you feel when you lost your penny?" Jonathan and Stephen were the last 2 remaining and Stephen beat him and then when Jonathan was called on his answer was all "I feel crappy and I think that Stephen should fall off a cliff." Global was odd today. Oh, and "Wait, wait, so is it peasants [peh-zents] or peasants [pee-zents]." hee. Peezants.

Band: I almost got third. Michele was up against me and... like... I played faster, but I made more mistakes. I was shaking so god damned much and whenever I play in class I overblow and it squeaks. We played every single thing on the test (everyone else played 2, unless it was a tie). Finally the last one I had calmed down a little and played well enough to beat her. It was fucking cloooose then. For some reason with Richard I was more calm. I don't nkow. We played A concert first, I think. I didn't make any (ok I did but they were small) mistakes and he made one rather big one. Then with the thirds he went slower and made like... small mistake and I went faster but made a larger [but not too large] mistake. But she said that I did better by a bigger margin on the scale then he did better than me on the thirds. Sooo I'm first again. The funny thing is... like usualy when I say all the stuff I've been saying, it's to get me down, so if I win it's really good and if I lose it's expected. But I honestly believed with all my heart that I was going to be second. And... I really didn't care. I mean it just hit me... she told me I was first and... nothign happened. I was all "Whatever." Not that I don't want to be first, but I really didn't care. Usually, even if I had been first in the first place, I would be like =D=D=D but I was just =| Or =) Somewhere between there. How about =S ? Yeah. I jsut didn't care. Plus a part of me knwos that we're having a challenge on B and E concert next (don't know when yet, probably next week or a week from next week) and there's a good chance he could beat me. I told myself I'd practice both scales all this weekend and next week and basically every day till the challenge... but Idon't know if I will. It just doesn't matter to me anymore [shrug]

DUDE though wtf we've had 2 challenges this semester so far, right? And she's already told us there will be another, and I'm almost positive it'll be before festival. But wind ensemble? 0 CHALLENGES! tHEY HAVE A FREAKING TEST TOMORROW BUT IT'S NOT EVEN A CHALLENGE AHHH. Dude that's so not fucking fiar to me or to Jackie or to anybody ok? I don't get why wind ensemble=less challenges. It's stupid. ;akj;lkj;skdfj yeah.

I'm getting a sore throaaat aaahhhhhhh I hate this. Um yes. I've had Don't Wann Think About You stuck in my head a lot today. So catchy. I'm so writing a songfic to it. Like woosh.

OH A;LKSJDF JACKIE SAID WOOSH IN CLASS! Ok she claimes it was "whoosh" but you know what? YOU SAID WOOSH x.x

And like woosh, there's a new episode of The O.C. tonight. Yay. And I have no hw! Except to bring art supplies for english, but I'll probably forget. Unless I bring my watercolor pencils.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Don't feel like talking about my day. It's not that it sucked, it'll just be me going through the classes saying "Boring. It sucked. Why can't we have a sub?" or something. So yeah. ka;jsdlkfja;slkdfj STUPID FUCKING CHALLENGES TOMORROW AGH I can't wait to see the O.C. tomororw night cuz that means A) dude the O.C. and Seth and Sumemr had sex TWICE last week and are going to this week and like be all out in public with their relationship by the end and duuude it's finally good again and B) my challenges will be over1 I've pretty much accepted I'll be second though. Seriously usually when I'm like this I'm just talking myself down so if I AM second I'll have expected it, but if I'm first it'll be even better than usual. But I'm seriously convinced that I will be second. I mean we were practicing and stuff and Richard STILL can't play the fucking thirds and at least one of them will be on the test. Galaxy even pointed it out to me quietly, she was all "...he can't play his thirds" and I was all "He will by tomorrow." Because that's what will happen. He'll practice like crazy tonight and beat me. Ah, if only he'd do the same with the fucking FESTIVAL MUSIC DAMNIT. HE STILL CAN'T FUCKING PLAY ALL OF IT. Most of it yes, but I STILL hear mistakes. I wouldn't care as much if he wasn't first, but I know my music and I'm second, he doesn't and he's first. That's why challenges on scales are stupid, IMO. Because wow, we know a scale. That's not going to help us much at festival. The challenges should be on the music. That would require us actually knowing the music. See wehre I'm going with this? If it were on the music, either A) I'd be first, or B) he'd actually be able to play the fucking music.

Sigh. But I digress. A lot. Um yeah. i'm tired. I'm gonna practice from like.. 6-8. I've almost memorized A concert thirds, and I didn't even like try to. I just tried it 3 times in class before concert band after school, and I almost have it memorized. Won't play it memorized cuz that's insane, but yeah. So I'm find on that, and on the scales (just have to practice them a little more) and practice the D thirds, even though I'm fine on those too. So yeah. Even if I've accpeted getting 2nd, doesn't mean I don't wanna get an A on the test.

a;ksjdf;lkasd fuck her ah. And you know what? Alvin needs to make it into golf. Because stupid fucking band director isn't having challenges for wind ensemble, and Jackie being 1st relies all on him making it into golf now. Sigh.;kalsjdf;lkjas;ldfkja;lksdjf;alskdfj

Ugh I can't wait til tomorrow is fucking OVER. Then I have nothing to... well, dread. Except for the science project. Fuuuck. 7 weeks might sound like a lot, but it's noootttt. It'll go by like [snap] I don't even nkow what i'M going to do for it x.x Ah I'll figure it out this weeked whatever. klasjd;lfkaj I hate science so much.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Dude... I just don't care anymore. I'm sickof worrying about the stupid challenge Wednesday. I've accepted that Richar'ds going to beat me, because I just don't care anymore. That's why he'll beat me. It just... I'm sick of caring so much. What's the difference? I tune to him. He's listed with a star in the concert program. I have to play a little softer than him (Ha whatever she can't do anything about it if I end up playing louder than him at the concert anyways so fuck that). I'm going to be playing bass clarinet after festival anyways. I can stnad a month as 2nd. We'll probably have another challenge in like 2-3 weeks anyways. I'm just tired of caring so much. I mean it's not like I won't practice like crazy tomorrow. I don't want to embarrass myself, and besides, it's for a grade. And there's always the chance that he'll have not practiced enough. And I will be upset at first... but I'll get over it because you know what? In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter, and I just can't bother caring anymore. So whatever. I'll practice like crazy tomororw. I can't practice now anyways, I still have a headache and my stomach hurts when I try to pratice clarinet. So yeah. al;ksd;lfjk ugh most of the reason I've cared so much is like... everyone's all "OMG HOW COULD YOU ETL HIM BEAT YOU?!!? YOU'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN HIM OMG YOU SOOO HAVE TO BEAT HIM OMG LKAS;LDKFJ AHHH" And some of it's nice. Like this is not directed at Jackie at all, btw, because you have the good kind of support. But Rosa like threatened me with a stand when she found out I was second, and ugh... some people just bug me when they're like all "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ALAAKJL;KAJSFahhhhhh" and i'm tired of it and I don't want to let anyone down but I jsut can't bother with it anymore. Because this whole fucking thing has made me really like... just feeling bad int he pit of my stomach, and I'v ebeen dreading Wednesday for like... weeks now and I just want it over and done with and me still second.

