hee. i'm studying for history, and it was saying that the Marshall Plan helped to form the European Community [EC], and I kept thinking that "European Community" didn't look right, and then realized it was because we learned about it in French, where it's called La Communauté Européene. heh. ...actually, I think there's another E in there somewhere [because it's the CEE], but... close enough.
anyways. right. study, don't blog. gah.
It's a New Day
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
ah. finally a pretty fucking awesome episode of Lost. I'm thinking what with the finale approaching, we'll finally be getting some sort of answers, which has been my major gripe with the more recent episodes. I know some people [coughLULUcough] love the backstories and don't care as much about what goes on the island, and I agree that the island crap gets boring after awhile what with no one finding anything out, but episodes like this make it all a lot more interesting. I'm personally mixed on the backstories. Some are a lot better than others. Some I adore. Some I could do without. This episode I really enjoyed the backstory.
But Lost is still nowhere near comparison to Veronica Mars or Arrested Development [although to be fair, you can't really compare a show like Lost to Arrested Development. They're just two entirely different spectrums].
...ok, now back to studying. sigh.
wait, what?! there is a new Lost tonight?! but... but... it's March still! Most shows aren't coming back until mid-April [Everwood, GG, etc.]! AD is an exception because their ep order was cut down from 22 to 18 [FOX network executives are bastards -_____-] and they're ending the season early to make way for Family Guy [blah. i think i'll rebel against ever watching Family Guy even though everyone I know like adores it, just because of this], and Veronica Mars is an exception because it went on hiatus a week or two earlier and... it's more behind with its eps. Like Lost is going on ep 18, and VM just finished ep 16. ok so it's not that much behind. but it is behind! >:O
blah. well, i should be done studying by then. I'm making flashcards from now until 5ish based on my notes, then at 5ish till like... dinner? i'm studying the stuff at the course notes site. after dinner, i'm studying my flashcards, and then after that, i'm taking the practice quizzes at course notes. i think that should make me fully prepared for the test. and i can always study a little more tomorrow during office hours [though i was going to study for the Algebra 2 quiz that's on Friday during that time because there's a concert tomorrow].
...and maybe I should actually start doing some of this stuff rather than blogging about it. x_____x
French: uh. not much. i never really remember what we do in french x___x oh, well,new grades posted. I have a 93.6 now. awesome.
Office Hours: sat around and did my French hw that's due Friday and Science homework due tomorrow.
English: watched another Gatsby movie. The Nick is Paul Rudd! wheee! I don't know where I know him from. I mean, he was on Friends last season [or last 2 seasons?], but I didn't really watch then, and I knew him from something else before that. I know I saw one movie with both him and Jennifer Aniston in it, actually [he played a gay man! :)], but... gah! I knew him from somewhere else! >:O I like him, though. He made me like Nick more. I liked this Daisy more, but I think it was more like... me liking the character more as a person rather than me thinking it was a better actress/better portrayal. I'm not sure why everyone was saying Jordan was ugly, because at first it was like "whoa!" just because she looked different and not as pretty as the other Jordan, but I thought she still looked nice. The Gatsby was blah, though. I liked the other Gatsby better, even if he seemed to... glamorous/suave for my tastes. yes. anyways.
Algebra 2: sub, because Kurdziel's gone today through Friday since her kids are on spring break. Finished math homework, started looking through AP US notes.
wheee I finished all my hw during school. all I have to do tonight is study. there isn't even a new episode of Lost to watch. awesome. I'm getting a fucking A on this AP US test and pulling my grade up to an 89 [which is an A in Sorey] so I'll have an A for my quarter grade. >:O
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
l;aksjkl I HATE THAT FUCKING UPN PROMO AHHHH! GEEZ! I've been thinking I was spoiled all week long, but it wasn't her saying "Jake's my father?", it was her saying, "You found out of Jake's my father?" [or something similar to it]. GAH! i hate you UPN promos x___x I'm not sure why I trusted it. I should've learned long ago that promos are not to be trusted. lakjfd >:O
but. still. fucking awesome ep. Although, that could just be because I was completely giddy over there being a new ep. But then again, when I build episodes up, they tend not to live up to my expectations. Case in point: The O.C. finale. Built it up, let down [though it was a good episode]. I've been building this episode up for about 6 weeks, and I still loved it. Goes to show you how awesome the show is. man, I can't wait until next week.
only quibble: not enough Logan. >:O fix that.
I found also when rewatching episodes 14 and 15 that I find Leo a lot more likable and adorable than I did first time watching them. I think that could be partially due to me realizing that like... yeah, he's here now, but... he's not a main character, and he's not going to be staying with Veronica forever. He'll be gone. And he really is cute/sweet, and I'd probably totally adore him if it weren't for Logan. So yes.
eeee this show makes me so happy :DDD
Mom: So, the security system company thing [...ok those weren't her exact words, but that's what she meant] keeps charging us for the security system, but it hasn't worked since we redid the kitchen last summer. We need to decide if we want to fix it or stop the service.
Dad: Eh. I don't really think we need it.
...um, excuse me? o__O Am I the only one who remembers that time when I was like 8 or 9 and my mom and I were at my swim practice and my dad was at work, and it was the day after a power outage so our alarm was fucked up and my mom didn't bther setting it, and some guys broke into our house and stole some jewelry and crap? like, seriously. I understand thinking Irvine is a safe neighborhood and all, because it is, and robberies aren't exactly common here. But geez, it has fucking happened to us before, and if our alarm had been on, they would've been caught. Seriously. Am I the only person in this family who remembers this at all? Geez. It took me like 2 months to feel comfortable using the bathroom in my mom's office [that's where they ended up getting in] after that! And even now if I'm all alone at night and I go in there, I'll remember it and be like "eep!" [...that bathroom's also scary because there's a mirror in there like the mirror in the first Ring movie. that's a stupid bathroom >:O except the toilet in there is the best toilet in the house. rar.]
But hey, who cares if we've been fucking robbed before because we didn't have our alarm on? It's not like that's important at all. -____-
Turns out there's no lesson this week anyways, since like 99% of the schools in the country have spring break this week. Good thing I convinced my mom to let me miss it, or else I'd be super pissed about being dragged over there and back when there's no lesson. rar.
uh. headache. goddamn braces. x_________x
French: blah.
Science: uh. I don't know. It was stupid, though, I'm sure.
Election Crap: whatever. didn't vote, since I really couldn't care less who is elected. it's not like it makes a difference.
English: waited until the last minute to write a paragraph :) it turned out horrible. thankfully it won't be graded, but she will read it -____-
AP US: notes. rar.
Algebra 2: new lesson, homework, etc.
Wind Ensemble: uh. choosing of groups for Solo and Ensemble Festival, except I already knew what group I was in, so... yeah. Pointless. So I sat there for 15 min and then left to go to an orthodontist appointment. And now my mouth fucking hurts. x____x
I am so not going to my lesson today. gah. screw you. x________x
but but! 5 hours and 40 minutes! eeeeeeeeeee!!!
ok, i should start homework now x___x
Monday, March 28, 2005
omg!!! I think a new Alkaline Trio song is playing as the Catch of the Day on KROQ!!! eeeeee! They have a new CD coming out in May :DDD ahhh I really liked this song the second it started playing but didn't realize it was them until the vocals started. but it totally is, and i love it. it is awesome. wheeeeee!!! :DDD
French: uh. quiz. and other stuff. blah.
Science: our test is next week on Tuesday and Thursday. gah. x___x next week is going to suck. uh went to copmuter lab and did more of the sciencejoywagon crap.
English: worked on writing better intro paragraphs. Mine was just barely above the example she used that was supposed to be a crappy example, and she said that paper was like... a failing grade. So, I think I'm looking at a C on the next essay x_____x
AP US: notes! our test is Thursday. this is better than being Friday, because knowing me, I'd leave it till Thursday night, and Thursday night there's the MCR/The Used concert. And yeah. We all know how that turned out last time I had a test the day after a concert. Except I'm actually going to try to start studying tonight. Tonight is the chapter on the Cold War, tomorrow will be on the Eisenhower administration, provided that I skip my lesson. If I don't, then... I don't know. It takes me like an hour to get through the chapter and actually learn anything, though, so I doubt I'd have enough time Tuesday if I went to my lesson too. blah.
Algebra 2: homework and semi-notes.
Wind Ensemble: played Shepherd's Hey. Apparently there was a solo in my part? Except I didn't even realize that it was a solo [I think it was also in like the alto's and some other parts] and all of a sudden I found Bentley explaining to me that it's meant to be a Soprano solo, or something [...I hadn't really been paying attention] and they were giving a tenor part to Nathan so he could play it as a Soprano solo and I think she was apologizing to me or something? But I had no idea what she was talking about or even that that part was a solo, so I was just like "...uhhhh...?" Yes. It was an odd period.
uh. Happy birthday to Richard yesterday. Tiffany gets no happy birthday's, because she is lame and ruins everything. >:O
eeeee. 29 hours and 58 minutes! ...of course I'm not counting down the hours and minutes until the new episode of Veronica Mars. What are you talking about? ¬_¬
Sunday, March 27, 2005
wheee. I got a new desk chair and boombox for Easter. It seems kind of... I don't know. Like I'm super spoiled? to get presents on Easter, but... I had already asked for the boombox and new desk chair because I had the desk chair since 2nd grade and one of the wheels broke off, so the chair was like... tilted, and would fall over when i sat on it, and I had the boombox since I was 8 [Christmas present in 3rd grade!] and it does play some CDs for no reason and... it's really old and such. And my mom said yes to both, I just figured I'd get them sometime soon, not... like an Easter present. Yeah. I used to get presents on like... Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Easter, but it seems kind of odd to get them now. Like, it's ok when you're 4, but when you're 16, it seems kind of.. blah. I don't know. I don't get Halloween presents anymore [although they were never anything huge, just like a beanie baby or something], but I did get a giftcard and like $20 on Valentine's Day and this stuff today. It makes me feel kind of bad. I really don't expect anything anymore from them on anything but like... my birthday and Christmas. x___X
I still have no idea who to give it to. I should make Tiffany decide, since it's all her fault. >:O
my mom fucking scheduled an orthodontist appointment right before my lesson on Tuesday. what the fuck?! She knows I have a hard enough time as it is getting my homework done on lesson nights, let alone having an appointment that day as well! al;skjlkjasdf >:O But I think she said something about seeing if my teeth hurt too much to play. So I'll probably just say they do [...even if they don't]. I'd feel bad about lying to her about that, but then I'm too pissed that she scheduled it on a Tuesday to care right now. I'll feel bad later. Except not, because I have an AP US test this week sometime, and if it's on any day later than Tuesday, then I'll need to be studying on Tuesday. [Also, Tuesday is the first new episode of Veronica Mars, and I'm going to be watching episode 15 right before that, so there are 2 hours gone already.]
Anyways. I made an 88-song mix-CD. This boombox is awesome. :D
;akjflkaf GAHHHH. [screams out of frustration]
don't mind me. x____x
i think i'm just going to pick a name out of a hat, as tiffany suggested. that's got to be a hell of a lot easier than trying to decide on my own.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Wheee. I'm almost done with my rewatching of the entire season thus far of Veronica Mars. I finished episode 14 tonight. Now, here's my dilemma: I have the urge to watch the 15th, and final [so far], episode now. However, I decided like a week ago that I'd watch the 15th at about 8:15 on Tuesday, immediately before the first new episode, episode 16, airs. So, what to do? Watch episode 15 now and wait until Tuesday for ep 16? Watch 15 and 16 in a row, like originally planned? ...or watch 15 now and on Tuesday right before ep 16?
...yeah. I know which one sounds most like me. x____x if you can't guess, then you obviously do not know me very well. ...or aren't quite aware of my obsessive tendencies yet.
hee. i feel special, because i have spread the VM love to Lulu, and now she's spreading it as well. see, I told you it was awesome. people should listen to me more often >:O I mean, I started watching Buffy before you guys [...I think? the first episode I ever watched was What's My Line Part 1. I was in... 3rd grade? yes. awesome. of course, I wasn't a regular watcher or an obsessive fan yet, considering I had no clue what was going on most of the time. But still. >:O], and I started watching The O.C. episode one and then Lulu started watching at the end of season 1. Even though it kind of sucks now. And I started watching Lost back when I started watching VM, and Lulu just recently started watching it and liked it at first, like me [and then got tired of it after awhile, like me]. Really, my TV show opinions should be taken more seriously. So, next TV show you should all watch: Arrested Development. Go watch. >:O
25 Favorite Characters Meme
Exactly like it sounds: choose 25 of your favorite and/or best television characters of all-time [with pictures, if possible] and explain exactly why they made your list.
This is an incredibly long list, so if you manage to get to the end, I applaud you. I was going to post it in chunks, but then I decided against that, since I wanted it all in one post. I could've altered the meme to like 10-15 characters, but... it was hard enough narrowing it down to 25 [I mean, seriously. You don't see Buffy Summers on this list.], I didn't really want to try narrowing it down to 10.
25. Benjamin Covington from FelicityFirst time I watched Felicity, I loved Noel. I wanted Felicity to choose him and stop obsessing over Ben. I also happened to be 12 and have no idea about anything [ex: my favorite couple on Charmed was Phoebe/Cole. Yes, I was in fact an idiot]. But going back through it... man, I adore Ben. I just love the whole idea of... Felicity chasing him and being all obsessive at the beginning but then realizing that, hey, there are other guys out there and she should forget him, and then... slowly Ben sees how amazing and totally cool Felicity is, and they forge this friendship and then all of a sudden he finds himself having romantic feelings for her and omg "squee". The kiss Ben gives Felicity in the season 1 finale is probably one of my favorite kisses ever, if not my absolute favorite kiss on any TV show ever. Seriously. It's just... [swoon]. I am totally fangirl-ing over this, but omg, <333. Ben is an ass at times, he makes mistakes, but... he's human. He makes things right in the end.
Plus, he's totally hot.
24. Angelus from Buffy the Vampire SlayerThe times I've been most terrified for Buffy and the Scoobies' lives are when Angelus is present. The First was supposed to be the Biggest Bad Ever, but wtf did it do? Taunt Buffy? Like, wow. I'm scared. But Angelus? He killed Jenny! When it first happened, it was like "O__O omg, Joss wouldn't really kill off Jenny, would he?" Well, he would. Angelus was a serious threat to Buffy. I mean, you wonder why season 2 is my favorite season? Yes, the writing is fantastic and the acting is marvelous, but without the perfect villain and a well-thought out, intriguing storyline, it doesn't matter. Angelus was truly a perfect villain. And besides, before that, David Boreanaz hadn't really been the most amazing actor [he definitely improved over the seasons, though], but whenever he was Angelus... I don't know. It just fit. I think he had a lot more fun playing Angelus. It's always been enjoyable for me to watch him as Angelus.
23. Eli "Weevil" Navarro from Veronica MarsI really shouldn't like Weevil. Tough, bad-ass leader of motorcycle gang, but with a soft side? A total cliche, which I should totally hate. But I don't, for two reasons: Francis Capra [...the fifth?] and the writing. The writing makes Weevil too awesome to dislike, and Francis Capra really sells the character. He's just too awesome.
22. Eric Gotts from WonderfallsAnother character I should hate, though for very different reasons. From the second he's introduced, he's shoved into the role of being the person the main character will fall in love with and eventually [after being dragged out for many long episodes/seasons] go out with [ex: Dawson/Joey, Marissa/Ryan, Rachel/Ross]. However, instead of this bothering me, I love his character. He's just too sweet, and you can understand why Jaye would fall for him, and he for Jaye. Plus, it doesn't take too long for them to get together, and their breakup isn't completely contrived. And at the end of the final episode, you just have to squee for the loveliness of Jaye and Eric finally together with no talking stuffed animals to get in their way.
Plus, he's totally hot.
21. Dave May from Grosse PointeFrom a show that should've sucked, yet ended up being totally enjoyable [and, of course, totally cancelled by the WB after the cliffhanger-ending of the first season's finale. no, not bitter in the slightest]. Dave was just... awesome. He was a surfer-dude in his 20's who "worked" as a stand-in on the TV show that Grosse Pointe centered around. He would've been completely forgettable, except he developed this crush on a shy actress who was on the show, Marcy. Except she had a crush on the guy who played her boyfriend on the show and who was Dave's "friend" in real life, Johnny. Sounds like another boring love-triangle, but it wasn't. Dave was always really sweet with Marcy and helped her out a bunch, and it was just... awesome. I really can't do the character or the show justice, because they sound so stupid when I try to explain them. Dave was truly just wonderful, though.
20. Mahandra McGinty from WonderfallsMahandra was Jaye's best friend on Wonderfalls, and she was awesome. She was pretty much one of the best friends ever on television. When Jaye was freaking out and going crazy, Mahandra was there for her. ...of course, she also slept with Jaye's brother, but that's neither here nor there. She was sassy, cute, and always there for Jaye. Lovely character.
19. Lindsay Bluth from Arrested DevelopmentLindsay Bluth. Completely spoiled and self-centered. She should be just another one-dimensional bitch, and yet she's not. She can be really sweet, and clearly does care about Michael and the rest of the family somewhere inside [albeit very deep inside]. I adore her when she's advising Michael on Marta. The drinking scene between her and Michael in that one episode is one of my favorite scenes of the series. She's definitely a multi-layered character, even if it's not apparent at the start.
18. George Oscar "G.O.B." Bluth II from Arrested Development GOB is an absolute jerk, and yet is completely fucking hilarious. Seriously:
Wife of G.O.B.: I’m in love with your brother-in-law.
G.O.B.: You’re in love with your own brother? The one in the army?
Wife of G.O.B.: No, your sister’s husband.
G.O.B.: Michael? Michael!
Wife of G.O.B.: No, that’s your sister’s brother.
G.O.B.: No, I’m my sister’s brother. You’re in love with me— me!
Wife of G.O.B.: I’m in love with Tobias.
G.O.B.: My brother-in-law?
Wife of G.O.B.: I know it can never be, so I’m leaving. I’m enlisting in the army.
G.O.B.: To be with your brother.
Wife of G.O.B.: No.
hee. One of the most awesome conversations ever, and one that's pretty funny out of context as well. GOB's an ass, but he makes up for it by the hilarity that ensues whenever he's on the screen. I just can't put into words how awesome a character he is.
17. Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire SlayerWillow was my first favorite character from Buffy. I adore her seasons 1-3. She's a total nerd and so totally cute and lovable. So sweet, and so supportive of Buffy. Their friendship during those seasons was fabulous. Unfortunately, seasons 4 and 5 she started to suck a little more, and by season 6, she was thoroughly irritating. I didn't hate her, but she wasn't the same Willow. Despite those awful seasons for her, I still love the Willow from the first three seasons.
16. Felicity Porter from FelicityA completely neurotic girl, and yet so endearing. Her awkwardness and complete cluelessness the start of the first season made me want to cringe for her [in a good way]. She was just... so easy to relate to. I'm not sure how to explain why I like her. She's just... very sweet and very intelligent, and just... a really nice character.
15. Ephram Brown from EverwoodAwwww. Ephram Brown
[back when he had shorter hair and was still hot]. I adored him during season 1 of Everwood. He was so absolutely sweet and adorable, and at the same time very intelligent and cynical. He was awesome.