It just doesn't matter. So I'm second for like... another month. Wow. Whatever. It's not like he has a solo cuz of this, or like we have different parts cuz of it. Plus, I get to sit next to Galaxy this way. So it's all good.

Dude... I just don't care anymore. I'm sickof worrying about the stupid challenge Wednesday. I've accepted that Richar'ds going to beat me, because I just don't care anymore. That's why he'll beat me. It just... I'm sick of caring so much. What's the difference? I tune to him. He's listed with a star in the concert program. I have to play a little softer than him (Ha whatever she can't do anything about it if I end up playing louder than him at the concert anyways so fuck that). I'm going to be playing bass clarinet after festival anyways. I can stnad a month as 2nd. We'll probably have another challenge in like 2-3 weeks anyways. I'm just tired of caring so much. I mean it's not like I won't practice like crazy tomorrow. I don't want to embarrass myself, and besides, it's for a grade. And there's always the chance that he'll have not practiced enough. And I will be upset at first... but I'll get over it because you know what? In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter, and I just can't bother caring anymore. So whatever. I'll practice like crazy tomororw. I can't practice now anyways, I still have a headache and my stomach hurts when I try to pratice clarinet. So yeah. al;ksd;lfjk ugh most of the reason I've cared so much is like... everyone's all "OMG HOW COULD YOU ETL HIM BEAT YOU?!!? YOU'RE SO MUCH BETTER THAN HIM OMG YOU SOOO HAVE TO BEAT HIM OMG LKAS;LDKFJ AHHH" And some of it's nice. Like this is not directed at Jackie at all, btw, because you have the good kind of support. But Rosa like threatened me with a stand when she found out I was second, and ugh... some people just bug me when they're like all "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ALAAKJL;KAJSFahhhhhh" and i'm tired of it and I don't want to let anyone down but I jsut can't bother with it anymore. Because this whole fucking thing has made me really like... just feeling bad int he pit of my stomach, and I'v ebeen dreading Wednesday for like... weeks now and I just want it over and done with and me still second.

It just doesn't matter. So I'm second for like... another month. Wow. Whatever. It's not like he has a solo cuz of this, or like we have different parts cuz of it. Plus, I get to sit next to Galaxy this way. So it's all good.

OOOOOOOOOK CONCERT YAY! No one really cares about this cuz everyone who does was at the concert, but this is more for me so I can like go back in my archives and be "OH YEAAAAAHHH THAT CONCERT WAS LAKJF;AKSJDF YAAAAAAAAAY" So yeah.

Ok we got there at like 4:00ish and then theline was already pretty long [MY DAD DIDN'T BELIEVE IT WOULD BE BUT IT WASSSSS SO HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!] and then we got in line and sang a lot and prolly pissed a lot of people off but that's ok. And these people on like the Never Heard of It street team or whatever came by promoting them and I bought one of their CD's for $5 (it only has 5 songs on it). Haven't listened to it yet but I will later. And yeah... it started raining a lot and then Tiffany went insane at the rain and yeah... She'd have this cycle of spazzing out about the rain but that was laterly... at like 7:00. We got in at like.. 7:30? Yeah. Oh and the people in line in front of us were LKAJG;LAKJSDF cuz like they went to coffeebean and jeff was there and then they got him to sign stuff and when they came back they're all "HE WAS LOOKING AT OUR BOOBS AHAHAHAH". And dude they were telling this to their like PARENTS. You don't tell parents that, ok?! And then when we moved up in line there were these signs on the ground ruined by the rain and then annie and Tiffany like erased the stuff on it with their shoes and the girls were all "excuse me those are our posters" but dude I serioulsy don't even think they were there's cuz we had been farther back in line for a long time and the posters had been there awhile and shit but they were all "Well they're already ruined anyways" Yeah when we got in Billy Talent was almost done and during their last song we made our way through the pit to see Sugarcult.

Sugarcult performed reeeally goodly. I forget all the songs they played, but I know they played Bouncing off the Walls, Stuck in America, Pretty Girl [The Way] (I think that's the write title....) and Memory. I don't remember which others, I'll listen to their CD soon and figure it out. They have a new CD coming out in like March, yay! And at the verrrry end their guitarist or something came up to like this little area in the pit that went... in? Like the barricade... itwas like this:
____ _____

And so he came into that area and me and Annie were right on the barricade at the right and I touched his back and his guitar cuz everyone else was. That was awesome. duuuuuuude did i take a picture then? Holy fuck I shoulve' if i didn't. OH short mini-rant thing... i asked my mom if she developed the pictures yet and she was all "No" and i was all "WELL WHY NOT?!?!?!?!" and then she said she couldn't take them to albertsons for some stupid reason and she was gonna take them to irvine camera place but that's in a different direction so she didn't today and then I asked when she'd get them back and she said "Ionno... like... Friday?" and i was all "FRIDAY?!!?!?!? I WANT THE PICTURES NOW AHHHH AREN'T TEHRE SOME ONE HOUR PLCAES NEAR HERE WHY CAN'T YOU GO THERE HERE I'LL GET THE PICTURES AND DRIVE US THERE, OK?!" and she stared at me and i was all "[sigh]" and she was all "...yeah. You're gonn ahave to wait til Firday" and i was all "GRRRRR" but she didn't care.

Ok so anyways. Then Simple PLan went on and played everything off their CD but My Alien. They also played Happy Together, Crash and Burn, Get the Party Started, and Where is the Love. I missed like all of Happy Together, and that's pissing me off now x.x During Addicted Pierre and David like... humped. Or Pierre like... thrusted at him from behind and I think I got a pic. Oh and in some part they like hit their chests together and it was sooooooooooo cute but I didn't get a pic x.x Soooo fucking cute. Ah so together! And during Addicted when David's all "How long will I be waiting?" this dude came up and sang with him and I thought it was Benji cuz he was wearing a beanie but it was JOEL. And then I forgot I was mad at him cuz I was up in the excitement of the concert and got one pic of both of them singing together [SLASHY] and got a pic of just him [but it's possible that it just turned out as a blur] and then I remembered I was mad at him and stopped. And lemme think... OH DUDE I FORGOT when we first got inside we went to the merch booth and took pics with Pat, yay! Any ways. They played part of Perfect acoustic, and it was nice. I ended up behind Tiffany at the very end and then we told people we wanted to get out and then we went over like... 2 people and over the barricade. It was cool. And then we got like water and ended up going right back in the pit for MXPX. We got fucking cloooose. We got like... by the end... 2nd or 3rd row. Ah I'm mad at myself cuz I onlyu took like 1 pic of MXPX. Oh well. I think it came out blurry too cuz people poured water intothe crowd and it got on my camera and smudged and stuff. But anyways. MXPX was awesome as well, they played Punk Rawk Show yaaaaay. And they did the switching of guitars thing!!!!! Whoooo that's soooo awesome. I need to get a fucking pic of that someday x.x

Um yeah after that we went and got picked up. OH I got a new SP sweatshirt. And yeah... that's kinda it. I don't remember specific details really well. There wasn't anything else too slashy... except Pierre didn't make a point of pointing out David and being all "This is David!" but didn't do that for anyone else. Awwwwwwww how cute. OH and these 2 guys, Smith and Borin, who directed SP and GC videos, they were there. When Tiffany and I got water, one of them was like... only a few feet away from us.