14. Lane Kim from Gilmore Girls Lane is fucking awesome. She's completely psychotic at times, and yet she's still a great best friend to Rory
[even if Rory has forgotten her existence]. Plus, she's totally obsessed with music, which is always a plus.
13. Dr. Gregory House from HouseShould be a complete jackass, and yet House is still a completely likable character [although mostly because of what Hugh Laurie brings to the role]. He's an ass to everyone around him [except Wilson, his lover. ...shut up. They are so in love], but then there are the moments where he can relate to his patients and actually care for a moment. His struggle with his addiction to painkillers is absolutely amazing to watch. House is such a multi-dimensional character and he's a complete joy to watch.
12. Bright Abbott from EverwoodIn season 1, Bright was the obligatory jackass. Yet he was dealing with a lot, and throughout the season, he became a little more warm and caring, and by the end, he and Ephram were actually friends. The hands-down, absolute best thing about season 2 was the Bright and Ephram friendship. Bright was a good friend to Ephram, and he was always there for him. Also, he's fucking hilarious, and really sweet. This season, I totally adore his friendship with Hannah. Too lovely for words. Everyone should have a Bright of their own.
11. Jaye Tyler from WonderfallsJaye Tyler is a mixture of sarcastic, sassy, sweet, and funny. She's copmletely snarky, and could be entirely too rude/mean, but she works. She can be very caring and sweet at times. My heart absolutely broke for her when she started crying in the beginning of the finale. Too sad. Ahhh I love her. Wonderfalls would not work without a character like Jaye Tyler.
10. Luke Danes from Gilmore GirlsIt was clear from the start that Luke Danes was meant to be with Lorelai Gilmore [or, at least, intended to be with]. And, four seasons later, they finally are. From the beginning, Luke has been a real best friend to Lorelai. He listens to her rant, helps her when she needs it, and always cares about her feelings above all else. When he finally kissed her in the season 4 finale, I totally squee-d. He's just such a wonderful character.
9. Kirsten Cohen from The O.C.When I think back to the start of The O.C., the character that's managed to make me start completely bawling the most is Kirsten Cohen. I don't know what it is about her, but I just completely sympathize with her. And, Kelly Rowan is a fabulous actress. I love Kirsten. She always tries to do what's right, and she's a wonderful mother to Ryan and Seth and wife to Sandy.
8. Hannah from EverwoodTelevision show writers should watch season 3 of Everwood to learn how to perfectly introduce a new character. I thought I would hate Hannah. More often than not, I'm against new characters, just because they mess with the rhythm of the show. Also, I thought she would serve only as a device to split up Amy and Ephram. And yet, I was completely wrong. I've completely fallen in love with Hannah. Besides the Bright/Hannah friendship [which is simply beautiful], I adore the Hannah-could-have-Huntington's Disease storyline. With a lesser actress, it could've sucked, but Sarah Drew really sold it. Throughout that, I was so terrified for Hannah that she could possibly have it because I had grown to like her so much. She's so completely sweet and adorable, that I find it nearly impossible not to like her. Greg Berlanti has done wonders with this character. I really hope she returns next season, as she is awesome.
7. Piper Halliwell from CharmedThe only reason I am still watching Charmed these days. I adored Piper from the start. At first, she was shy and sweet, and now she's a lot more open and outgoing. It's really amazing to see how much she's transitioned in the past 7 years. She's sarcastic and snarky, which I adore, but also really loving and sweet. Absolute best character on Charmed [though, not saying much].
6. Daniel "Oz" Osbourne from Buffy the Vampire SlayerOz was the absolute sweetest guy ever on Buffy. His relationship with Willow is my favorite from the series. There were just too adorable together. I don't know how to express the awesomeness of Oz. He noticed Willow when nobody else did, and truly appreciated her. He showed her that she was attractive and was someone that guys could like. He was the perfect boyfriend for her. Plus, totally amusing as well.
5. Summer Roberts from The O.C.Who knew when the first episode aired that Summer would become my absolute favorite character on The O.C. by the end of the season? She started out as a major bitch, but then she softened. Her relationship with Seth is one of the best things about The O.C. She still has her bitchy moments, but she's too sweet and adorable not to love.
4. Pacey Witter from Dawson's CreekWhile the show tried to promote Dawson Leery as the romantic, sweet, intelligent star of the series, Pacey completely outshined him. In season 1 he was this goofball that nobody took seriously, but gradually he developed. His relationship with Joey was the only reason I even watched the show. Without him, there's no way I'd have season 3 on DVD, or have watched it for even a minute.
3. Logan Echolls from Veronica MarsAnother one of those "Who knew?" characters. To quote Veronica, he was the school's "obligatory jackass". And yet, by the 15th episode, when he breaks down, I start to tear up. He's so multi-dimensional, and the writers have done an amazing job of fleshing him out.
2. Michael Bluth from Arrested DevelopmentMichael Bluth is a judgmental, pretentious character. He gives advice to others about how they should raise their children, while he totally fucks up raising his own son. He should be an aggravating, irritating guy, and yet... he's not. Because while he is judgemental and believes himself to be better than the rest of his family, he still puts that family before everything else. He's entirely too sweet, very sarcastic, and an absloute dork when it comes to women. I liked him from the start, but when he's comforting Marta, and the Narrator says, "And for the first time since his wife died, Michael wanted someone," I absolutely fell in love with him. Even though Jason Bateman didn't say the line, his expression totally sold it to me. I think that's probably my favorite moment in the entire series, which is saying something. It's just too perfect. And even though, as I said, he is judgmental, he means well. He does try his best to save the family and the business, and he does try to be the best father he can be to George Michael. He really is a wonderful character.
1. Veronica Mars from Veronica MarsCome on, like there was any doubt. Veronica Mars is the most fucking awesome character on the history of television, I swear to God. She is not entirely sweet, and she is not completely kind. She is tough, and with good reason. Veronica's best friend, Lilly Kane, was murdered. Now, this is horrible enough on its own, but unfortunately, it is just the start. A week before her best friend's murder, her boyfriend Duncan Kane [Lilly's brother] dumped her with no warning. Veronica's father, Keith Mars, was the sheriff of the town they lived in, and publically accused Jake Kane of having some hand in his daughter's death. Jake Kane was a billionare, head of Kane software, and so the city of Neptune did not take this accusation well. A recall election had Keith voted out of office. Veronica's mother, unable to deal, left Keith and Veronica. Veronica stuck with her father's instincts, certain that the man they had convicted as the killer, Abel Koontz, was not the right man. Because of this, once a popular girl, Veronica was now ostracized. She went to a party where all the people who used to be her friends were, trying to prove she didn't care what they were saying about her. At the party, she drank a drink that was handed to her. The drink was laced with a roofie [date-rape drug], and after passing out, she was raped. I would not have been able to deal. Yet, somehow, Veronica Mars kept on going. She made it her mission to find Lilly's true killer. Veronica Mars is highly intelligent, witty, strong, and, somewhere on the inside, sweet and caring. "You know what they say; Veronica Mars, she's a marshmallow." She is hands down, the best character on television I have ever seen.
Characters That Just Didn't Make the Cut: Narrator [Arrested Development], Harrison [Popular], Giles [Buffy], Lorelai [Gilmore Girls], Lindsay [Angel], Kramer [Seinfeld], Chandler [Friends], Buffy [Buffy], and Chris [Charmed].
Well now, that didn't take just about forever. If you made it this far and actually read through most/all of it, I'm quite impressed. Kudos to you.
Friday, March 25, 2005
ah, my pretties!
wheeeee and meme:
Answer the following questions, then using Google Image Search, choose one image from the first page that comes up from your search.
The questions:
1. First car
2. The place you grew up
3. The place you live now
4. What shows up when you type your name in
5. What comes up when you type your grandmother's name in
6. Favorite food
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite book
9. Favorite smell
10. Favorite color
1. Dark blue Infiniti - this is a lie, as actually my dad had a dark blue Mercedes first, and my mom and a sea-green SAAB. but the pictures of those weren't remotely close. so, dark blue infiniti it is.

2. Turtle Rock - this is also a lie, as I did not actually live at the elementary school.

3. Irvine - ...i'm not entirely sure that this is Irvine. but it came up when I typed "Irvine California", so... there you have it.

4. Michelle Hood - ...I have no idea.

5. Audrey Hood - yeah. this actually could be my grandmother [though it isn't], considering it was taken in 1959, when she would've been... in her 20's-30's].

6. Chocolate Mousse - uh. I don't really have a favorite food. So, favorite dessert it is!

7. Pepsi! - I found this really cool, for some reason.

8. To Say Nothing of the Dog - every other picture was the cover of the book. rar.

9. New Books - ...I can't really smell very well, but I do love the smell of new books. This was more prominent when I was younger and bought 5 books at the bookstore at least once a month. I don't know why, but the smell of new books is just really... pleasing.

10. Blue - well, not really. I don't really have a preference. But blue is nice, and I loved this picture.

mmkay. off to make an icon post and then do another meme that'll take me hours to finish. wheeee!
French: uh. not much. i ruled the class for about 2 seconds! i got to ring the bell :) it was fun. uh. yes.
Science: rar. lab. -_____-
English: end of Gatsby video!
AP US: video! wheeee! i think i should watch the history channel more often, because i like watching their programs. they're interesting.
Pep Assembly: blah. not sure why I bothered in attending. crappy and boring as usual. the freshmen are more spirited/better prepared than the sophomores. it's sad.
Algebra 2: uh. homework and notes. oh, and quizzes back. i somehow managed ot get 17/20. awesome.
Wind Ensemble: listened to judge's tapes and talked about Festival.
oh, at snack, it was awesome:
Sado: Hey, I met your friend!
Michelle: Annie!