Yeah so that's it I guess. It was fun, except I'm sore like... everywhere. Ah but concerts are yay. March 21! Yellowcard/Something Coporate! Yaaaaaay! Like woosh.:)

Today first. Next post will be about the CONCERTTTTTTTTTT.

Geometry: Sub. We have that whole... WASC thing this week where these people evaluate our school, so the teachers are all in meetings. Lotsa subs. I finished my hw in class though.

English: Same, sub. Sigh.

Global: See above. The sub was actually the sub from Geometry. We watched a video. Well some people did. I wasn't watching it.

Science: Why the fuck didn't we have a sub for this class, HUH?!?!??!!? Sigh. Stupid science.

Band: Blah. Boring as always. I want the challenges to be over. I just have this constant feeling in the pit of my stomach that this time Wednesday, I'll still be 2nd chair. I'm tired of thinking about it, it just makes me unhappy x.x

French: Boring. Finished hw within first 5 min of class. Then finished entire skit. I stuck Galaxy with the long lines this time, though :) I fucking hate skits x.x Ahhh why do we hav eto memorize them what's the fucking point in memorizatoin?! alksj;lfkja;lskdjf stupidness

So yeah. I am sooooooooore. Front, back, sides, head, eck. But concerts are nice. Oh I saw the premiere of hte new SP video on IMX. I didn't like it at first, but I like it now. It's kidna cheesy, I guess? But it cracks me up sooo much whenever there's a shot of all 5 of them running. Seriously it's so fucking fake, it looks hilarious. They're like totally fake hurrying. I can't explain, it just cracks me up. I like at the end when Pierre falls down. Who helped him up? Shou'dve been David. Ah that's the one crappy thing about the video, no ncie P/D moments! Sigh. But I like the song. Very poppy, but it's good, and I like the chorus when Pierre's voice goes all low. So yeah. It was good. I'm gonna watch it again when it premieres on TRL later. NO HOMEWORK TODAAAAAAAYY!!! But I do have to practice clarinet for an hour tonight. Like woosh :) Shhhh. Anyways. Ok posting this and then off to write up concertness.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Duuuude. I've been really pissed at Joel for this article I read inteviewing him, but I wrote a fic dealing with it... and... I feelbetter now. It's on my LJ, go check it out. Link is "My fanfiction" on the side.

DUUUUUUUUUUDE JACKIE! Did you nkow there's a! I knew about the petition These people are insane. I think that itmight even come back on like.. a different network or something. It's crazy how people are going like L;KAJG;LAIUWERLKAJWEKR over it. People weren't like this when Buffy was cancelled O.o Although... everyone kinda knew it'd be the last season. But stiiilll. People are crazy, man.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

"Noo my butt's in my bottom!"

Heh. Tiffany's brother amuses me.

Oh, and her mom gave good advice: be careful about the air pollution. In mosh pitts. 'Cause you nkow how much air pollution there is INSIDE a building.

And Tiffany is a... a Armstrong-Duff-Lavigne-afroDobson-whorishfeet-mom'swhorishfeet-Lovato! ...I don't remember why though.


...what, us get high at the spectrum? Ha! You lie!

Hm, what else? I don't remember what we talk about when we're all highish. That's ok. It was fun. I got 3 CDs and a free Green Day shirt with one of the CDs and GD stickers and a magazine and candeeeeeeeeee.

Well. I just had 2 odd dreams. Actually it was kind of one. Anyways:

Ok, soI was like at the supermarket (like Ralphs) and my mom was the checkout person and she told me to get a calendar and other stuff and then I could buy it from her or something. So I went to that area (it was in the front of the store, like... against the wall, you know? And she was at the other end) and started getting stuff and I don't remember what I got except I remember there being 3 kleenex boxes and 1 pack of red vines even though i don't like red vines much. Anyways I had like 11 items so I went down to her end to make sure she wasn't at the 10 items or less register. This was a great fear of mine in the dream, that she'd be at the 10 items or less line and then I'd have to narrow down my stuff and I still didn't have the calendar anywyas. And on the way there Festival Song started playing and then a bunch of people stopped and began to bop their heads to it. It was rather amusing. I think that's cuz I was listening to GC CD before I went to sleep and... that's prolly what was playing at that part. Anyways I went down and she was at a normal place and I saw Sarah and some of her friends (don't remember who) over at that end and then I went back to my end and I got more stuff and then i started going back and my mom saw me and waved me over but I realized I didn't have the calendar! So I went back, but then instead of just a wall it was kinda like a mini-room, and I tried to open this huge glass like... thing, like... a display gase, where the calendars were, but it was locked and I was too lazy to get one of the people who worked there to open it and I just realized I could've gotten my mom too but it was a dream and rational thinking doesn't belong in dreams. So then I was all screw it and I turned to go back and Sarah was there and she said something to me that I forget and then like... to the right wasn't the supermarket anymore, it was like... a hotel hallway but then to the left it was still supermarket but I had to go back to my mom and I was trying to like... change it with my eyes... like... concentrate and make it a supermarket again cuz you can do that in dreams but I failed and so I started going that way and suddenly I was in like a movie theater except it was small, theseats were grey, and no one was in it except for me, Justin, and 2 other people. Don't know who they were, but I think one of them was Jackie. Anyways I said something to Justin and he was all [shrug] "Me no speak English!" and I was all "But you are now!!!" but he shrugged again and then started walking down this hall that appeared and we were in the hotel again and the walls and ceiling were like... wood and then the ground there was like this... rug thing... with a design on it and it was mostly red and orange and there were little lights decorating the place and suddenly Jackie was leading me and there were 2 other people but I forget who they are too and thenwe were walking and we came to stairs and like... the hotel people wanted this all closed off or something cuz at the top of the stairs like... ok it's hard to explain. The stairs we were going up were right diagonal and at the top was the bottom of other stairs, which were going left diagonal. So together it looked kind of like an arrow pointing to the right. Get it? And the other stairs made it so you couldn't just go up these to the next floor, but there was a gap and so we went through it and there were a few people milling around and then I said to Jackie "Maybe we should just give up" but then she said something like "No, do you think they're just going to leave thumbprints down here?! We have to keep going!" and I was all "We need to just stop, there's the same stairs small gap thing up there" but she was all "No! The thumbs aren't going to be down here, they'll have put them in rooms up on the top floor so no one knows" and then I pointed out "What if they're in disguise?" and she was all "[snort] Why would they be indisguise?!"

And then I woke up.