Sado: ...whoa. o__O
heh. I like how from that I could immediately figure out it was Annie. ...well, Annie's the most likely of everyone I know to be all "Hey, do you know Michelle?" to people, and plus Sado was Woodbridge Wind Ensemble's guide. so yes. but it was amusing. wheeee he said you were very nice, Annie. :)
uh. yes. bored. x__x
Thursday, March 24, 2005
"...and the return you've all been waiting for..."
shut UP FOX promo guy! Marissa/Ryan is certainly not something I've been waiting for, nor anyone else I've seen post about The O.C. who is half-way intelligent. shut UP shut UP shut UP.
gah. x____x i hate you, josh schwartz. >:O "marissa's sudden turn to homosexuality is totally not a ratings stunt and will be handled delicately and with care" my ass. how convenient that they hooked up and kissed right during February sweeps and then the second March it, the relationship turned for the worst all the way till last week, where they split. yeah fucking right. especially if you're going to bring back RyRissa. NOBODY WANTS THEM TOGETHER [except the 12098482895 billion teenies who watch the show]. MARISSA AND RYAN KILL THE SHOW WHEN THEY ARE PAIRED TOGETHER. THE ONLY TIME I HAVE EVER LIKED MARISSA IS WHEN SHE WAS DATING ALEX! GAHHHHH! [dies]
the FOX promo guy brings nothing but despair. I really should learn not to watch promos, particularly since the one after the last [rerun!] of Veronica Mars exposed who Veronica's real father is [AHHH FUCK YOU PROMO GUY. i'm trying to convince myself that it was a figment of my imagination and i dreamed that promo (i also tried to do that when i accidentally found out that logan's mom would commit suicide. i'm really horrible and keeping unspoiled for shows now that i no longer want to be spoiled x____x i think i still now know basically what's going to happen in every single show i'm watching right now. well, except Arrested Development, but I don't think that counts, given that I've been watching it less than 2 weeks. give it time -____-), but it's not working. gah!]. sigh. note to self: never watch promos again. or put forth a petition to fire every single promo guy in existance and make self new promo guy girl.
rar. i should start my math homework sometime soon. sigh.
Most awesome part of lecture ever in AP US:
Sorey: Another thing Earl Warren's Court [Supreme Court when Earl Warren was chief justice during the 50's] did was loosen the restrictions on pornography. I'll never forget the day my wife went into my oldest son's room, searched it, and found a Playboy. She came and showed it to me, and I said "Boy, that's an odd thing to be in a teenage boy's room!" So then I told her I'd have to take it and study it to see what he was being exposed to. I'm still studying it to this day.
hee. it was more amusing than it seems. i don't exactly remember it word for word, but that's the gist of it.
yes. i should start homework. asl;dfkajsfl STILL COLD [dies]
Science: blah. boring. another equation to learn, but it was easier than previous ones have been. finished with half an hour left, so just listened to music.
Office Hours: uh doing of French hw and then standing around in the band room. I was going to go to the Sorey v. Mallis debate, but when I went over there, it was too freaking crowded, so I just went back to the band room.
AP US: notes. then he put on a movie. rar.
Wind Ensemble: 2 out of 4 new pieces, except we've already sight read both of the ones we got today, so not as exciting as it could have been. but wheeee no Bentley today! :)
uh. I have a shitload of homework to do tonight! sigh.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
l;akjfd gah, why do I keep forgetting?!
>:O happy birthday Galaxy!
-___- too many birthdays in March. rar.
rar! tired. [dies]
uh. Wind Ensemble got a Unanimous Superior in the... playing... stuff... and an Excellent at Sight Reading. blah. then i worked until 12:15 being a runner/judge's aide. Saw Annie a bunch! :) wheeeee. then math [which i could've freaking skipped since she thought I was going to miss it anyways. I thought I was going to miss it too, actually, until I looked at the schedule more closely and remembered Wednesday lunch schedule and such] and the math quiz, which actually wasn't too bad. Left math early and then was a guide for Woodbridge Concert Band [ah! they listened to me when i told them to line up against the wall and shut up! wheee!] and immediately after that for Troy HS Orchestra. I felt bad for them, because there were some many things going wrong for them. They were a huge orchestra, so it took awhile to get all the stands in the theater since they had to grab some from the warmup room, and then after that, they had to wait for nearly half an hour to go into sight reading because of a bunch of stuff. and they only ended up getting two goods. i mean, at least if they'd gotten superiors it would've been worth it, but like... all that just to get two goods? pretty discouraging. i thought the performance was better than a good, but... i'm not a judge, so... my opinion isn't really worth anything. it was clear from what the sight reading judge said that they'd get a good. he lectured them a bunch. blah.
uhhh. yes. tired. don't want to do hw. don't want to make up French quiz tomorrow during office hours. sigh. -____-
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
wheee festival! :)
French: uh. quiz. rar.
Science: holy fuck, I got a 87 on the quiz we took yesterday, and my grade in the class is a 92. aaawesome. there's a chance i may actually get an A in Tran this semseter o___o ...although there's also a better chance i'm going to get a B in Sorey this semester. so... that doesn't help very much.
English: test! ...I should've reread the book -_____- there was a lot of crap i didn't know. blah.
then festivalness! I had Sierra Vista Middle School Orchestra to guide first, and I failed at life at it. And I kept calling them a band to the director, and he kept correcting me that it was an orchestra. which i know. i just... call everything a band. >:O yeah. I had Vista Verden Middle School Combined Orchestra second, and that was a lot better, because I knew what to do more. Plus, they were a smaller group. It was really amusing, too, because I'd tell the first few people in line to be quiet because they could hear them in the theater/sight reading room, and then as soon as anyone started talking down the line everyone else would be "SHHHH!!!!" hee. they were cute. it amused me. after that i got roped into doing concessions for like 5 min, and everyone in the world tried to steal food from the stand >:O rar! and then school was over.
i have to go back at like... either 4:15 or 4:45 [...i think it's 4:15] to guide UNI Concert Orchestra. ...I have no idea what they need a guide. I mean, I know Bentley doesn't conduct them, but... all the kids go to UNI, so it should be easy enough for Bentley to tell the conducter to warmup in the MPR, then line up on the right side of the theater, then line up against 601 for sightreading, and such. I mean, if Bentley doesn't need a guide, why should this conductor? blah. oh well. i get to steal my mom's car and drive it down there myself, so at least there's that :)
wheee more festivalness tomorrow. blah, i need to find out what the math hw was x___x ...and copy AP US notes. rar.
Monday, March 21, 2005
French: uhhhh. quiz. and... other stuff i've forgotten.
Science: quiz. UGH. all but like 2 questions were equations, and 1 of them was like... based on the equation problems! gahhhh. if i'd known it'd be like that, it would've been so much easier to study for! >:O a;kjsfkl gah. i think there's a good chance i got 2 right. This is out of about... 8? so not so great of a score. sigh.
English: essay! wow, I'll be so lucky if I got a B :) And, in addition to my total lack of preparation, someone in 2nd period printed out a sparknotes sheet and was using that and Mrs. King caught them and so for all her other periods, we couldn't use our folders, only our rubrics and books. And I really wanted to be able to look at my Huck essay since it's the one essay I've done really well on and I have no idea what I did right and I wanted to see different things I had done, but because of that idiot, I wasn't able to! >:O a sl;fkjl;akj gah. [hate]
AP US: notes. woohoo.
Algebra 2: homework, notes. there's a quiz on Wednesday, the second day of Festival, and i was going to be all grrrr that there was a quiz when I'd be working, but it turns out the only time she doesn't having me working that I didn't already request [i.e. not 1-3 on Tuesday] is for 5th period on Wednesday. so I don't have to make that up! :) although it sucks because she didn't excuse me for any of third on Tuesday [I asked not to be put to work during then] but my ...call time? for the first group is 10:30, which is 6 min before class lets out. blah. luckily it's king, so I think it's more likely she'll let me out early than not without a note, but... still. x_____x
Wind Ensemble: music. woosh.
blah. out of 4 classes I have homework to do in, I'm going to 3 tomorrow. That was wise. -________-
Eight days! wheeeee!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Jason Bateman has the same birthday as me! Awesome!
...ok. I'm done with obsessing about Arrested Development. For, you know, the rest of the day.
...heh. Actually, that's a complete and total lie :)
I'm starting to realize how totally and utterly screwed I am for tomorrow. Blah. Oh well. If I could redo the day, I'd probably do the exact same thing I did first time around. I'm just an idiot like that.
I like how Tran chose not to put the answers on the answer key for the more difficult questions of the practice test. Thanks a lot. That really helps me.
...although, given his past with giving answers for practice tests, perhaps I shouldn't count on them being correct.
sigh. yeah. I'm so screwed for tomorrow's quizzes and essay, but whatever. Nothing I can do to change that now. And today's been a lot more enjoyable with the massive Arrested Development obsessiveness rather than studying. ...which probably shouldn't be my priority, but whatever.
lulu: yousendit is still being an ass. however, episode 12 is the rerun airing on Tuesday [at 9 pm, UPN] so you can watch it then. and then a week after this tuesday are new episodes! wheeee!
last night i was all "ok, i'll start downloading the torrents of season 2 of Arrested Development" and then was all "ha. wouldn't it be stupid to spend all of Sunday afternoon downloading them and watching the 13 aired eps of the season so I could watch the new episode airing tonight instead of studying for the science quiz and preparing for the english essay?"
yeah. right now I'm up to episode 9, and I've downloaded all but episode 10, which is being horrendously slow. so I think that's probably going to happen, because I am an idiot. -______- sigh. ...but it's a really awesome show. >:O
rar. happy birthday to jackie.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
finally. lulu: episode fourteen. now you have all the episodes! wheeee! new episodes start a week from this tuesday, March 29, and you better watch them >:O
finished the Arrested Development DVDs. ...I think I failed to mention that I got them x____x I'm smart. yes. I asked my mom if I could drive myself to buy them and drive home, since Tiffany was still away and I didn't know if she could go to spectrum and didn't want to bother waiting till like 3 to find out. And she actually said yes, so I drove myself all the way to the Spectrum and back :D it was awesome. ...it did take me 3 tries to figure out how to get on the onramp from the Spectrum to get back home, but I managed >:O
yes. Arrested Development is aaawesome. I'm going to start downloading the season 2 torrents and watch the extras. too bad I have an essay to prep for and a science quiz to study for tomorrow. sigh.
gah! [beats up yousendit.com] -______- i started uploading all four episodes this morning, but when i got back from my dentist appointment, eps 12 and 13 had timed out. Oh well, I could restart them. No big deal. But now whenever I try to go to yousendit.com, it does that error thing so it's like... down, yet eps 14 and 15 are still uploading! which really doesn't help any, because you kind of need eps 12 and 13 before you get to 14 and 15. alsdfjkj sigh. i'm giving up accessing it right now i'll try again in half an hour.
uh. i like how when I was at the dentist, she was going to put the fluoride [...flourine? whatever] on and was all "You have to put this on for 1 minute, but it shouldn't be too bad, because we flavored it orange!" and... I hate oranges and the taste of orange. -______- nice. that worked well.
blah. i've had a headache all week x____x i need advil.
mm. New layout.
about this layout: Veronica Mars, if you couldn't guess, of Veronica and Logan. Loved those shots. Absolutely gorgeous. The text is lyrics from Oasis's "Champagne Supernova" which I know is so trendy to like now [...not belittling you if you do like it, or saying that you like it because of that. I like it. I mean, it's not my favorite song forever and ever, and I've only heard it a few times, but I do like it. It's just... true. I mean, all of a sudden, I see the lyrics to it everywhere and everyone being all "OMG CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA!" ...doesn't mean if you like it you're like that, just... a lot of people are. yes. anyways.] but... they were the first lyrics to come to mind when seeing the finished graphic [partially because of the sky in the pics, but I think it's probably just because I keep seeing the lyrics everywhere so they're constantly on the brain]. Uh got the idea for a layout like this Wednesday night when I was falling asleep, and today I just... got more ideas about it before finally doing it.
Not too pleased with how it came out. I like the text, but I hate how the text in my textboxes don't match the text of the graphic [but Century Gothic looks terrible at normal kerning without anti-alias on, and I can only do that stuff in PSP (...well, I'm sure there are ways to get the same effect with HTML, I just... haven't discovered them yet) so... tahoma 7 point it is], and i hate how colorful it is. It was originally going to be a lot lighter and a lot more subdued. And the Logan graphic doesn't match the Veronica one very well.
...I like the Veronica graphic! So I don't hate everything about this layout :) I'm just overly critical about stuff people wouldn't notice if I didn't point it out. Right. Smart of me.
mmkay. Sleep now. This'll probably stay up until the next time I get inspiration [i.e. after March 29th, the next new episode of Veronica Mars. l;askfd not obsessive shut up >:O it's a pretty show so it makes it that much easier to make graphics from. and the caps i've found are gorgeous]. rar.
Friday, March 18, 2005
French: Best French class ever. There's this Spanish class across from us and we were kind of quiet-ish at the beginning of class, and then they started playing Ricky Martin and we all could hear it very easily, so we were all "We should sing Gens du Pays!" which is this French song we learnt a few weeks ago, and Mrs. Raitt was all " [sigh] ...after we finish our exercises." So we finished those and then sang Gens du Pays very loudly and when we were at the end, the Spanish room opened the door [there's a door adjoining the two classrooms] and the Spanish teacher there said that her class wanted to have a competition with us. So her class ended up coming into our class and singing this Ricky Martin song and then we went into her class and sang Gens du Pays. Ah, it was fucking hilarious, and we wasted most of the period doing it.
Office Hours: er. Stood around and talked to various people.
English: heh. Essay prep was boring, but her story about Wild Rivers was really amusing.
Algebra 2: homework, lesson, tests back [except we saw our test grades Wednesday, so it wasn't that exciting].
I am tired, but tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. -________- and I have an eye appointment in about 4 minutes. blah. I wish my body worked right so I wouldn't have to have all these appointments >:O
Thursday, March 17, 2005
ah! Finally! I didn't think it'd finish uploading tonight.
episodes nine, ten, and eleven. As I said yesterday [I think it was yesterday], episode 11 was originally supposed to air before episode 10, but then it was moved around. major stuff happens in episode 10, so... episode 11 seems really out of place. It doesn't hurt anything to watch it in the order it aired, it's just... odd. So yeah. Just thought I'd warn you, so you won't be all "...wtf?!" when watching episode 11 after 10.
Anyways. Uh up to episode 10 of Arrested Development, and it is fucking hilarious. Wheeeee. Episodes 11 and 12 are at a standstill, so I think I'm just going to stop downloading them and buy the DVD next time we go to spectrum [...hopefully Saturday, since I don't want to wait too long -____- ...although, it's not as if I'll have any time to watch it. blah]. I would've done that in the first place, but I wasn't sure if I'd like it, and I didn't want to spend $30-$60 on a DVD set of a TV show I didn't even like. It's like buying a CD because you've heard it's the best CD of the year before ever hearing a song from the band. Like, I heard AD was absolutely hilarious, but I wasn't about to spend that much money on it just because other people liked it. ...but it is absolutely hilarious, so I can go buy the DVD now :) I still have the FYE giftcard from Christmas. awesome. Season 2 will be easier to get, since it's only at ep 13 or 14 now, I believe, and the torrents are all up for that.
wheeee this is fun :)
gah. it's pissed me off for awhile when people use "gay" as an insult, but I've been noticing it/been bothered by it recently more than ever. that, and "retarded" as an insult. like before, it kind of bothered me, but... i used to use it too [in fact, i think you can find it in this blog when i was posting in 8th grade] and... i don't know. "retarded" does have a negative connotation, unlike "gay". but i've been noticing the use of "retarded" as well, and it's also begun to offend me. i wish i would speak up more.
but seriously. "OMG, THAT CAHSEE WAS SOOO FUCKING GAY!" really? the exit exam was cheerful/lighthearted/attracted to exit exams of the same gender?
i don't know. i just don't get it. it's not as if there isn't a wide array of vocabulary you could use instead. "OMG THE CAHSEE SUCKED." "OMG I HATED THE CAHSEE, IT WAS SO LONG AND BORING!" "OMG, THE CAHSEE WAS SO ANNOYING!"
Mitch Clem says it better than I can:
My issue is with the intent behind saying such a word. Even when you're not attacking actual homosexuals, what is it you're trying to say when using the word? What EXACTLY is the message you're trying to convey by using the word?
What allegiance is owed to the word “gay”, which, when used as an insult to things believed to be stupid or dysfunctional, could easily be swapped for just about any other word that gets the point across without suggesting that there’s something wrong with people who desire a romantic or sexual draw towards persons of their same gender?
I'm pretty sure I've posted the second one before, but it's worth repeating.
I don't know why I'm bothering. I don't hear my friends use "gay" as an insult very often, and anyone who does use it isn't about to stop just because of me bitching about it. But... whatever. It's my blog and A) I can use it for whatever I want, and it's been driving me insane lately, and B) I'm tired of all my posts being about school, Veronica Mars, and occasionally spectrumming. so yeah. x_____x
Science: uh. lab. blah -____-
Office Hours: uh. stood around and talked about leadership for next year. I think my predictions for next year are Zi and Bonilla for Drum Major/Assistand DM [...not sure which for which. If Bentley was choosing, Zi would be DM, but with people voting... blah. there are a lot of people who feel Zi was too strict or whatever last year. I personally never disliked him when he was with us, but that could've just been us. I don't know. I think Bonilla would be more likely to get people's votes than Zi], Deena for clarinets [unless she's DM/Assistant, which isn't completely impossible], Jackie for flutes, Emma for saxes, uh... Richard or Seung for high brass [Richard has the edge since he speaks English], and... I don't know who for low brass. Ben? I can't even think of anyone else who would run other than Gavin. blah. um. yes. still planning on trying out this year, but hoping to make it for my senior year. i don't think i seem assertive enough to be a section leader this year, but... i'm less assertive when it's like... a casual group of people. if i'm supposed to be assertive/controlling, i can be. ...i think. we'll see. uh. yes.
AP US: notes! rar. oh and tests back. I got a 27/30 on the multiple choice [ah! what now, bitch?] and a 39 out of something or other [45?] on the short answer [it was like a high B, I believe]. In the class I now have a 208/242, which is a 86 [...why is it that 86 looks worse than 85? i think my brain is messed up -____] and is only 1 percent from a B+ and 3 from an A- [in Sorey, A-=89]. Since I raised it 4 percent with this one test that I averaged about a B+ on, I figure if I study like crazy for this unit, I can pull it up to an A-.
Wind Ensemble: music! rar. she talked a lot about festival and then a little about the upcoming Solo and Ensemble Festival. i'm looking forward to Festival, but unfortunately there's the science quiz and essay the day before to dread. blah.
uh. i'm not doing the Bushisms thing anymore because it... bothers me how it looks? I don't know how to explain it. plus, I don't think anyone cares that much, and most of them aren't that greatly stupid anyways.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
lulu: episode eight. yousendit was an ass and decided to die at the end of the upload. i'll wait till tomorrow and then upload episodes 9 and 10. it's better to have 9 and 10 together, anyways. 10 and 11 is odd because... episode 10 is this major episode and a bunch of shit happens, and then episode 11 was originally supposed to air before episode 10, but it was moved till after it because of some reason I forgot [something to do with UPN scheduling. i don't know.] but... it doesn't really fit after episode 10. so you might want to like... well actually i'd suggest watching 11 before 10, so that doesn't work if i upload 11 after 9 and 10. gah! [hate] maybe i'll just upload all 3. it doesn't hurt it to watch it in the aired order, 9-10-11, it's just... really weird. but yeah.
blogger is a bitch. >:O well, today, at least. i had a whole post about my day, but it ate it. i copied and pasted into notepad before sending, but it's still being a bitch, and so i don't know if it'll even post this. blah. stupid websites are all being evil today.