Yeah. So in the second part I guess there were these large thumbs that we had to go get. Or attack. Or something. I don't nkow, it was Jackie's idea, ask her x.x

Don't know where any of this came from, anyways. So random. But anyways. My dreams are interesting. I wish the thumb one had gone on a little but my mom woke me up then.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Sometimes I really hate my mom. She can be really annoying and piss me off a lot. I'm a teenager, it's natural.

But other times I am really really glad she's my mom. I just spent like the last 45 minutes just talking to her about random stuff. I had been watching Angel and she was all "is this an important show?" and i was all "No" even though it IS important... I have this episdoe on DVD and i'ts not even that great so I didn't really care and so then she told me this thing Bush said and we had this like... talk thingy (not how it sounds... we were just talking) about the Bible and about gay marriage and about religion and shit and.. ionno it was nice. I like talking to my mom about stuff like that cuz most people at school are fucking idiots. Not my friends, obviously, but.. ionno. It's nice talking to my mom about stuff like that. Plus, she liek... knows stuff... like... knows what's really going on and... yeah. Not that my friends don't know stuff, she's just... she's old and she's been through school and stuff and knows more than me. So yeah. That was fun.

Mm and before Angel I just lay down on my bed and started rereading Passage, by Connie Willis, which is like... my favorite book ever. This afternoon's been really nice. Fucking hate schol. Don't wanna think about challenges next week because I'm really really nervous about them. Relaxing is good :)

Before School: Like 5 minutes before school started the fire alarm started ringing. I love how when the fire bell rings, everyone stays where they are and is all "...whatever.... I don't care..." but when the actual bell rings everyone's all of a sudden "Ok! Off to class!" Like class is more important than not being burnt by a fire. Not that it was a real alarm, it was a false alarm. Still.

Geometry: Eh. Blah.

English: Watched Miracle Worker. Oh, and we got our current grades. I have 100% in english O.o

Global: Sub. She wasn't too bad, actually. Watched a movie. More boring than usual.

Science: Stupid lab. Boring class. Hate science.

Band: Worked on scales and stuff. She made me feel bad for not having a private teacher yet. x.x Ah but I'm lazy and I think I lost the sheet she gave me anyways and I'm supposed to get a specific teacher, or at least ask for this one guy, but i don't remember who he is and... yeah. Sigh. Maybe I put it in my backpack? But I think I might have put it UNDER my backpack, cuz she gave it to me after class and then i set my backpack down on it during lunch and ionno if I ever put it back in. Blah. Can't wait til after festival, I really wanna start bass clarinet. Ugh. Next Wednesday needs to be over though cause challenges make me sick x.x Ugh I want challenges so I can be first again, but I'm really afraid I'llm ess up again and be all... NOT first. Sigh.

French: That Aida girl that I bitch about, she got into a car accident during lunch, like a car rammed into the side of thec ar she was in, and then she had a huge bump on her head and she came to class crying and telling the teacher why she wasn't there and that she had to go home and stuff. I actually felt bad for her. Rest of French was pretty boring, though.

2 DAYS! And after Sunday, next week has to be over. I want challenges so I can be first and all but fuck I hate actually going through them. Hey, I'mless confident than before. That's good. I always suck more when I'm confident.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hm. I feel good about oneof the essays I had today, and relaly relaly bad about the other.

DBQ: Fuck I'm sooo not making it into AP US. Serioulys. I died in that. Sure, I finished, but that doesn't mean it was good. And he was all before "Oh I can tell if the person's a good writer by reading their first paragraph." and my first paragraph SUCKED. So did my second. Complete BS. I COULDN'T FIND ANY FUCKING POLITICAL REASONS! My entire second paragraph was just like "Oh. Big immigrant population increase. Lotsa people. Americans "=(". Wnated immigrants gone [...when I first typed gone, it was eyebrows. wtf?! How does gone=eyebrows?! O.o]. Went grrrr at them. Uh. Yeah. :) My second and third paragraphs were actually decent, but they were just DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT. Like, little little analysis. It was just documnet after document. I used 10 o.o But yeah. Conclusion was like... 4 sentneces and it was a summary, which they told us not to do x.x It was all "Yeah so this like shit happened and stuff and it happened and... DUDE IF YOU WANNA KNOW WHY JUST READ THE REST OF MY ESSAY! OR BETTER YET, LOOK IT UP ONLINE AND DON'T TRY TO GET INFO ABOUT SOMETHING FROM A 9TH GRADER WHO DOESN'T KNOW ANY OF THIS SHIT!!!" ...well ok. Maybe not like that. But it was close.

English: Ahh. Dude he was all "Oh the DBQ's easier than normal essays cuz you have all the info RIGHT THERE." But noooo I like essays I know stuff about more because... I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKINGABOUT! I feel good about my Miracle Worker essay. Which probably means I got a C, cuz that's what happens when I'm confident.

Office Hours: Emma, Jackie, Michelle Lee, TIffany, and me went to the track/field place and... yeah. We did somersaults and cartwheels [Jackie's is the best ever] and talked about random stuff. More fun office hours than usual. We should do that more. OH OH OH! MINI JESUS CORNDOGS! Psh. FINE Mexican Jesus Corndogs are the proper name x.x

Science: Blah. Stupid labs.

French: Boring. Thursdays are always my most boring days cuz I have all the crappy classes. My top 3 classes areon Wednesday. OH! I got my French test back today. The one I thought I was gonna get like... a B or C on. I got a freaking 92 o.o How the FUCK did that happen!? I'd say that the person who graded it like... cheated and helped me but I don't freaking know them and anyways though were my answers but maybe the grader changed the answer book? Seroiusly... someone did magic and everything went alksjdg;akwje;kljawer or something cuz... how the fuck did I get a 92?! OH and on my WWI test in History I found out my grade uh... Wednesday? Yeah and I got an 87! Which is really good cuz I thought I got a B- or worse and I think that's pretty representative of what I knew about it anyways. I'm going to fucking study for the Russian Revolution Quiz next Friday damnit x.x A+ness!

So yeah. That's it. I'm tiiiiired. Can't wait til Saturday cuz... sleeping in! Wellnot really. Stupid parents who think that it's necessary to get up at 8 on a Saturday but don't care if I sleep in until noon on a Sunday. Psh. They're crazy, I tell you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

5 days, Tiffany.

Geometry: Individual test. I think I got like... an 80 x.x ...out of 100, that is. Cuz 80/75 isn't bad at all.

English: We had a "speaker" today. A deaf woman, and then thius dude who interpreted what she was saying. It was kind of cool. Seh kept trying to get us to take American Sign Language as our foreign language cuz college's accept that now. She asked a few people wy they were taking whatever language they took and... yeah. That was kind of annoying. "I'M TAKING FRENCH CUZ I LIKE IT AND BECAUSE I ALREADY STARTED IT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND COLLEGE'S LIKE THE WHOLE CONSISTENCY THING!" And then she'd be all "...why?" ...yeah anyways. Better than normal English though.

Global: This is now my favorite class O.o How scary. Except I always feel like I'm about to fall asleep during it. But I'm liking history now. I scare myself. I mean like... 4-7th grade... that was my least favorite and worst subject. I suppose by comparison anything's better than my other classes. Well geometry's not bad, it's just boring.

Science: Bo. Ring.

Band: She told me at the beginning of class that after Festival she wanted to try me on bass clarinet. Niiice. Learning multiple instruments is goood... even if bass clarinet is exactly like clarinet except lower. Shhh. Heh I told Andrew at lunch and he was all "Yeah! All you have to do is like practice for a month and then you'll be better than Shmee and then you can be second chair and I won't have to sit next to him!" and I was all "Haha, yeah! [pause] Wait, why second!?!?!?" You look out... I'm going to beat you, damnit x.x

Lunch: Tiffany realized that the concert is Sunday. I'm proud of her. And Connie's right, she looks kinda like Gollum when she was dancing around and flailing about it. Seriously. Just watch her and you'll see what i mean.

French: More boring! And we graded 4th period's tests, and I seriously think I got a B- at best, cuz this person got way more stuff right than me and she got like... an 82 o.o Mike was all during it "Hey this person is really smart, they're doing really well on it" and then I looked over and it was Deena's paper. That amused me, for some reason. But, yeah.

I think the DBQ and the english essay need to die x.x But hey, I have no homework today! the fuck did that happen? Who cares, I'm tkaing advantage of it :) I might even practice clarinet! Dude there was a point when I was practicing like everyday, but now it's just like... the two days before a challenge. Oh well. CHALLENGES NEXT WEDNESDAY. Must prepare. I kinda hope it's on the thirds actually, and not the scale, because I've heard Richard play them and he sucks a lot more on them. alkjslkdjf must beat him. I will not let everyone down! And I'm afraid what Rosa will do if I'm still second chair after the challenges o.o

Oh, and dude, Annie, I'm sorry for being so bitchy when you told me you can't go Sunday x.x I was just really pissed off in general, I'm not mad at you at all. If you can't go, it's ok. We'll missss youuuuu and I realy wish you can go, but... don't feel bad at all. Cuz I know you'd go if you could. It's not your fault your parents said no. =) See! Happy smiley! Not a :down: smiley, but a happy one! Yay! So yeah, don't feel bad about that, and I'm sorry for making you feel bad about it x.x

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Sooo today I did nothing. I love 3-day weekends. kal;sjdkfj but fucking DBQ Thursday and MW essay Thursday. I can't wait til...a day after Thursday :) How about next Sunday? SIMPLE PLAN CONCERT! WOOHOO! Ah I better be able to convince my parents to let me stay after so we can like... take pics and stuff. They're always hanging around afterwards. And if not, I can always just tell them I'll call them when it's over and... not call them til after we've looked around for them. ;) Shhh. Oh, and Yellowcard/Something Corporate March 21 and I already have tickets, and it's at Bren Events Center, which is the same place Civic Tour was at! Woohoo! Story of the Year is playing the 28th (March) in Anaheim, I think. Want to get tickets, but I've asked for too many concerts recently, so I'm going to wait like... until after the SP/MXPX concert. Oh fuck wait I just realized. It's at the like... Anaheim House of Blues, and doesn't that have the 21+ age limit? Or something? There's some sort of limit. 16+ without guardian? damnit i forget but there's SOMETHING. Ah. Well whatever.

New Charmed tnoight. It was actually really good, way better than last week. It's still worse than S1-3, though x.x

alkjs;dlkfj I can't wait til The O.C. Wednesday x.x

Heh. I'm so unlike all my other friends... they're all non-watching of TV. Psh. The fools! Jackie kinda used to with Buffy but then... that died and Angel... I don't think she watches anymore, and she doesn't care about Everwood anymore either. And Lulu watched Buffy and ionno about Angel.

Oh hey, you know what? Angel was cancelled. This is the last season. That makes me kind of sad, even though I've watched like... 2 episodes this season, and 2 last season. But I like buying them on DVD! Specially cuz they're so pretty and high quality on DVD. And the extras. And the commentary! But anyways. I don't really care that much. At least then I won't have to feel conflicted between The O.C. and Angel. Not that it's really much of a choice.

akl;sdjf;lkajsdf Seth and Summerness :D

I'm writing a The O.C. fic :) I think Imight even post iton a The O.C. fanfic LJ. I'mcool like that.

Charmed icons up at woosh_icons.

Dude, I think I'm high O.o Can you tell? Wheeee. No, really, I came to blogger to update my template cuz I'm cool like that, and then I decided to post about nothing, and now I'm all woooosh and my nose is collld and I really don't want to take the DBQ or write an essay for english except the english essay i'm feeling better about cuz it's on conflict and I'm pretty sure I can write a decent essay and we're going straight to the computer lab andI can write faster on the computer cuz I have good wpm-ness and my nose is still cold but the DBQ is going to kill me and we don't even find out the results til march 12 and I can't wait until it's totally NOT thursday, until it's decidedly AFTER Thursday, because this week is going to suck and I think the waiting is worse than the actual... taking of it and a;lksdjf damnit this is a really really long run-on sentence and did I mention that I'm like... drunk now? Except no alcohol for me! It's really really cold in my room. Why is it so cold?

We should see a movie tomorrow.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Oh at the very end, when waitingfor Tiffany's mom, we got drunker. I dunno how that happens, but it does. And this conversation amused me for some reason... prolly cuz i was high:

Tiffany: Hey it's the guy that called security on us! We should spite him!
Me: We should hit hiim. Hey, wait, spike him?!
Tiffany: No! SPITE him!
Me: Bite him?
Tiffany: Nooo spite! Like sprite, but minus the puh!
Me: ...that would be srite.

...ionno. Not so amusing now. But it was then.

At the end of spectrumming, Annie jumped on a little ketchup packet. Then we went inside the foodcourt, and these security dudes came over and asked us if we did taht and we were all... yeah... and then they went through this lectrue and about how they could ask us to clean it up but they weren't going to for some reason, and then annie was all "We could buy you more ketchup!" and they thought she was being a smartass and rude and went through their lecture again and were all "that's NOT THE POINT" and then finally they went away after telling us they could kick us out, but there was only 15 min left to spend there anyways so it was pointless. But yeah. Don't think Annie should've said that. It was annoying though. Dude, just make us pick it up, and leave us alone,ok? Dude I didn't even do anything anyways.

BUT OTHER THAN THAT =) 3 CDs: Lostprophet's new one, No Motiv's new one, and Matchbook Romance. 2 magazines. Good day. Tina got pregnant :) But then unpregnant. And then pregnant again. And then unpregnant again. People looked at her funny. Yay!

...yeah, that's it. Happy VD-Day :)

Yes, I know that's not V-day. I stand by what I said.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Haha. Thanks for the flower-gram thing, Jackie. It sparked an amusing conversation between me and my mom afterschool:

Mom: [sees flower] Oh! You got a flower! ...[realizes something] Did... a boy give it to you?
Me: Yes. [pause] My boyfriend, Jackie. But then, she and Emma are married [actually I think they're just lovers, but I didn't want to say that to my mom, so, yeah] so I think she's just leading me on.
Mom: [breathes a small sigh of relief]
Me: Yeah. My real boyfriend didn't get me anything.
Mom: o.o You have a boyfriend?
Me: Yeah. She goes to Woodbridge. But then, she and Tina are married, so...
Mom: Annie.
Me: No, my other boyfriend at Woodbridge.
Mom: You have another boyfriend at Woodbridge?
Me: [sigh] No. I meant Annie.