"One of the most meaningful things that's happened to be since I've been the governor--the president--governor--president. Oops. Ex-governor. I went to Bethesda Naval Hospital to give a fellow a Purple Heart, and at the same moment I watched him--get a Purple Heart for action in Iraq--and at that same--right after I gave him the Purple Heart, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States--a Mexican citizen, now a United Stated citizen." - Washington, D.C.; January 9, 2004.
HSEE: uh. math was super easy. i could've passed that in 3rd grade. ...especially since my math teacher told us we only need like... a 55% to pass. geez. x_____x
French: uh. no verb quiz! went off tangent and she told us about the first time she got super drunk and then 2 menacing guys came near her and her friend and they faked epileptic seizures and the guys ran away from them. it was rather amusing.
Science: ah. quiz on Monday. I thought for sure it'd be on Tuesday. Monday's not really any better, since the Gatsby essay is Monday, and now I'm going to science next Tuesday for nothing -____-
English: more of the Gatsby video. rar. i'm starting to freak out about the essay -__________-
AP US: notes.
Algebra 2: new lesson, homework, scores posted. I have a 92.4 in the class and I got a 93 on the test. awesome.
Wind Ensemble: sight read. rar.
uh Bentley announced that leadership next year is going to be entirely voted upon by us rather than decided by her and Austerman. crazy. although, actually, i'm planning on trying out [...although I don't care about making it this year, it's just for like... the experience. i do kind of want to make it for my senior year, though. rar], and I think I'd probably have a better chance if Bentley was deciding rather than it being voted upon. blah. we'll see.
gah. I fucked up my leg somehow. the past 2-3 days when I've been walking my knee/upper thigh starts like... hurting. it's a bitch to get from AP US to Algebra 2 x____x blah.
uh. apparently my dad is going to this Miami conference thing for work and so if I had a parking permit, I could totally steal my mom's car from today to like Saturday or Sunday and she could use my dad's. rar. x___x uh but I think I get to steal her car on Saturday for spectrumming [...provided we go, and provided we go from like 1-5 and not later, since my mom isn't comfortable with me driving past 6-ish for some reason which I don't really get, since part of the driving test thing is that when you past, you can drive whenever you want alone except for between 12 and 5 AM, and... 6 PM isn't between 12 and 5 AM. blah].
wheeee ep 4 of Arrested Development finally finished downloading. ahhh.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
ah yes! episodes six and seven finally finished uploading. geez, yousendit has been slow recently >:O
wheee i watched episode 10, which may just be my favorite episode of Veronica Mars [so hard to choose a favorite, since they're all so awesome], and then watched the rerun on UPN which was episode 11. in episode 10, there was this one character and he was holding some textbooks and one had a cover but the other didn't and it was the same English textbook we sophomores use! i didn't notice it the first time I watched the episode, but I did this time, and I squeed at that. I'm not sure if that's attention to continuity [the show is set in So. CA, not too far from here] or if... that was like... the only one they had around, or if all sophomores around the country use that textbook, but I still found it cool. and at the very least, it was cool because I got to be all "I HAVE THAT TEXTBOOK!" ...so yes. i am a total dork.
i've done no homework whatsoever tonight! well the only one evil enough to assign homework was Tran [math hw is optional for sophomores, but we still have to do it eventually, so it'd be wise to do it tonight rather than leave it for Thursday in addition to whatever's assigned tomorrow], and I'm planning on doing all my homework after I finish the math section of the exit exam. i'm better at math standardized tests and english, and I generally finish them a lot sooner, so I should have more time to do it.
gah [dies] fourth ep of Arrested Development has been downloading since last night, and it's at 99.7 fucking percent and it's sooooo close but gahhhh. so slow. it probably won't finish till tomorrow -____- or, better yet, at like 10:55, when it's too late for me to watch it. sigh.
Ah! [love] The California Superior Court declared the ban on gay marriage unconstitutional. Of course, the state'll probably appeal. But still. Awesomeness.
It appears that no rational purpose exists for limiting marriage in this state to opposite-sex partners," [Judge] Kramer wrote.
So simple, yet so true.
article here, if you care. :)
"I want each and every American to know for certain that I'm responsible for the decisions I make and each of you are as well." - Live with Regis; September 20, 2000.
"I confirmed to the prime minister that we appreciate our friendship." - after meeting with Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of Canada; February 5, 2001.
"I hope we get to the bottom of the answer. It's what I'm interested to know." - as quoted by the Associated Press; April 26, 2000.
High School Exit Exam: I like how the second I entered the 300's, there was this large mass of sophomores freaking out about how to write a business letter. Awesome. Especially since there didn't end up being any business letter-type stuff on it. uh it wasn't very difficult, and while in the essay I did just about everything my English teacher would beat me for doing [summarizing points of essay in conclusion, listing points in thesis, etc.], it'll probably still get at least a 3, which is passing, so whatever.
French: er. verb quiz. and grades! I got a 95 on the test last week [er, excluding the verb test part of it, which she didn't count, which is very good, considering i misunderstood her and so didn't start conjugating a bunch of stuff we were supposed to conjugate until about 3 min before she collected them all. which would've really sucked, because i did know all my verbs] and i have a 92.3 in the class. I think that was my grade last time too o_O maybe it was my grade in science once. hm. anyways.
Science: gah. >:O stupid Tran, assigning homework. ...not that I'm actually going to do it tonight. I'm totally leaving it for after the math section of the HSEE tomorrow. But still. rar.
English: Gatsby movie. rar.
AP US: video about the time period post WWII to 1960. wheee with the interestingness :)
Algebra 2: rar. no tests back, which is odd, because I know two people who have her 3rd are in my AP US class and one asked the other what she got and she got a 93 and it was the highest she'd ever gotten and the other guy said the highest he'd ever gotten was a 96. ...maybe they have like... Spanish together? they have the same English teacher as I do, so it couldn't be something for English, they don't have the same science, one's in band and the other isn't, obviously it wasn't history, so... maybe it was Spanish -____- i don't know. anyways. uh two new lessons. woosh.
Wind Ensemble: sight read. wheeee.
I dropped my ipod like twice in a row after school -_____- i think i need to be a more careful person.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Lulu: episodes four and five. i'll start uploading two more now, but it's been slow today, so i don't know if they'll finish by the time i go to sleep.
ah. i need to do the small amount of hw i have -_____- and i wanted to look over the essay part of the english exit exam workbooks we got, since that's the only part i'm remotedly concerned about. sigh. x____x
"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Graden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm, or we will." - speaking about Saddam Hussein; Manchester, New Hampshire; October 5, 2002.
"As you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say." - Washington, D.C.; October 28. 2003.
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe-I believe what I believe is right." - Rome; July 22, 2001.
French: verb test. ah. they're nice. i don't have to study for them more than 5-10 min, and the last one was worth 57 points and i got full credit. awesome. today's wasn't as long, so it'll probably be like... 10 points at most, but... still. awesome. uh other than that, i don't remember -____-
Science: blah. i remember him being stupid at the beginning of class and arguing with him over something for a second and then giving up because he was being an idiot. other than that, went through a worksheet all period.
English: last chapter! gah, essay a week from today. sigh. i'm actually not freaking out too much over it, but i will by the end of the week. i hate essays -______-
AP US: new unit. wheee i like this period of history. very interesting.
Algebra 2: test. not too bad. when i was going through it, there were about 3 that i couldn't even attempt to do because i just... had no clue how to do the problem. so i went through and did everything i knew how to do and then went back and it started to come to me. i think i did well, but i'm not sure. we'll see.
Wind Ensemble: music in theater. ah festival next week. she put me up to guide 5 bands. o____o crazy. i've got Sierre Middle School Orchestra [crap, it says to report at 10:30 and 3rd ends at 10:36 and that day we have the Gatsby test >:O gah. i guess leave 6 min early? should be done by then, i would think. i guess i'll see], Vista Verde Middle School Combined Orchestra, UNI Concert Orchestra, Woodbridge Concert Band [x____x Sado got Wind Ensemble. bah.], and Troy Orchestra. I'm also going to be a runner on Wednesday from when we're done performing [9 AM it says?] to 12:15 pm. i believe that Woodbridge Wind Ensemble is somewhere during that time, so I think I'll still have a chance to see Annie briefly.
ah tired. nice thing about the exit exams is that most teachers are nice and don't assign homework. all i have is some french that'll take no more than 30 min, if that long, and then study today's AP US lecture [by the test, I'm going to be so fucking prepared, you have no idea >:O it won't matter if i have a concert the night before or whatever, i'm getting an A on every remaining test this year -____-]. and the rest of the time, i can upload Veronica Mars episodes for Lulu, download Arrested Development episodes for myself, and watch the AD eps. Oh, that reminds me. Lulu, I started uploading ep 4 and 5 of Veronica Mars at like 9 PM last night and I waited till about 11:45 and it still wasn't done and usually it takes between 1-2 hours and i was really tired and wanted to go to sleep, so i gave up and went to bed. blah. otherwise, i'd have those for you. i should have them... within a few hours, and then i'll start uploading 6 and 7 and so on, and you can just download them when you get on [they stay up for like 7 days, i believe] and then watch whenever you have time.
ah. tired. [dies]
Sunday, March 13, 2005
hee. i was walking by the kitchen and the TV in there was on and there was this like.. before program thing saying "The following program has images of nudity and acts of cannibalism. Viewer discretion is advised." For some reason, that amused me. I think it's because the cannibalism seemed so random. I often hear "Due to the graphic nature/violence of this program, viewer discretion is advised", and even nudity is understandable, but... canniabalism isn't something you hear everyday.
anyways. uh. i downloaded the pilot for Arrested Development because I've been hearing how awesome it is for the past 2 years, and it is really funny. downloading the second and third episodes right now. unfortunately, it's already halfway into its second season, unlike VM, which I started after ep 10, and Lost which I started after ep ...11 i believe. it'll take awhile to get them all. oh well. it's a sitcom, so it's only half an hour [with commericals; without, it's only 20] so it won't take nearly as long to download each episode or watch them. that should help.
heh. There's this girl in one of the icon communities I belong to who posted this thing saying she'd take some requests because she's bored. It's amusing me, because she's like... criticizing some of their requests. Like, "there are soooooooooooo many of thows icons like that. how about something more out of the ordinary?" and yes, she did spell "those" like that. It's like... uh, these are requests for them. They get to choose what they want on it. That's kind of the point of it. If you want to control what the icons look like, why not make your own icons?
yes. anyways. people can be rather stupid.
hee. I added links in the archives to my old blog, which I only posted in for two months during the summer before 8th grade/beginning of 8th grade. And I thought my posts at the end of 8th grade were annoying.