...yeah it was kind of amusing.

Geometry: 26/25 on group test, yes. And then I like solved the extra creidt easier than he did and he's all "If you put it up on the board, I'll give you another point" so I got 27/25. Individual test Tuesday. Don't think I'll do as well.

English: FUcking easy etymology and vocab tests. Fuuuckkk essay next Thursday x.x

Global: Not too bad. Few things I didn't know. But no essay question, yes!

Science: Test wasn't toobad. Then we used those like./.. laptopthings. They're cool! IU think we should all just carry laptops around with us everywhere. We wouldn't even need backpacks, anymore! Or atleast not for our books. Cuz you could put the books and all our hw on there1 I like that idea.

Band: Dawson's so much better, ah. I don't like Childhood Hymn though. Makes my mouth hurt from blowingso much. [hehehe]

French: Boring. But the end was all right,cuz Jennifer, Mike,and Yuko and I just started talking about random stuff.

Oh but FUCk I either left my bag of lollipops in French or in the 300's. Pretty sure in French. If it's not there Tuesday, I'll have to buig my mom for like... $30 and if not, then I'll have to pay $30 myself. Whatever. I'd rather not lug the thing around anyways.

Psh. Who says Friday the 13th has to suck anyways? Today was actually pretty good. Just as long asnothing happens between now and midnight, and I don't fail my tests I took today.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Studying for etymology test tomorrow. Is it a bad thing if the first word I think of for "jac-, jec-" is ejaculation? ...shut up. In my defense, I had just finished reading a slash fic x.x

DBQ Meeting: I'm in between feeling more nervous about it and less nervous about it. I guess a little less? And I'm totally prepared now to right an essay on the differences between New England and Chesapeake in the 1600's! ...too bad that's just the example prompt.

English: Ugh, essay next week. Not feeling too nervous about it. It's gonna be on like confict and shit, so it won't be too bad. English was boring, as always.

Office Hours: Wow. Jackie and, even more surprisingly, GALAXY stayed out of the band room all office hours. I'm in shock. We just sat around the 300's doing homework. Well if homework counts as Jackie copying my video notes from global cuz she fell asleep/couldn't find the paper.

Science: Blah. We went to the computer lab,though, so there wasn't much listening to her be boring. Stupid fucking wheel due tomorrow. God I fucking hate her.

Lunch: I think people (namely Christina, Catriona, and Carina) need to not come over to me, look at the picture of Mest on my shirt, and point at which members are hot from the band. Especially when it looks like they're touching my chest. Despite how funny that was.

French: Movie. Yawn. I considered writing moreofmy fic, but I didn't feel like it.

Ok. So that's that. On to the shitload of homeowrk I have! Yay!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Geometry: Group test. Know how I said I thought I'd mess it up and do badly yesterday? Well I think I did really really well. Of course, it helped that in my group was Kee (Key? Ki? Whatever. He's a sophomore, already taken geometry before, and gets like... 27/25 on every group test, and had like... 105% at the end of the semester), Long (who, while incredibly fucking annoying, usually does pretty well), and Seung (ionno if he's a sophomore, he's in my French class, but I've worked with him on group tests for the pastlike... 3 or 4 tests and he's pretty smart). But I figured out the extra credit all by myself the equation way, and I think he said hemight even give us 3 pts instead of 2 for the extra credit. And we figured everything else out. So that's a nice start to the first geometry test.

Office Hours: Didn't do much of anything. Added a little more to my P/D fic. Ah I really like this fic, but I'm at the point where I have no idea what's going to happen. I mean I nkow in general what will happen, but I like to have everything planned and stuff beforehand. Otherwise, I get writer's block, I get pissed, andthe whole thing turns out awful. But yeah.

Global: Stupid boring movie. Almost fell asleep a lot. Practically like half the class was asleep. I looked around a few times and like... everywhere people were sleeping. Kind of amusing. He was on his computer doing something, so either he didn't notice or didn't care.

Band: I was so not looking forward to band. I really dislike band recently. Everytime I go I'm reminded that Richard beat me, even though he fucking sucks and STILL can't play themusic right. I mean, it's NOT HARD. Maybe for like... brass it is or whatever, but it's fucking EASY on clarinet, and he STILL can't get it right! In Portrait of a Clown, there's like... all quarter notes and SOME eighth notes. But it's EASY. Childhood Hymn has like... 0 fastness, and he messes up. Kenya, again fucking easy, and he STILL messes up, despite the fact that they repeat the exact same thing 100 fucking times so he should know it by now. But I digress. Wasn't bad atall, I actually enjoyed it. Know why? Dawson was teaching instead of normal band director, cuz she went to Texas to attend this...thing and won't be back til Tuesday of next week. He's so much better. It's not even that, it just... it's not normal, you know? And he doesn't know what chair I am. I don't even know if he knows my name. But it's like... I can just pretend that there are no chairs and everything's ok. I don't nkow. It's better. And, again, better director, IMO.

So, yes. FuckI have to type something up for English x.x Ack. Stupid fucking computer. Have to steal my mom's x.x Finished science, though. Dude if you're in the same class as I am and haven't done it yet, DON'T USE YOUR NOTES OR SEARCH FOR ANSWERS. The second page HAS all the answers on it. Don't bother figuring it out yourself. I didn't realize it had the answers til like... I was half-way through. So, yeah. Ok then. Off to... well I'm not sure what. But I'm definitely off to do it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Blah. I'm so sick of school x.x

Geometry: Whatever. Group test tomorrow. Probably won't do very well. Whatever. Almost fell asleep like... 5 times.

English: More blah. Miracle Worker shit. Have to write MW essay same day as DBQ. She knows. She doesn't give a flying fuck. Woohoo.

Global: Went through worksheet. Test Friday. Blah.

Science: God I fucking HATE her so much. laksjd;klfj More boring video. Not the other, interestingone, but a new one. Blah.

Band: Ugh. I used to love band butnow it's just so alks;djfk-y. Ibetter fucking beat Richard, or I'll be pissed. He can't fucking play the music yet! I mean my band director was all "Michelle, you're playing too loudly! Play softer than Richard!" Ok, sure. The thing is? IT'S REALLY HARD TO PLAY SOFTER THAN SOMEONE WHO'S NOT PLAYING AT ALL. And if I played any fucking softer, you wouldn't hear the 1st clarinet part AT ALL because guess who doesn't know his music after like... 3-4 fucking weeks?! UGH! Rosa found out I was second now. She picked up a stand and threatened me with it. And she was all "You need to be heeereee... you're so much better!" and this was like... right in front of Richard... and she was all "Not that YOU'RE not... well... I mean..." Heh.

French: Fuuuucccckkkkkkk. Test. Going to get a B or C. Fuck. ;LAKSJLKDJF it was such a stupid test. Everyone after wasall "wtf we need retest cuz that test sucked." Agh.

So yeah! Woohoo! Such a wonderful day!

[goes to read Everwood slash]

Monday, February 09, 2004

"The punk way to do things is to poo them."
"Fruity Clay pancake!"
"Jiggly jiggly, like jello! Except jello would break and manboobies don't break."
"There's 5 twins!"
"Wait, is Bob short for William?"

Yay, 4 AM and being high is funnn.

...yeah.. that's it. i think I need to do hw. Psh, nah, I think I need to make icons!

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Wheeeeeeee go to My LJ ( and see all the icons I made! They're all so pretty. Icons are fun.

Stole from someone's LJ! Yay!

Bright Eyes VS Dashboard Confessional - Dashboard Confessional, since I've only heard Bright Eyes once or twice, and I have the most recent Dashboard CD.
The Locust VS Alexisonfire - Uh. Alexisonfire cuz I listened to their CD today at Hot Topic and I've never heard of The Locust before.
Underoath VS Alexisonfire - See above!
Taking Back Sunday VS Saves The Day - Taking Back Sunday, but I like Saves the Day as well.
Taking Back Sunday VS Brand New - ...Idon't like you. Um Brand New, sinceI have 2 Brand New shirts and 2 Brand New CDs and only 1 TBS CD (...even though... I think they only have one CD... shhh) Wel because I listen to Brand New more than TBS.
The Clash VS Ramones - ...I still don't like you. Um... The Clash I think.
The Postal Service VS The Sounds - Uh... I heard one song from The Sounds like... 6 months ago when my music tastes were completely different (well not COMPLETELY but they were different... then I was in a more... Allister phase and now I'm in a more Story of the Year phase... like more guitar-y and emo-y and... a;lkjsd;lkfj I CAN'T EXPLAIN DON'T MAKE ME I NKOW WHAT I'MTALKING ABOUT shut up) and I didn'tl ike them too much and I heard the Postal Service song on the radio recently and it was pretty good, so I'll go with The Postal Service.
Jack Off Jill VS Scarling - x.x Never heard of either. Damn... myself.
The Strokes VS The Hives - Uh...The Strokes. But I've only heard one song from The Hives. ...and only 2 from The Strokes. Whatever.
The Smiths VS Tears For Fears - The Smiths, cuz I've never heardof Tears For Fears and I'm ashamed of myself for not knowing so many bands.
Mudvayne VS Nine Inch Nails - alk;sjdlfkj Nine Inch Nails?
Nine Inch Nails VS Marilyn Manson - kla;jsldkjf Marilyn Manson I guess
Broken Social Scene VS Metric - never heardof either
Metric VS Hot Hot Heat - Hot Hot Heat cuz I haven't heard of Metric
Kill Hannah VS Placebo - Uh...Kill Hannah cuz they have a cool name andTiffany really likes them and I've never heard of Placebo
Kill Hannah VS The Faint - See above!
Desaparecidos VS Cursive - ...never heard of either x.x
Cursive VS Modest Mouse - Modest Mouse cuz I've never heard of Cursive, Adri really likes Modest Mouse, and cuz I heard the like... newest single from Modest Mouse on the radio last night and I reeeally liked it.
Norma Jean VS Throwdown - x.x never heardof either, don't you hateme? I do, but not as I hate my GODDAMN FUCKING SPACEBAR!!!
Dream Theater VS AFI - AFI. Never heardof Dream Theater. What a surprise. But I love AFI, so chances are I'd chose them anyways.
Death Cab For Cutie VS Belle And Sebastian - Death Cab For Cutie cuz... never heard of Belle andSebastian and Death Cab is Adam Brody's favorite band.
At The Drive-In VS These Arms Are Snakes - At The Drive-In cuz I've heard some stuff from These Arms are Snakes and didn't like it.
Coheed And Cambria VS At The Drive-In - ugh I've heard of both but I just don't know. I'm not inot either. I'll go with Coheed and Cambria cuz I heard itmost recently.
Atreyu VS A Static Lullaby - A Static Lullaby because... you guessed it! Haven't heard of Atreyu! And I have the ASL CD.
A Perfect Circle VS 30 Seconds To Mars - A Perfect Circle because...can you guess? And I've heard a few singles from A Perfect Circle that I liked.
Le Tigre VS Pretty Girls Make Graves - ...never heard of either. Shhh no one has to know!!!
Mae VS Longwave - ...see above x.x
Joy Division VS The Cure - The Cure! Because.. guess!
David Bowie VS Dave Mathews - Dave Matthews. Sigh. Wanna know why?
Good Charlotte VS Simple Plan - Good Charlotte. I love Simple Plan, really, and it's a tough choice forme, but... well GC has 2 CDs andit's more variety-ful and I've known about SP for longer so their music is older. It's REALLY really close, though.

...ok so why the fuck did I take that if I didn't know of like... half the bands? Oh yeah, I'mbored! Yay!

Spectrumming's so fun. You'd think it'd get old by now, but nope! Still fun. We get really high by the end. Hahahah it was really funny cuz Annie and I were trying to get Tiffany to say nuh-Uh like she does when she's high so we started saying a bunch of stuff like "Pierre and David are straight!"and "Hilary Duff is SOOO punk rock!" and "Your pinky ring is SO not hardcore!" and such, and it didn't work, and then she like... stuck out hertongue and went... k;ajsdlkfj you know? How she does when she's high? And so we were all "Oh, there's another way to tell when she's high!" and then she was all "nuh-UH!" Hehe. Very amusing.

Woosh 3 CDs and a magazine. And dude, oneofthe CDs? MAXEEN! spacebar is fucked up cuz I hit it really hard cuz my copmuter was pissing me off... so ifI don't have spaces some places, it's cuzof that. la;kjdflkajsfd it's really annoying. Anyways.

Innit pretty? Ah I love this icon, I'm so proud of it. Wheeee.

um, ok. Spectrum today, yay! Other than that... I don't know.

Yay for three-day weekends.

Edit: Added 4 more! Yay!

Edit again: And more!!! Icon-making spree, here.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Hm. I feel happy for no reason. That's good.

Geometry: Worked on my little spiffy design thing more. I think we did some work.

English: More reading aloud! Yay! Except ,not. But I worked more on my spiffy design!

Global: Map test. Surprisingly easy. I didn't think I knew the shit very well but apparantely I did. Finishd spiffy design! It looked spiffy :) We also went through something about Wilson's 14 points.

Science: Science test on decay and radiation and shit. Another surprisingly easy test. I barely studied at all (the studying I did was doing the homework due today), and yet it was easy. Had to do more of the stupidest lab EVER.