Lulu: episode 2 and episode 3 of Veronica Mars. tell me when you've finished them, and I'll upload more. :)
about Lost vs. Veronica Mars: the pilot of Veronica Mars I liked well enough, but it wasn't like I was about to call it my favorite show from that point. The thing about Veronica Mars, though, is that each episode you find out a little bit more about one of the mysteries [or about several mysteries] and/or a little more about Lilly and Veronica's life before Lilly was murdered, and it just... it doesn't give everything away, I mean... we still don't know the answers to like... any of the mysteries. But... it gives you little tidbits, little things to make you more intrigued. With Lost... I enjoyed pilot, and I thought it could be a really interesting show. But there are just as many mysteries on Lost, really, and we haven't found any answers. Things are introduced and then all of a sudden disappear. I mean, you know the monster tromping around in the first episode that eats the pilot of the plane? I think that might appear in an episode or two after that, but... after the first few episodes, it pretty much disappears with no mention, and all of a sudden the people stranded on the island are traipsing around in the jungle with no fear of running into it. It'd be all right if it were like Veronica Mars, where we found a small clue or... something to tide us over, but we don't. It's really aggravating after awhile. I think right now we're finally getting to some answers, but I can't be sure. Still, it's been a lot more enjoyable for me through the run of Veronica Mars because while we still don't know everything, we've learnt little by little. The pacing's just a lot better, IMO.
...still, Lulu, I bet you'll enjoy Lost a lot more than I do. I think I'm a lot more critical of things -_____- But... yeah. Those are my opinions on that.
...ok. homework time. right.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
I wish I knew how to talk to people. I wish I knew how to socialize. I wish I knew how to be more self-confident. I wish I knew how to become better friends with people. I wish I could be more like I used to be, but at the same time, I hate who I used to be. I wish I had more friends than I feel like I do.
I try, but I really don't know how to socialize with people. I'm not sure how it happened, but it did. Somewhere between 8th and 9th grade, and even more between 9th and 10th, it was lost. I like to blame it on 6th grade, but I had friends in middle school. I knew how to talk to people then. I don't now. I wish I could fix it, but I don't know where to start.
I'll try harder, though. Maybe it'll get better over time.
On a totally unrelated note, Bunny is a fucking awesome comic. wheeeeee. Also, spectrummed and got The Mars Volta, Authority Zero, Billy Talent, and Cursive CDs. Awesome.
I want sleep. My mom woke me up early for a dentist appointment in Orange [so half an hour away], and when we got there no one was there, and we ended up waiting like an hour before going home and then found that the appointment was scheduled for next Saturday. sigh. Not cool, man. Not cool.
Friday, March 11, 2005
a;ldfsj omfg like whoa are the saturday Sluggy's so much better than they were when Ian was doing MitDoG/P. seriously. ahhh. i actually enjoy them more than the current sluggys, which is probably because I miss Torg/Riff/etc. and the Bun-Bun storyline going on now is super confusing and it'll probably make sense after it's all played out and i go back and reread it, but right now it's like "...wha?"
uhhh lulu if you ever come online, the link for the thing you need to download is www.xvid.org. Click on downloads and then scroll the bottom. I don't know which one to download; I believe I downloaded the first, but I think for that you have to download another program, Winrar [just search on google for it if you choose to download it] to open it. You could try downloading the third, that ends in .zip, and unzip it with Winzip or if you have Windows XP, unzipping it'll be an option to the left of the window with the zipped file in it. ...no, this isn't confusing in the slightest. shhhh.
uhhhh i want sleep.
[dies from exhaustion]
French: she said she wouldn't count our verb test parts of our tests from last Wednesday, which is good, since i was an idiot and didn't conjugate like 500 forms that we were supposed to because i misunderstood what we had to do and wasn't thinking, and didn't realize until like 1 min before she collected them, so i would've failed it. took another verb test thing, except it was shorter.
Science: blah. science is stupid. except i have a 93.2 in it now, which is somehow up from last time he updated our grades. awesome. i'm totally getting an A in science this semester >:O
English: uh. movie. except i studied for AP US instead, kind of. except the movie kept distracting me. rar. gatsby looked like i thought nick should, and nick looked like an older form of how i though gatsby should, so it was quite confusing. and daisy also looked too old. >:O jordan and tom were sufficient, though.
AP US: New Deal/WWII test. uh. it wasn't that bad, really. multiple choice i knew almost all of them, only like... 3 i had any real trouble with. short answer was a little worse, but i knew all the matching/fill-in [except for 1 fill-in, but i think i got it right anyway] and most of the short answer. so yeah. everyone before who had taken it said it was really difficult, and after class i heard people from my period going "-___- that was really hard" and i was all "...er o___o" so i'm not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing i thought it wasn't too bad; either i knew it all really well, so i had no trouble with it, or i just thought i knew stuff and/or didn't catch a bunch of stuff that i should've. blah. i'll try to be positive, though, so at least i won't worry about it all weekend.
Algebra 2: sub. we were supposed to work on our review sheets, but i hate when we're supposed to do review before the night before the test because if i do it like today, then that's not going to help me for monday. i'll forget most of it, or at the very least, it won't be as clear in my head. it's a lot better to do it the night before so it's fresh in my head. instead, i did my french homework and read some of the book for science.
Wind Ensemble: went to 3 instead of 2:38 like normal because we had a clinician. very, very exhausted. gah.
rar. i want to collapse onto my bed right now. or get caffeine.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
wheeeeeee! i passed my driver's test and got my license! :DDDD i like how originally i was planning on not telling anyone so if i didn't pass, i wouldn't feel as horrible knowing that everyone knew i failed, but then i was like "...well, i guess i could tell some people..." so i told like one or two when there were like... lapses in conversation, or when the subject of it came up. and then yesterday like 2 people asked me when i was getting it, so i couldn't be all "uh. i don't want to tell you." so yeah. but i'm pretty sure everyone forgot anyways, so that's ok :) wheeee. [happy]
uh. today! too lazy. i have a headache and i'm tired and i need to do my science homework and study for the AP US test i have friday, but it was a rather good day. so yes.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The best part about tenor lessons is the drive home and back; I get to drive and use the little thingy that allows me to listen to my ipod over the radio. Today on the drive home, I found that "What's the Dillio" by Mest is the most fun song ever. Seriously. It's not even one of my favorite songs, and I don't think it's like... brilliant. It's just... fun. It amuses me. Besides, whenever I hear the song, all I can think of is the hands in the video. The hands are awesome. Hee that video rocks.
uh. right. The WB/NBA is a bitch, because they preempted a brand new episode of Gilmore Girls for the fucking Lakers. Gah. The Lakers were cool when I was like 8. They suck now. Horrible, horrible team. Gilmore Girls is far more important. I mean, who honestly thinks the Lakers will win the championship or whatever this year? Yeah, that's right. There's no chance in hell they will. So why delay the inevitable? Get them the fuck off my screen so I can watch the first episode with the reunited Luke and Lorelai since they broke up 3-4 episodes ago. I suffered through the angst for weeks, people! I deserve my new episode >:O gah. They're showing it on Saturday at like 8 pm, but like I'm waiting that long. I'm totally downloading the torrent tomorrow. ...of course, I have no fucking clue when I'll watch it. Wednesday I'll be studying for the AP US test Friday, Thursday is the concert and more studying, so I guess Friday? That's only like a day early. How cheap. I hate the fucking WB.
So yes. Instead of a brand new GG that I was really looking forward to [last new one before a million month hiatus!] and a rerun of Veronica Mars that I watched Saturday night, I got the Lakers and a rerun of Veronica Mars that I watched Saturday night. So, I did just what anyone would expect that I would do in this case: I watched episode 7 [next in my order of episodes] of Veronica Mars, and then watched the rerun of Veronica Mars at 9 on UPN that I watched Saturday night and have seen 3 times now. And it's not even close to being one of my favorite episodes. Yeah. Totally not obsessed, by the way.
wheeeeeee. off to procrastinate studying more! unwise, but that's all right. i have an A in French. I'm not in danger just yet.
hm. i thought blogger ate my post, but apparently it's showing up now. bizarre.
uh two nights ago i had a rather amusing dream. i was in line for this concert thing with my dad [wtf?] for some reason, and when we got to the front there was this bouncer guy? he had long blonde hair in a ponytail and was tan and very buff [...and looked exactly like that guy in episode 1.05 of Veronica Mars, You Think You Know Somebody. i am so. not. obsessed. shut up.] and then was all "Hey, do you want to go in that line over there?" or something and it was this line for like... people to go backstage-ish? or at least meet the bands? heh, i'm not even sure what bands they were. but my dad turned to me and was all "didn't you do that that one time?" and iw as all "yeah!" and he was all "did you meet the bands?" and i was all "yeah! it was cool!" or something and then he turned back and was all "No thanks." and i was all "OMG!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" and he was all "...well, you've already done that once." but i think he was worried they'd like molest me or rape me or something, 'cause that's what guys in bands do. and i remember being really pissed off at him :) it was amusing.