Band: So dreading this class. It's nice that it was rearranged so now the 2 first clarinets sit in the front and the seconds sit in the back. This way I sit between Galaxy and Richard, so you can't even tell who's first! Yay! And then we went with the flutes into the choir room and she told us to set up like... firsts in the center, Galaxy between them, and then descend chairs, and so Richard sat in the first seat cuz, well, duh, and band director was all "No, Richard that means you sit there," [points to second clarinet seat] and I was all "Uh... I'm second now..." and then she got this kinda like weird sad-ish look on her face and was all "Oh right, I forgot." It was kind of amusing. You know what? I stayed first longer than anyone else in class, besides Gavin but he doesn't count because he went to wind ensemble anyways so his time as first in concert band ended. SO HA! I think that's a pretty good achievement. And dude, Richard sucks. I was doubting myself more, but he just sucks. We were doing the Option 3 of p. 6 lip slurs, and it's basically just all chromatic shit, really easy, Bb concert (C on clarinet) down to Bb chromatic, then A concert (B on clarinet) to A concert (still chromatic), then Ab... well etc. It's super easy. We've done this before in class repeatedly. I did it fine. Most of the rest of the clarinets did it fine (I think). Richard messed up like... every 5 notes. He. Sucks. And he STILL can't play our music, which is fucking EASY and I don't care if he's only been playing it 2 weeks, I had it mastered in that amount of time. It. Is. Easy. He just fucking sucks. Gah I'm so going to beat him. i have to. Cuz next challenge is the last one, most likely. But she already told us what it'll be on! So I can practice Sunday and Monday this weekend and Tuesday and all next week and all next weekend cuz it won't be next Wednesday cuz we just started the scale today and we don't even have Monday in school and... yeah. I'M GOING TO FUCKING BEAT HIM EVEN IF IT KILLS HIM. =) No, that's not a typo.

OH and when we were off in our flute/clarinet thing, Richard and I played this one part (well more like I played, since he didn't play half of it cuz he SUCKS) and then we tongued badly I guess and she told us we needed private teachers and she asked if he had one and he did and then she asked me and I said no and she said I need one cuz I was all motivated and shit and then she went off to the flutes on this tangent about a sectional next week and this woman coming by to do it and she's offering private lessons and then she came back to me and was all "Yeah you should get a private teacher" and I was all "Well I had one! But... he got cancer..." and then like... everyone gasped. It was really really funny. But... yeah. That's it.

French: Hee. We did our skits. There was this group of 2 guys and.. like our skits are about going to the hair salon and then the hairdresser was being all like..c lose and gay-ish and all and that's kind of stereotypical (...although both of my hairdressers are gay...) but it was sooo funny. And then this one other dude had like... a red and white striped wifebeater on only (well and a hwite one underneath) and a drawn on moustache and goatee type... thing... and yeah. It was so amusing. I colored in the blank parts of my nifty design with my red pen. Not close to being done, but I started doing it. yeah. i'm kinda giddy right now, and that's ok. And I'm doing my homework! Ah suck a nerd. But I'd rather do it today, while I'm still in school-mode, then do it SUnday or Monday.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Ok, so first. About yesterday.

I'm second chair. Richard beat me.

You know what? I thought I couldn't feel worse than I did right in the middle of the scale. I knew that I had to play it perfectly to beat him. And then my A messed up, and I didn't know why, but I did know that there was no way I was first.

I thought I couldn't feel worse than when the band director had a sort of grim expression on her face and told us to switch.

I thought I couldn't feel worse than when she told me it sounded like my reed just couldn't support how much air I was putting through the clarinet, and so I tried out a 3 1/2 (I'd been on a 3). And then she listened to me after class and I was absolutely perfect and she told me that the only reason I'd messed up was because of my reed and if I had a 3 1/2 I would probably still be first chair.

I thought I couldn't feel worse than when I got home, and the reality sunk in, that I was second chair, and I would be second to Richard for 1-2 weeks, and that's only if I can beat him.

But I was wrong. Because now is when I feel the worst. I've calmed down, I'm not ready to tear up, but there's just something in the pit of my stomach that is screaming "Richard beat you! Fucking RICHARD who EVERYONE told you SUCKED beat YOU." and then "Who says you'll beat him next chair test? What if you just really suck?"

It hurts the most now, knowing that I'm going to be second to him for weeks, and it wasn't even my fault.

I hate my reed.

OK! So on to today!

English: Boring. Don't remeber what we did, other than reading more.

Office Hours: DBQ INFO! Ah I don't have much confidence in myself to get into AP U.S. But whatever, it doesn't hurt to try. I might as well.

Science: Stupid lab. That lab is the fucking stupidest thing EVER. God, it's jsut as bad as illustrated timelines! Except, you know, there's only one of it. IT';S STILL STUPID.

Lunch: Whoaaa Pokemon/gameboyness!

French: Actually the most enjoyable class,a fter the listening comprehension. Didn't even do the skit. The last like... half hour-hour I drew on a piece of paper (i need to finish it tongith cuz it looks cool... i'ts like a maze kinda) and talked to Mike and Yuko and Galaxy and the people aroundme. So that wasn't as bad.

Yes. Ok. I should go do homework now. Fucking science test. How can we have a whole TEST on radiation shit?! Aaagh and I have science hw and the fucking map test (but the map's not due til the test, right? RIGHT?!?!!?) and go to the fucking blackboard enlighs site thing alksjdflkj yeah. Ok then.

OH in english we wrote this journal/warmup thing about a person who has greatly influenced or impacted your life. Jackie wrote about Mr. Akja;lskdjfs. Whatever. Her algebra 2 teacher (pronounced... Ohms. I think. Or Arns? I dunno) who broke his hip. I wrote about the first person that popped into my head, which was Annie. It kinda sucked, though, but that's ok. I'm just happy I didn't have to read it aloud. I wish I could've heard Jackie's though, hahahaha.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Today sucked.

Geometry: Went on a "field trip" to the Crossroads. Saw Emma and Soan and some other people. Rest of geometry was boring. I finished my homework in class, though.

Office Hours: Went to bandroom after waiting around the 300's for a few minutes. Then everyone disappeared but Emma, so we went back to the 300's where again, everyone had disappeared, and then back to the band room. We found Pearl and Adri? I think at one point, or maybe that was just at the end, and we found Galaxy and Rosa and stuff. Oh, and Soan. Yes. So I just hung around there all office hours. Boring, but better than class.

Global: Stupid worksheet. I would so enjoy the videos shown in global on WWI if we didn't have to take notes. I would pay attention, really. Oh well. New seats though! I sit in front of Jackie. Pranav is like... 3 rows away (YESSSSSSSSS!!!!! I'd prefer all the way across the room, but hey, I'll take what I can get. 3 rows=better than diagonally in front.) Galaxy is like... 2 rows and Emma is 4 and everyone else is everywehre. But yeah. The new seats are better, I think. Plus we're all the way to the right of the room, so he can't really see us there, so if we decide to sleep through a movie (coughJackiecough) he can't see.

Lunch: Go Tiffany, go! I have faith in your vegetarianism! know, as long as you don't forget about it.

Band: I think we have to have a challenge next week. Or tomorrow, that's even better. And I'd really rather not talk about band anymore. Other than I feel like I'm going to cry.