...yes. anyways. i've been remember my dreams a lot more lately. i had one a few nights ago where it was basically like Lost, and I was one of the people on the island, but I don't remember much other than running around a bunch and trying to get wood. so. yeah.
uh. i should be doing homework.
"And most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with us." - Washington, D.C.; January 30, 2003.
French: seriously. can we ever choose our own groups? we end up being with roughly the same people 95% of the time anyways. -_____-
Science: uh. lab. blah.
English: went through chapter 7.
AP US: notes. woohoo.
Algebra 2: homework, notes, went over quizzes.
Wind Ensemble: clinic with Mr. Steele. rar.
gah. i'm tired. i so don't want to go to a lesson -____- and of course, tonight i have 0-8391823078928736987034 tons of homework when last night, the night lessons were on up till a few weeks ago, all i had was some math homework which was very simple. sigh. i suppose it doesn't matter what day i move it to, it'll always be the worse day ever for it -______- gah.
Monday, March 07, 2005
mmkay, so I got bored and uploaded the Veronica Mars pilot to yousendit.com. It'll be up for like seven days, I think? yes. so download it, because it is aaaawesome. uhh it'll probably take a long time to download [took me about an hour to upload, and i have a fast computer], but give it time. It should be able to be played by Real Player. If you have problems playing it, then bug me about it and I can give you the link to this thing you need to download [it's called xVid, I believe? you can probably find it yourself, really. it'll allow you to view the file] and then you should be able to see it.
yes. so. download it! >:O rar.
"Governor, thank you very much. I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport." - Arlington, Virginia; October 2, 2001.
"We had a good cabinet meeting, talked about a lot of issues. Secretary of State and Defense brought us up to date about our desires to spread freedom and peace around the world." - Washington, D.C.; August 1, 2003.
"It's good to see so many friends here in the Rose Garden. This is our first event in this beautiful spot, and it's appropriate that we talk about policy that will affect people's lives in a positive way in such a beautiful, beautiful part of our national-really, our national park system, my guess is you would want to call it." - Washington, D.C.; February 18, 2001.
French: gahhhh. why can't we ever choose our own groups? seriously. -____-
Science: uh. stuff. blah.
English: went through chapter 6, I believe. the assignment i procrastinated doing until like 10 last night she moved ahead to Wednesday x____x gah.
AP US: er. notes. our test is Friday. Thursday night is the Rancho concert thing that Wind Ensemble is also playing at. [dies]
Algebra 2: uh. notes. quizzes back. i got a 17/20. not too bad. i had been planning on studying for it a lot more than i did, so it's a decent enough grade.
Wind Ensemble: music. surprise.
gah. i am tiiiired. how come the second i move lessons to Tuesdays, I stop getting homework assigned Monday nights? seriously, what's with that? all i have tonight left to do is math, since I read chapter 7 of Gatsby last Friday during lunch. blah. -_____- whatever. gives me time to waste on Sims 2. ...instead of practicing parallel parking, which is what i should be doing. gah. [screwed]
i need sleep. -___-
Sunday, March 06, 2005
fuck. i am so stuck on this assignment. i had this good idea, but i'm afraid it's too out there to do, and i've tried doing it anyways and i'm stuck there as well. x_____x gahhhhh. [dies] and i need to finish it before 10:15 so i have time to shower and detangle my hair. gahhhhhh.
perhaps it would've been wise to forego watching Veronica Mars. but but omg so good like whoa. ahhhh. :DDD
sigh. i fail at life.
ha. i need to remember not to buy computer games the night before i'm planning on doing loads of work. gah. x_______x
somehow i managed to do all my homework but french and english [although it's all BS]. french i'm doing before school tomorrow, since it's workbook and she won't even collect that till wednesday at the test. english... er. i told myself i'd start it at 7:30. and... it's kind of 8:03 now. blah. thankfully i don't believe it's for a grade. otherwise i'd be dying right now.
ah. but even with my screwed-ness, i'm still going to end up watching episode 6 of Veronica Mars at 9. see, what with the mega long hiatus [march 29th! (dies)], i decided to split up the episodes and watch them every week until the next new episode. there have been 15 episodes and there are 5 total weeks from the last new episode to the next new episode, so 3 a week. 3 last week, and i did 2 last night, so 1 tonight. i like the episodes even more now that i'm all invested in them. especially the like... entire last act of episode 4, which i already adored. like, the A-plot of that episode kind of sucks in comparison to most, but the rest is so fucking kick-ass that it makes up for that. besides, a subpar Veronica Mars plot is like an A-. i think that might be my favorite episode, even with its flaws. it's too hard to choose a favorite episode for this show x____x gah.
...this wasn't meant to turn into a thing about how amazing Veronica Mars is. blah.
...but one last thing about it. i think i'm going to upload the pilot to yousendit.com and then post the link there and then anyone who's curious about it after all my millions of "OMG SO AWESOME LIKE WHOA!!!!1!!" or if you're planning on watching the second episode with Alyson Hannigan because you were a Buffy fan [coughLULUcough], then you can download it and watch it. it's easier than jumping in at episode 16, because the episodes don't stand alone that well. i mean, you could watch it and pick it up, but i find it so much easier to just watch the pilot. especially since the next alyson hannigan episode is episode 19, which is 3 before the finale, and by then all the plots will be coming together and it'll be super confusing like whoa. and plus, if you do decide you like it, then... some stuff could be superly spoiled for you if you want to go back and watch from the beginning.
um. i should stop babbling about this, because i don't think anyone actually will download it, even if i put it up x____x
right. i really need to do my english assignment. -_____-
oh. but. last thing, surprisingly unrelated to Veronica Mars.
Rise Against is really nice :) I'm enjoying their CD quite much.
mmkay. english. i'm totally going to do that now. coughcough.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
sims 2 university expansion pack is teh rox0rz.
ooh i forgot. when i bought my CDs at FYE, I was wearing the Motion City Soundtrack shirt I got from the concert a few weeks ago and the guy working at the cash register told me my shirt was cool. wheeee. someone who knows who they are! awesome. :D
rar. went spectrumming. got the new Rise Against CD, Green Day's "Insomniac", Alkaline Trio's "From Here to Infirmary", and Franz Ferdinand's self-titled CD. wheeee. Ruben served us at Johnny Rocket's and he shook my hand and gave us the kids stuff and crayons and both of us free cokes. wheeee. oh, and I also got the Sims 2 University expansion pack. wheeee!
blah. i'm tired. and my contact is being stupid x____x rar
Friday, March 04, 2005
gah. [dies] people's stupidty has been overwhelming me recently -______-
uh. bad day. so. not writing about it. if i skip a school day, it's more likely than not because it sucked. well, sucked worse than usual.
i want to go to spectrum tomorrow so i can get Sims 2 Expansion Pack: University. and 5 billion CDs. and a Java Chip from Starbucks, because I haven't had one in forever.
i'm finally going to watch the movie i illegally downloaded sunday Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tonight. wheeeee. looking forward to it. i've been saving it for tonight. hopefully i'll find it as good as i've heard it is.
sims 2 until then! wheeeee.
home is so much more enjoyable than school.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." = U.S. News & World Report; January 3, 2000.
"The students at Yale come from all different backgrounds and all parts of the country. Within months, I knew many of them." - From A Charge to Keep, by George W. Bush; published November 1999.
Science: with the last test, i have a 92.4 in the class. awesome. i got a 87.5 on the written part [...how in the hell did he only take one off for my explanation of how the nuclear place thingy works?! i had NO fucking clue how it worked, i BSed the entire thing! hee, he wrote "not specific enough" next to it. like, duh. that's because I HAD NO CLUE WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT.] and a 85.2 on the multiple choice. niiice. i mean, it did bring down my grade like... 5 percent or something, but I wasn't really expecting to keep that high of a grade all semester. i'm just surprised i did that well. still, i need to stop being all... non-studying the night before. i get lucky more often than not, but... i can't keep doing it and expecting to get B's and above. -_____- uh rest of period did computer stuff, but i finished like half an hour early. blah. boring.
Office Hours: briefly considered practicing, but instead finished math and French homework. awesome.
AP US: gah. he handed out DBQ packets and i started freaking out, but instead we just did what we did last week: wrote how we would use each document and then went over it. plus, there were two sample essays for that DBQ attached and one was given a 15, the other a 10 [13-15 is like a 5 on the AP test, 10 is I think a 3] and remarks about the stuff they did wrong and right and stuff. pretty helpful. except, seeing those, there's no chance in hell i could get a 15. i'd be lucky to get a 10. sigh. notes for like 15 min, then i read the rest of the period. almost done with my book! wheeeee.
Wind Ensemble: uh. challenge. i signed up to challenge Emma just for fun, but that ended up being really stupid, since I forgot about it last night until about 10, and then I was just "blah. screw that." I practiced during lunch for about 15 min. uhhh fucked up the scale, but the music part was fine. didn't beat her, but... didn't really care. i hadn't expected to, even if i hadn't fucked up the scale. rest of the period... played music. woosh. i liked the piece we sight read.
rar. English cultural eye thing and studying for Algebra 2 quiz. fun. blah. -___-